5 items found in 1 pages
CVI Study Group - October 2018
10/09/2018 Participants will share documents and videos regarding their own students via Google Drive. Participants will discuss newly submitted materials and offer suggestions to share with the community of professionals and parents who would like the opportunity to learn together. Participants will explore suggestions with their student and share how the student responds with the group. Participants will explore topics and resources of interest related to CVI as identified by the group. These webinars will not be recorded. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Intro & CVI Clinic Promo - CVI Symposium & Dr. Marabet - Connectivity & the Thalamus - Additional Resources Click the Attachment button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
Inside the Adaptive Brain
Inside the Adaptive Brain of Individuals with Ocular Blindness and Cortical Visual Impairment. Keynote presentation by Dr. Lofti Merabet at the 2016 SWOMA conference.
Q&A - Inside the Adaptive Brain
Question & Answer session for 2016 SWOMA Keynote, Inside the Adaptive Brain of Individuals with Ocular Blindness and Cortical Visual Impairment. Dr. Lofti Merabet.
Building Spatial Skills through Video Game Play
Developing Spatial Navigation Skills through Video Game Play. Keynote presentation by Dr. Lofti Merabet at the 2016 SWOMA conference. Dr. Merabet shows the neuroscience behind evidence-based enhancements in navigation skills for individuals who are blind by using audio/video games to motivate learners and stimulate brain function.
Q&A - Building Spatial Skills through Video Game Play
Question and Answer segment. Developing Spatial Navigation Skills through Video Game Play. Keynote presentation by Dr. Lofti Merabet at the 2016 SWOMA conference. Dr. Merabet shows the neuroscience behind evidence-based enhancements in navigation skills for individuals who are blind by using audio/video games to motivate learners and stimulate brain function.