TSBVI Coffee Hour: Setting the Foundation: Writing PLAAFPs, IEP Goals, and a Short Word on IFSPs

TSBVI Coffee Hour: Setting the Foundation: Writing PLAAFPs, IEP Goals, and a Short Word on IFSPs
Open captioned. When building a house, it’s important to have a strong foundation so it doesn’t fall down later. Creating an IEP or IFSP starts the same way--with strong statements of present levels that lead to pertinent and collaborative goals. As boring as this topic may sound, we'll have some fun this session while we review the necessary components for a strong and compliant foundation for students' IEPs. Participants will: • Know and understand the components of a PLAAFP statement • Know and understand the components of goals and outcomes for IEPs and IFSPs • Describe the connection between PLAAFP statements and goals, and how working collaboratively will benefit the process.
Lowell Bartholomee
coffee hour, IEP