7 items found in 1 pages
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Driving with Low Vision: An Overview from the Specialists
2/1/2021 “Will I be able to drive?” is a question that students with low vision may ask and have trouble finding accurate information to on this topic. What are transportation options not driving? Attend this session for answers. Panelists include a low vision specialist, a certified driving rehabilitation specialist and an active traveler (non-driver) who has low vision. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
What's a Bioptic? How can COMS support potential drivers?
10/4/2017 “Can I be a driver?” is an emotion packed question for a teenager who has low vision. As part of travel skills, a COMS is likely to hear this question asked by a student or curious adults. What is the COMS role in regards to pre-driver training, use of the bioptic, or student driver instruction? The presenters will answer these questions in addition to previewing a one-day workshop that focuses on the driving question for students and parents. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Overview - Low Vision & Driving in Texas - Basics of Bioptics - Practice, Practice, Practice - LiveBinder on Bioptic Driving - Driver's Education - Resources Click the Attachment button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
In the Driver's Seat: From the COMS Perspective
In the Drivers' Seat An interview with Rehabilitation Specialist, Chuck Huss, about how Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialists and help in teaching the prerequisite skills needed to become a bioptic driver. Click the Resources button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
In the Driver's Seat: From the Parent's Perspective
In the Drivers' Seat An interview with Rehabilitation Specialist, Chuck Huss, about how parents can build the prerequisite skills needed to be a safe traveler, and how to help their child explore whether or not bioptic driving is for them. Click the Resources button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
In the Driver's Seat: Pre-Driver Readiness Skills - Part 2
In the Driver's Seat: Chuck Huss - Rehabilitation Specialist part 2
In the Driver's Seat: Pre-Driver Readiness Skills - Part 1
In the Drivers' Seat Interview with Rehabilitation Specialist, Chuck Huss, about pros and cons of hand-held and head-borne telescopes, specialized training for drivers with low vision, and common restrictions for drivers with low vision. Click the Resources button to download a transcript or audio file.
In the Driver's Seat: Low Vision Specialist, Dr. Laura Miller
In the Driver's Seat. A conversation with Low Vision Specialis Dr. Laura S. Miller, O.D. about bioptic designs, and the visual acuity & fields necsssary to pursue a Texas Driver's License. Click the Resources button to download a transcript or audio file.