7 items found in 1 pages
Low Vision Conference 2021 via Zoom: What Happens after High School? Panel and Closing Remarks
A panel of successful young adults with low vision describing their experiences with AT in the school setting and into adult life. Educational teams who are using technology with their students with low vision are the primary audience for this conference.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Self-Care and Family Engagement
11/12/2020 Bill Brown, Affective Needs/Serious Emotional Disability Specialist explore stress & anxiety, self-care, mindfulness, family engagement and helping families build resiliency. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
2020-21 Student Welcome Message
Welcome Back message from TSBVI Principal Miles Fain and Assistant Principals, GNell Price, Eden Hagelman, and Tad Doezema. [open-captioned]
Prom weekend is that wonderful time of year when TSBVI high school students, along with friends from around the state, put on their finest to dance the night away. We’ll have team-building activities on Friday and Saturday, and students will be encouraged to make their own corsages for the big night. Group of students mugging for the camera before promExpanded Core Curriculum areas covered will include social skills, communication, self-advocacy, recreation-leisure, and independent living, all while participating in exciting activities. Most importantly, the students will be able to visit with old friends and make new ones, which hopefully will endure into adulthood.
Lesson Ideas for Self-Determination
01/12/2016 Are you concerned about how to address all of the areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC), especially those that seem a little hard to define?  Self-Determination is one area that means many things to different people. Come join us as we talk about our ideas for teaching self-determination skills, and share some of yours.  Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Scope and Sequence - Unit 1: The Eye & Sight - Unit 2: Student Toolbox - Links on TSBVI website - Unit 2: Lesson 11 - Unit 2: Lesson 13 - Units 3 & 4 Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt), handout (pdf) and/or audio recording (mp3).
The ECC: Webinar #7
03/05/2015 A webinar discussing the Expanded Core Curriculum and Career Education. Ann Adkins, Education Specialist with the TSBVI Outreach Program introduces Tad Doezema, TSBVI Principal for Career Education Programs and Debra Sewell, TSBVI Curriculum Coordinator. They discuss the curriculum and programs used at TSBVI to implement career education and work exploration for students who are blind or visually impaired or who have multiple disabilities. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Intro - EXIT and Post-Secondary - Using Innovative Courses - General Employability - MAPS I - Work Exploration - MAPS II - Work Training - Links Program - Assessment & Documentation - Resources for Career Education Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt), handout (pdf) and/or audio recording (mp3).
2 of 7, Intro to Dani: Creating Student Portfolio series
TSBVI Outreach Consultant Eva Thompson-Lavigne, TVI, and TSBVI TVI Suzanne Becker deliver a seven part series on how to create a portfolio for students who are visually impaired, visually impaired with multiple impairments, or deafblind. This series was originally part of a TETN presentation hosted by TSBVI Outreach in May 2012.

Original contributor Eva Thompson-Lavigne
