4 items found in 1 pages
TSBVI Coffee Hour: No Car Keys-No Problem, Independent travel when not driving
Having independence in travel is a critical life skill when not driving. This presentation will focus building those unique travel skills and identifying pros and cons of different modes of travel.
2021 DB Symposium - Deafblind Travelers
Dr. Eugene Bourquin, DHA, COMS. This session will review the history and research in the area of communication between deafblind travelers and the uninitiated public, exploring the basic general principles that underlie effective interactions that allow the traveler to get the information and assistance necessary, efficiently and consistently. The focus will be on low-tech solutions, and feature the task of street crossing as an archetypal tool. Learning will happen through lecture, PowerPoint presentation, and videos.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Driving with Low Vision: An Overview from the Specialists
2/1/2021 “Will I be able to drive?” is a question that students with low vision may ask and have trouble finding accurate information to on this topic. What are transportation options not driving? Attend this session for answers. Panelists include a low vision specialist, a certified driving rehabilitation specialist and an active traveler (non-driver) who has low vision. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
The Benefits of the Dakota Disk Cane Tip with Special Populations
The Benefits of the Dakota Disk Cane Tip with Special Populations