4 items found in 1 pages
David Brown - German Translation of The Forgotten Senses
2017 interview with David Brown, Education Specialist, California Deaf-Blind Services. German voiceover and translation into German Sign Language.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Exploring the Sense of Touch 8-23-21
Open captioned. Have you ever wondered why your student seems tactually defensive or doesn’t want to touch objects or people, or shuts down and becomes passive when presented with tactile learning opportunities? Not all touch sensations are created equal. Neurologically, different forms of touch are connected to emotion and executive function such as problem solving. These tactile processing areas of the brain can work to suppress or support learning. In this webinar we will examine how we may need to change our approach to support and encourage our students’ abilities to access instructional materials through touch.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: OT Review of Sensory Processing 5-24-21
Join Lisa as she reviews the terms Sensory Processing, Sensory Efficiency Skills, and Sensory Integration. She will discuss the what and where of the vision system, sense of smell, limbic system, touch sensation, vestibular function and proprioception.
Sensory Learning Kit Study Group 1
09/22/2014 The first study group session for TVIs learning how to effectively use the Sensory Learning Kit (SLK) as part of Active Learning; facilitated by Scott Baltisberger and Sara Kitchen, VI Education Consultants for the TSBVI Outreach Program Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Welcome & Ground Rules - SLK Rubric TVI Guide - Student Selection - Collaboration & LMAs - SLK Items - Discussion & Final Comments Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).