In the Driver's Seat: Low Vision Specialist, Dr. Laura Miller
In the Driver's Seat: Low Vision Specialist, Dr. Laura Miller
In the Driver's Seat.
A conversation with Low Vision Specialis Dr. Laura S. Miller, O.D. about bioptic designs, and the visual acuity & fields necsssary to pursue a Texas Driver's License.
Click the Resources button to download a transcript or audio file.
A conversation with Low Vision Specialis Dr. Laura S. Miller, O.D. about bioptic designs, and the visual acuity & fields necsssary to pursue a Texas Driver's License.
Click the Resources button to download a transcript or audio file.
TSBVI Outreach | |
679 | |
7/10/2017 | |
00:22:20 | |
low vision, Laura Miller, biotpic, driving, driver, visual acuity, visual fields, monocular | |
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