11 items found in 2 pages
Sitios y Sonidos (en español)
Con Subtitulado Oculto. Una visita guiada por el campus.
Sites and Sounds
A guided tour of the TSBVI campus. Narrated and described by Robert Pierson. Closed captioned.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: TSBVI Services 8-2-21
Closed Captioned. An overview of all TSBVI services, including Outreach, Short-term programs, and Comprehensive Programs.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: General Considerations for Supporting Students with Visual Impairments - 8-9-21
Closed Captioned. In this session, we will identify general strategies and considerations for supporting students with visual impairments across learning environments. Attendees will participate in discussions about touch, incidental learning, concept development, and social interactions, and preparing for the new school year. We encourage VI professionals to invite other members of the team, including families, related service providers, and classroom teachers.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Engaging with Families
Join Edgenie Bellah and Kathi Garza with TSBVI Outreach on the August 24th Coffee Hour as they discuss Engaging with Families.
2018 TX Focus - On the Move
Many thanks to all who attended 2018 TX Focus - On the Move.
What's a Bioptic? How can COMS support potential drivers?
10/4/2017 “Can I be a driver?” is an emotion packed question for a teenager who has low vision. As part of travel skills, a COMS is likely to hear this question asked by a student or curious adults. What is the COMS role in regards to pre-driver training, use of the bioptic, or student driver instruction? The presenters will answer these questions in addition to previewing a one-day workshop that focuses on the driving question for students and parents. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Overview - Low Vision & Driving in Texas - Basics of Bioptics - Practice, Practice, Practice - LiveBinder on Bioptic Driving - Driver's Education - Resources Click the Attachment button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
TSBVI Outreach Promo - OpenCaptions
TSBVI Outreach Promo - OpenCaptions
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