6 items found in 1 pages
TSBVI Coffee Hour: But What Do I DO with a Toddler?!
Open captioned. This presentation will focus on instructional strategies for working with infants and toddlers with vision impairment. The session will touch on a variety of topics including, assessment; strategies for developing vision and compensatory skills; glasses and patching; complex kids; motor strategies; working with other professionals; etc.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Using an Active Learning Approach with Infants and Toddlers (WREIC Session)
3/18/2021 This presentation will focus on the principles of Dr. Lilli Nielsen’s Active Learning approach, with special emphasis on its use in early intervention. We will begin by exploring Active Learning Principles, and then look at specific materials and activities that can be done in the home environment. We will also look at the Active Learning Space website https://activelearningspace.org/ and discuss how it can be used to support families and practitioners. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
The Benefits of the Dakota Disk Cane Tip with Special Populations
The Benefits of the Dakota Disk Cane Tip with Special Populations
The Toddler App and Cane System: A Step Forward in VI Toddler O&M
The Toddler App and Cane System: A Step Forward in VI Toddler O&M
Instructional Strategies for VI Students Under the Developmental Age of 3 - TETN 20440
01/30/2014 Kate Hurst discusses strategies for instruction when a child or student with visual impairment or deafblindness is under the developmental age of 3 years; i.e. in the sensory-motor stage. 11 specific strategies are discussed, with reference to research by Dr. van Dijk, Lilli Nielsen, and Barbara Miles. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Introduction - Parents are Experts - Assessment - Minimize Stress - Emotional Development - Child's Interests - Self-directed Learning - Appropriate Interactions - Tactile Sense - Pacing is Everything - Predictable Schedules - Expressive Communication - Discussion - Summary & Resources Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt), handout (pdf) and/or audio recording (mp3).
TETN 32954 - Functional Vision Assessment for VI Infants
10/21/2014 Ann Rash, VI Infant Consultant with the Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired Outreach Program introduces viewers to Pediatric Vision Specialist Lois Harrell, who shows viewers some of the items in her Functional Vision Assessment Kit, conducts two FVAs, and describes her assessments. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Intro & New Web Page - Functional Vision Checklist - Vision in Infants - FVA Kit - Parent Interaction - Functional Vision Assessment - Comparison of FVAs Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).