TSBVI Coffee Hour: Collaborating with Families in the IEP Process
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Collaborating with Families in the IEP Process
Join Lane McKittrick of Lane of Inquiry, Deafblind Education Research and Family Support, as she shares her dual perspective on IEP collaboration – both as a parent and as a special education researcher focused on deafblindness. Lane will review the importance of collaborating with families, share common challenges that families face with the IEP process, and review collaborative strategies. As a researcher who has also conducted COVID specific research on deafblindness, she will also discuss COVID implications for collaborating during the pandemic.
Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
Videos Original | |
4530 | |
4/8/2021 | |
00:53:47 | |
IEP, ARD, deafbliind, collaboration |