TSBVI Coffee Hour: WREIC - Transitioning from Early Intervention - Determining the Childs’ Needs Together - 11/14/22

TSBVI Coffee Hour: WREIC - Transitioning from Early Intervention - Determining the Childs’ Needs Together - 11/14/22
Open Captioned and ASL. Join us for this panel presentation from the Western Regional Early Intervention group. Participants will develop techniques to best support families for a successful transition from Early Intervention to an IEP. Participants will recognize a school district's varied perspectives, strategies, needs, and possible limitations during a child’s transition into preschool. Resources Include: • Quality Indicators • NCDB guide: Determining need for an intervener; TSBVI Guide: Determining need for intervener in educational setting.
Lowell Bartholomee
WREIC, early intervention, coffee hour