4 items found in 1 pages
The ECC: Webinar #7
03/05/2015 A webinar discussing the Expanded Core Curriculum and Career Education. Ann Adkins, Education Specialist with the TSBVI Outreach Program introduces Tad Doezema, TSBVI Principal for Career Education Programs and Debra Sewell, TSBVI Curriculum Coordinator. They discuss the curriculum and programs used at TSBVI to implement career education and work exploration for students who are blind or visually impaired or who have multiple disabilities. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Intro - EXIT and Post-Secondary - Using Innovative Courses - General Employability - MAPS I - Work Exploration - MAPS II - Work Training - Links Program - Assessment & Documentation - Resources for Career Education Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt), handout (pdf) and/or audio recording (mp3).
The ECC: Webinar #3 - Social Skills & Self-Determination
11/06/2014 Ann Adkins, Educational Consultant for TSBVI Outreach Programs, TSBVI Curriculum specialists Debra Sewell and Jeri Cleveland review multiple resources for teaching Social Interaction Skills and Self-Determination as part of the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC). Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Introduction & Handouts - Social Interaction Skills - Self-Determination - Self-Control - Getting & Keeping a Job - Data Collection - Additional ECC Resources Click the Resources button for handouts (pdf), a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).
19 of 19, Comparison of EXIT and Post Secondary Program - TETN 13913
EXIT and Post Secondary Program, 19 of 19: TETN 13913. Resources and closing comments. A panel discussion with Kate Hurst, Tad Doezema, Carrie Clark, Laura Lindsey, Paula Willson, and Debra Sewell illustrating the differences between EXIT and the Post Secondary Program through TSBVI and Criss Cole. Four students' programs are examined.

Original contributor Debra Sewell, Kate Hurst

2 of 19, Comparison of EXIT and Post Secondary Program - TETN 13913
EXIT and Post Secondary Program, 2 of 19: TETN 13913. A panel discussion with Kate Hurst, Tad Doezema, Carrie Clark, Laura Lindsey, Paula Willson, and Debra Sewell illustrating the differences between EXIT and the Post Secondary Program through TSBVI and Criss Cole. Four students' programs are examined.

Original contributor Tad Doezema, Carrie Clark, Laura Lindsey, Paula Willson, Debra Sewell
