Sexuality Education for the Student with Deafblindness - TETN 20441

Sexuality Education for the Student with Deafblindness - TETN 20441
TETN 20441, Sexuality Education for the Student with Deafblindness presented by Robbie Blaha, M. Ed. The topic of this video is Issues in Sexuality and Deafblindness: Modesty, Appropriate Touch, and Menstruation. These topics are taken from the IDEA/OSEP approved book Introduction to Sexuality Education for Individuals who are Deaf-Blind and Significantly Developmentally Delayed.

Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments:
- Introduction
- Online Resources
- Modesty
- Teaching Modesty - Strategies Part 1
- Teaching Modesty - Strategies Part 2
- Modesty - Summary
- Appropriate Touch
- Appropriate Touch - Teaching Strategies Part 1
- Appropriate Touch - Teaching Strategies Part 2
- Appropriate Touch - Teaching Strategies Part 3
- Menstruation

Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).
TSBVI Outreach
sexuality, Deafblind, Robbie Blaha, modesty, appropriate touch, menstruation, behavior intervention plan, Charge Syndrome, David Brown, disrobe, disrobing, emerging communication, etiology, family, families, gender identity, gender, grabbing, greeting, groping, hug, intervention, medication, NCDB, occupational therapist, period, menstrual cycle, permission, prematurity, privacy, private, proprioceptive pressure, sanitary napkin, sex ed, social interaction, stranger, stripping, touch