90 items found in 12 pages
Learning with Travelers who are DeafBlind: Insights from Practice and Research
Open captioned. O&M with people who are DeafBlind involves the use of touch-based and kinesthetic strategies that aren’t as emphasized in traditional O&M training programs. These strategies not only benefit people who are DB but also can support all travelers. In our panel discussion, we will share what we are learning from children and adults who are DB about the importance of trust, touch, communication, and technology integration. Panelists will summarize takeaways from research and practice to promote the insights from DB travelers in order to improve O&M services. An ASL interpreter is in this meeting for the presenters.
Who Are Proficient Communicators and How Can We Support Them?
Open captioned. In recent years there has been a shift in the population of students on the Texas Deafblind Child Count indicating an increasing number of congenital deafblind students who are taking standardized state testing with or without accommodations. These children may be in general education classes performing at near, on, or above grade level, and typically have strong communication skills using speech, sign language, braille, and/or print. In this Coffee Hour presentation, we will look at 12 important considerations to be mindful of as we provide support to these students.
Cognitive Evaluation for Students who are Deafblind: A Panel Discussion Regarding Best Practices
Open captioned. A panel including a Deafblind Education Consultant, an Educational Diagnostician, and a Family Engagement Coordinator will discuss best practices in evaluating cognitive abilities of students who are deafblind. Topics include eligibility criteria for Intellectual Disability, using caution with global measures of intelligence, the benefit of targeted measures, and the importance of a collaborative approach.
Tech Tea Time: AT for Little Ones who are Deafblind
Belinda Fayard host this week and Hillary Keys presents on Assistive Technology for Little Ones who are Deafblind.
Deafblind Expanded Core Curriculum Considerations
As part of the new publication, "Essential Tools of the Trade for Teachers of Students who are Deafblind: A How-To Guide for Completing Evaluation", seven considerations for additional expanded core curriculum areas were developed and proposed. This session will review the seven areas, the considerations connected to them, and will provide the opportunity for discussion around each of the proposed areas. Open captioned.
TSBVI - Yoga - Modeling, America Sign Language and Picture Support
Audio-described and open-captioned. Whitney uses American Sign Language, counting, a book with pictures of the routine, and imitation to guide Yesdy in a yoga routine in the classroom.
Orientation and Mobility Services for Individuals who are Deafblind- A Panel Discussion
A panel of COMS who serve individuals who are deafblind will be discussing topics within the field of deafblind orientation and mobility. This will include the future of the field, strategies that are used, and what makes deafblind O&M unique. Open captioned and ASL.
Recapping the 2023 Texas Symposium on Deafblind Education
Join us as we recap the highlights from the 2023 Texas Symposium on Deafblind Education that occurred at the end of February in Austin, TX. Open captioned and ASL.
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