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Open Captioned. ASL interpretation. Bill Boules is a former blind student turned rehabilitation professional. Join us as he tells a story of learning to use technology in order to gain success. He will discuss gaining independence through exploration, education and empowerment.
TSBVI's responds to the specialized educational needs of students who are blind and visually impaired during the COVID-19 pandemic. [open-captioned]
Playing with Words is a collaborative approach to play-based storytelling with students who are blind or visually impaired who have additional disabilities, including those who are autistic or deafblind. Learn about this microsite on Paths to Literacy, which includes student videos, planning and reflection forms, and ideas & resources to implement this technique.
Participants will:
- Develop an awareness of the Playing with Words approach to storytelling.
- Increase understanding about the different types of stories.
- Become familiar with ideas and resources on the microsite.
Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments:
- Introduction
- Experience Stories
- Songs & Poems
- Pretend Stories
- Yoga Stories
- Epic Stories
Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or audio file.
This webinar will include an overview of STAAR, specifically STAAR End of Course requirements. There will be thorough explanations of how to implement allowable accommodations. The session will end with an opportunity to answer any questions you may have.
Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments:
- General Administration Instructions - Braille
- Specific Braille Instructions
- General Administration Instructions - Large Print
- TEA Revised Accommodations
- Common TSBVI Accommodations
- Embedded Supports
Click the Attachment button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
This webinar will help general ed math teachers to understand how the TVI can help them with their VI student (and others). The presenters will share tips, specialized tools and equipment that are available to help math teachers be ready to improvise in the moment to support their students.
Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments:
- Math Teacher & TVI Collaboration
- Elementary Tips
- Secondary Tips
- Algebra Aerobics
- The Pool Noodle
Click the Attachment button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
Mickey Damelio, Assistant Instructor, Center for Education Research and Policy Studies, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida explores the Recreation and Leisure component of the Expanded Core Curriculum. He discusses keeping everything integrated as we plan for instruction, and the importance of not losing sight of social skill instruction, or O&M, etc. Mickey talks about specific games and activities that students might enjoy, and ways to work with school staff and families to ensure that our students are getting healthy access to opportunities for recreation and leisure.
Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments:
- Why Rec & Leisure?
- Collaboration is Critical
- Tips for Instruction
- Principles of Adaptation
- Adaptations
- Specialized Sports
- Resources
Click the Resources button to download a transcript and/or audio file.
Introduction to Active Learning techniques, by Patty Obrzut, Assistant Director of Penrickton Center for Blind Children.
All students are entitled access to the full range of the general education curriculum. Unfortunately, children with visual impairments are often excluded from instruction in the visual arts due ot the perception that the media and materials are not appropriate for them. This webinar series will provide information on how to make learning in the visual arts accessible and meaningful. The focus of this session will be on the how and why of drawing with students who are blind, taught as a discreet skill in art class and integrated into lessons in the general education curriculum.
Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments:
- Drawing: When & Why
- Positive Image Tools
- Negative Image Tools
- Perkins Brailler & Other Resources
Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt), handout (pdf) and/or audio recording (mp3).