3 items found in 1 pages
2020-21 Student Welcome Message
Welcome Back message from TSBVI Principal Miles Fain and Assistant Principals, GNell Price, Eden Hagelman, and Tad Doezema. [open-captioned]
The ECC: Webinar #2 - O&M
10/02/2014 The ECC: Webinar #2 - Orientation & Mobility Christy Householter, from Region X Education Service Center, Ruth Ann Marshal and Chris Tabb, both Statewide O&M Consultants for TSBVI Outreach Programs provide detailed information regarding the Orientation and Mobility (O&M) requirements of the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC). Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Introduction - Role of COMs - Collaboration - Sample ECC Checklist - Apps for O&M Click the Resources button for a copy of the Q&A document (MS Word) or transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).
Assessing the Reading Speed and Stamina of Students with Low Vision
This video is a segment of a longer session spent determining the print reading speed and stamina of a 16 year-old student with reduced acuity (low vision). The student featured was reading on grade level, as determined by a Jerry Johns Basic Reading Inventory. This student’s acuity was approximately 20/100 at near point with a diagnosis of retinitis pigmentosa. She had minimal exposure to reading with a magnifier. A previous individual education plan reflected new goals for learning braille. The examiner wanted to determine if the student could function comfortably and efficiently with print, including fluency training with a hand-held magnifier. The student read for a 10 minute (timed) silent reading period broken into two 5-minute intervals. Her word per minute count for the first 5 minutes of reading was compared to the second 5 minutes of reading.

Original contributor Chrissy Cowan
