Open Captioned and ASL. Join us for this panel presentation from the Western Regional Early Intervention group. Participants will develop techniques to best support families for a successful transition from Early Intervention to an IEP. Participants will recognize a school district's varied perspectives, strategies, needs, and possible limitations during a child’s transition into preschool.
Resources Include:
• Quality Indicators
• NCDB guide: Determining need for an intervener; TSBVI Guide: Determining need for intervener in educational setting.
Open captioned. Anchor Center for Blind Children, a non-profit organization that supports families with young children with visual impairment from birth to six in Denver, Colorado, and several local Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)s are collaborating to identify visual function concerns of pre-term infants using a validated visual screening tool called The Neonatal Assessment Visual European Grid (NAVEG). Infants identified to be at risk with the NAVEG are referred for follow-up to ophthalmological care and local early intervention vision services. We will share about the NAVEG research and our training successes.
While the focus of early intervention is to improve a child's developmental outcomes, a provider's energies and efforts focus on the child’s caregivers. We are teachers and coaches for parents, not teachers and therapists for the children. Our goal is to enable caregivers to be effective first teachers – to be consciously competent about how to support the unique needs of their child. As one early intervention provider commented, “the real impact of early intervention occurs after the provider leaves.” In this 2 hour session we will review adult learning frameworks and best practices to build caregivers’ capabilities, specifically the skills, knowledge, and behaviors to be their child’s first teacher. Open captioned and ASL interpreted.