3 items found in 1 pages
Teaching, Learning, and Relationships
Open captioned. Relationships are foundational to the teacher/learner dynamic. Positive, respectful relationships cultivate trust, which enables flexibility and curiosity. We will discuss simple strategies that foster this important piece of the educational puzzle and integrate knowledge from the field of visual impairment. These strategies, while often imperative for complex learners, can apply to any learner.
Family Day 2020 - Sex Ed Q&A
TSBVI Social Worker Michael Clinkscales and Health Teacher Cristi Fleming share information about the UnHushed curriculum for Sex Ed used at TSBVI, and answer questions.
The ECC: Webinar #3 - Social Skills & Self-Determination
11/06/2014 Ann Adkins, Educational Consultant for TSBVI Outreach Programs, TSBVI Curriculum specialists Debra Sewell and Jeri Cleveland review multiple resources for teaching Social Interaction Skills and Self-Determination as part of the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC). Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Introduction & Handouts - Social Interaction Skills - Self-Determination - Self-Control - Getting & Keeping a Job - Data Collection - Additional ECC Resources Click the Resources button for handouts (pdf), a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).