105 items found in 14 pages
CVI Phase III Interventions
Diane Sheline demonstrates various techniques and tools to assist the development of students who visually function at Phase III. Close captioned.
CVI Phase I Interventions
Diane Sheline demonstrates various techniques and tools to assist the development of students who visually function at Phase I. Close captioned.
CVI Phase II Interventions
Diane Sheline demonstrates various techniques and tools to assist the development of students who visually function at Phase II. Close captioned.
CVI Promo 2018_SP
La Escuela de Texas para Personas Ciegos y con Deficiencia Visual y los Centros Regionales de Servicios Educativos se han asociado para ofrecer Clínicas de Discapacidad Visual Cortical o clínica de CVI en varios lugares del estado de Texas, para ayudar a los maestros y padres a ayudar a los niños con CVI. Esto es lo que sucede en una clínica de CVI. Haga clic en el botón Adjunto para descargar una transcripción o un archivo de audio.
CVI Promo 2018
Open-captioned. The Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Outreach Programs and Regional Educational Service Centers have partnered to offer cortical visual impairment or CVI clinics in various locations within the state of Texas to help teachers and parents support children with CVI. Here's what happens at a CVI clinic. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript or audio file.
CVI Study Group - October 2018
10/09/2018 Participants will share documents and videos regarding their own students via Google Drive. Participants will discuss newly submitted materials and offer suggestions to share with the community of professionals and parents who would like the opportunity to learn together. Participants will explore suggestions with their student and share how the student responds with the group. Participants will explore topics and resources of interest related to CVI as identified by the group. These webinars will not be recorded. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Intro & CVI Clinic Promo - CVI Symposium & Dr. Marabet - Connectivity & the Thalamus - Additional Resources Click the Attachment button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
CVI Study Group 12-11-2017
CVI Study Group webinar for 12-11-2017. Handout and sign-in roster are available in the Attachments tab below.
CVI Study Group - September 2017
9/19/2017 Participants will share documents and videos regarding their own students via Google Drive. Participants will discuss newly submitted materials and offer suggestions to share with the community of professionals and parents who would like the opportunity to learn together. Participants will explore suggestions with their student and share how the student responds with the group. Participants will explore topics and resources of interest related to CVI as identified by the group. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Strategies for Literacy - Diane Sheline Case Study - Planning for future webinars Click the Attachment button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
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