3 items found in 1 pages
Assessing Spatial Dysfunction in O&M and the Classroom - 2/13/23
We might assume all students can learn orientation, but what if they can’t? How do we recognize and assess spatial dysfunction? Find out when to persist with orientation language, and when to try other navigation strategies instead. Open captioned and ASL interpreted.
Building Spatial Skills through Video Game Play
Developing Spatial Navigation Skills through Video Game Play. Keynote presentation by Dr. Lofti Merabet at the 2016 SWOMA conference. Dr. Merabet shows the neuroscience behind evidence-based enhancements in navigation skills for individuals who are blind by using audio/video games to motivate learners and stimulate brain function.
Q&A - Building Spatial Skills through Video Game Play
Question and Answer segment. Developing Spatial Navigation Skills through Video Game Play. Keynote presentation by Dr. Lofti Merabet at the 2016 SWOMA conference. Dr. Merabet shows the neuroscience behind evidence-based enhancements in navigation skills for individuals who are blind by using audio/video games to motivate learners and stimulate brain function.