38 items found in 5 pages
Learning with Travelers who are DeafBlind: Insights from Practice and Research
Open captioned. O&M with people who are DeafBlind involves the use of touch-based and kinesthetic strategies that aren’t as emphasized in traditional O&M training programs. These strategies not only benefit people who are DB but also can support all travelers. In our panel discussion, we will share what we are learning from children and adults who are DB about the importance of trust, touch, communication, and technology integration. Panelists will summarize takeaways from research and practice to promote the insights from DB travelers in order to improve O&M services. An ASL interpreter is in this meeting for the presenters.
O&M and Aligning the ECC with Developmental Milestones
Open captioned. This session will provide an overview utilizing orientation and mobility support to address age-appropriate development for infants and toddlers with a visual impairment—exploring developmental milestones and the Expanded Core Curriculum.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: O&M VISSIT: An Innovative Tool for Determining Recommendations for Type and Amount of O&M Service - 4-25-22
Open captioned. In this session, visual impairment professionals will learn about the O&M VISSIT, a research-based tool to that helps COMS to recommend appropriate service times for both direct and collaborative consultation times for their students on their O&M caseload. The presentation will include a demonstration of how to use student O&M evaluation data to complete the O&M VISSIT and how to use the O&M VISSIT to make a recommendation for service time during the student's IEP meeting.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: More Remote O&M Strategies
9/21/2020 Join Chris Tabb, COMS from TSBVI Outreach on our September 21st Coffee Hour as he shares resources and strategies for remote instruction in orientation and mobility, as well as the development of a document addressing guidelines and standards for providing orientation and mobility instruction through remote learning channels. Be sure the check the links in the description for additional information. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
Caseload Point System
5/8/2018 Current caseload point systems from around the country will be discussed in relation to finding a point system that represents students’ functional needs and the workload of COMS’s and TVI’s. These concepts for caseload point systems will then be applied to administrative action triggers to allow for naturally occurring staff level changes based on student enrollment rather than having to rely on direct and often time consumer advocacy of the COMS, TVI, parent, or other blindness/vision professional. Specific suggestions for creating a caseload point system that represents a district’s or region’s unique set of variables will be addressed. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Introduction & LiveBinder Resources - Service Delivery Calculation Click the Attachment button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
Introduction to O&M VISSIT
Introduction to O&M VISSIT- Orientation & Mobility Visual Impairment Scale of Service Intensity of Texas: A New Tool to Determine Type and Amount of Service Presenters: Rona Pogrund, Ph.D., Professor and Dr.Shannon Darst, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, Texas Tech University, Texas
Tactile Maps Guidelines
3/6/2018 This webinar will look at how to create tactile maps using guidelines for students who are blind and visually impaired. It will include examples of how to represent point features, line features, area features, names with braille characters, map keys and legends, compass rose indicators, etc. Various computer programs such as Microsoft Word and vector graphics programs will also be discussed. Guidelines and other resources can be found in the LiveBinder at: http://bit.ly/tactilemap Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - LiveBinder Resources - BANA Guidelines - Sample Map Construction - Q & A - Resources
Visual Art for the Visually Impaired: Theater Arts
1/29/2018 This webinar is part of an ongoing series addressing accommodations and strategies for making art accessible for students with visual impairment. In this session Robert Pierson, Theater Arts teacher at TSBVI, will share his experiences and insight regarding methods for effective inclusion of VI students in dramatic productions as well as the positive outcomes that can result from their participation. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Clips from Past Productions - Barriers to Overcome - Benefits of Theater Arts - Student Interviews Click the Attachment button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
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