16 items found in 2 pages
IFSP Meetings are not ARDs/IEPs for Babies
Open captioned. In this Coffee Hour, we will talk about required documentation, the laws and rules around IFSP meetings, who is required to attend, and what a typical meeting looks like.
Don't Build Your House on the Sand: IEPs, PLAAFPs and Goals
Open captioned. When building a house, it’s important to build on a strong foundaiton so it doesn’t fall down later. Creating an IEP starts the same way--with strong statements of present levels that lead to pertinent and collaborative standards-based goals. As boring as this topic may sound, we'll have some fun this session while we review the necessary components for a strong and compliant foundation for students' IEPs. Participants will: • Know and understand the components of a PLAAFP statement • Know and understand the components of goals for IEPs • Describe the connection between PLAAFP statements, state standards, and goals, and how working collaboratively will benefit the process.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Setting the Foundation: Writing PLAAFPs, IEP Goals, and a Short Word on IFSPs
Open captioned. When building a house, it’s important to have a strong foundation so it doesn’t fall down later. Creating an IEP or IFSP starts the same way--with strong statements of present levels that lead to pertinent and collaborative goals. As boring as this topic may sound, we'll have some fun this session while we review the necessary components for a strong and compliant foundation for students' IEPs. Participants will: • Know and understand the components of a PLAAFP statement • Know and understand the components of goals and outcomes for IEPs and IFSPs • Describe the connection between PLAAFP statements and goals, and how working collaboratively will benefit the process.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Collaborating with Families in the IEP Process
Join Lane McKittrick of Lane of Inquiry, Deafblind Education Research and Family Support, as she shares her dual perspective on IEP collaboration – both as a parent and as a special education researcher focused on deafblindness. Lane will review the importance of collaborating with families, share common challenges that families face with the IEP process, and review collaborative strategies. As a researcher who has also conducted COVID specific research on deafblindness, she will also discuss COVID implications for collaborating during the pandemic. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
Active Learning Study Group - September 2017
9/28/2017 This is a 5-part series of webinars that will focus on a variety of topics, such as setting up a classroom and schedule, choosing materials, addressing the student with CVI, using Active Learning with older students and information on research related to Active Learning. Various guest speakers will be a part of this year’s presentations. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Introduction & Viewer Survey - Forum Question Answered - Materials - Position Board Case Study - Discussion Click the Attachment button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
Yoga Webinar Series: February 2017
02/23/2017 In this final webinar of the three part series, we will present strategies to support the academic learning of students with visual impairments. Participants will be given a sequence appropriate for middle-- high school academic students with visual impairments. Participants will gain an understanding of how to include yoga in to the school environment and how to garner support from other staff members. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - What is Yoga & Its Benefits - Academic IEP & Related Service Goals - Support Levels - Environment - Yoga Routine - Materials - Implementation Click the Resources button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
Using Play and Recreation for Concept Development from Preschool to Graduation and Beyond
06/17/2016 Mickey Damelio, Assistant Instructor, Center for Education Research and Policy Studies, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida explores the Recreation and Leisure component of the Expanded Core Curriculum. He discusses keeping everything integrated as we plan for instruction, and the importance of not losing sight of social skill instruction, or O&M, etc. Mickey talks about specific games and activities that students might enjoy, and ways to work with school staff and families to ensure that our students are getting healthy access to opportunities for recreation and leisure. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Why Rec & Leisure? - Collaboration is Critical - Tips for Instruction - Principles of Adaptation - Adaptations - Specialized Sports - Resources Click the Resources button to download a transcript and/or audio file.
Active Learning Study Group - January 2017
1/26/2017 Penrickton Center for the Blind, Perkins School for the Blind and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired host this series of webinars on Active Learning, an instructional approach developed by Dr. Lilli Nielsen. In this series of webinars we will share ideas for moving from assessment to IEP development to delivering instruction. Attention will be given to organizing the student’s day and delivering both general curriculum and expanded core curriculum content using an Active Learning approach.
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