7 items found in 1 pages
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Exploring the Sense of Touch 8-23-21
Open captioned. Have you ever wondered why your student seems tactually defensive or doesn’t want to touch objects or people, or shuts down and becomes passive when presented with tactile learning opportunities? Not all touch sensations are created equal. Neurologically, different forms of touch are connected to emotion and executive function such as problem solving. These tactile processing areas of the brain can work to suppress or support learning. In this webinar we will examine how we may need to change our approach to support and encourage our students’ abilities to access instructional materials through touch.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: OT Review of Sensory Processing 5-24-21
Join Lisa as she reviews the terms Sensory Processing, Sensory Efficiency Skills, and Sensory Integration. She will discuss the what and where of the vision system, sense of smell, limbic system, touch sensation, vestibular function and proprioception.
Touch has Memory
A slideshow from the 2016 workshop Power of Touch. During this workshop TSBVI Outreach consultants help parents re-discover how tactile communication empowers their children, allowing them to express themselves, be understood and learn about the world.
ECC Series: Compensatory Skills - Tactile Skills
12/10/2015 Our ECC webinar series continues with a focus on tactile skills, an important part of the Compensatory / Access Skills area.  Compensatory skills refer to the use of strategies, techniques, and adapted materials that students with visual impairments need to access the general education and common core curricula. Facilitated by Ann Adkins, Educational Consultant and featuring members of the TSBVI Curriculum Development Team, Debra Sewell and Jeri Cleveland. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Tactile Skills Development - Prep for Tactile Learning - Hierarchy of Tactile Skills - Team Work Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt), handout (pdf) and/or audio recording (mp3).
The Power of Touch
Testimonials from parents who participated in the The Power of Touch workshop at Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired. Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).
Sensory Learning Kit Study Group 2
10/27/2014 The second study group session for TVIs learning how to effectively use the Sensory Learning Kit (SLK); facilitated by Scott Baltisberger and Sara Kitchen, VI Education Consultants for the TSBVI Outreach Program Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Welcome & Goals - Sensory Learning Summary - Questions - Final Comments Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).
Sexuality Education for the Student with Deafblindness - TETN 20441
TETN 20441, Sexuality Education for the Student with Deafblindness presented by Robbie Blaha, M. Ed. The topic of this video is Issues in Sexuality and Deafblindness: Modesty, Appropriate Touch, and Menstruation. These topics are taken from the IDEA/OSEP approved book Introduction to Sexuality Education for Individuals who are Deaf-Blind and Significantly Developmentally Delayed.
Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Introduction - Online Resources - Modesty - Teaching Modesty - Strategies Part 1 - Teaching Modesty - Strategies Part 2 - Modesty - Summary - Appropriate Touch - Appropriate Touch - Teaching Strategies Part 1 - Appropriate Touch - Teaching Strategies Part 2 - Appropriate Touch - Teaching Strategies Part 3 - Menstruation
Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).