13 items found in 2 pages
TSBVI Coffee Hour: The Power of Choice
11/30/2020 The Power of Choice with Marina McCormick. Learn more about the coach-client dynamic. Explore research-based practices that focus on keeping your client in the driver's seat as you work together to improve student outcomes. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
Yoga Choice
A student with deafblindness selects a final yoga pose for his routine from a selection of cards with braille and large print.
Reading the Yoga Routine (braille)
A student with deafblindness selects yoga poses for his routine from a collection of cards labelled with braille and text.
Pick a Pose
A student picks a card out of a container to determine her next yoga pose. She uses her braille skills to read the card.
Yoga Webinar Series: February 2017
02/23/2017 In this final webinar of the three part series, we will present strategies to support the academic learning of students with visual impairments. Participants will be given a sequence appropriate for middle-- high school academic students with visual impairments. Participants will gain an understanding of how to include yoga in to the school environment and how to garner support from other staff members. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - What is Yoga & Its Benefits - Academic IEP & Related Service Goals - Support Levels - Environment - Yoga Routine - Materials - Implementation Click the Resources button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
Outdoor Challenge
The weekend provides an overnight outdoor camping experience for students in grades 8-12. During the class, students participate in activities such as outdoor cooking, setting up and breaking down a campsite, ziplining, low ropes course activities, team-building games, and a guided nature walk. Students practice environmental awareness and learn about outdoor clothing and equipment needs (e.g., tents, sleeping bags, lanterns, camping cookware and food). The weekend provides opportunities for students to practice self-determination and social skills through problem-solving, goal setting and attainment, active listening, and assertive communication.
Iron Chef
In this class, based on the premise of the Iron Chef television show, students will prepare and cook a variety of basic foods within a fun context, as they prepare food over the course of the weekend. They will learn a variety of culinary techniques, including using a stove and oven, how to handle raw meat, cutting/chopping/dicing, pouring, measuring, food safety, using a timer, storing items, working in a team, reading recipes, setting a table, and shopping/grocery store navigation. In the dorm after school, students will also practice other skills of independent living (e.g., organizing one's personal area), as well as social skills, recreation, leisure, and self-determination. Simply being together and sharing similar challenges can be an invaluable, life-changing experience for students.
Lesson Ideas for Self-Determination
01/12/2016 Are you concerned about how to address all of the areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC), especially those that seem a little hard to define?  Self-Determination is one area that means many things to different people. Come join us as we talk about our ideas for teaching self-determination skills, and share some of yours.  Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Scope and Sequence - Unit 1: The Eye & Sight - Unit 2: Student Toolbox - Links on TSBVI website - Unit 2: Lesson 11 - Unit 2: Lesson 13 - Units 3 & 4 Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt), handout (pdf) and/or audio recording (mp3).
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