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cortical visual impairment X
25 items found in 4 pages
Perkins CVI Updates
Open captioned. This session will discuss the Perkins CVI Protocol, the new Perkins interventions library, and CVI Now Educator Hub community, events, and resources.
The CVI Protocol Platform: A Digital CVI Assessment Tool
This presentation will cover the journey of a CVI new assessment tool, The CVI Protocol Platform, what the tool entails, who can use it, and a look into the generated reports. Open captioned.
Promising Practices - Considerations for the Accessibility of Sign Language for Individuals with CVI
This presentation will discuss known implications of CVI as identified through research and shared lived-experiences. Considerations for the visual accessibility of sign language will be discussed as it relates to these visual behaviors, with an emphasis on thoughtful collaboration and a whole-child approach. Open captioned and ASL.
CVI Phase III Interventions
Diane Sheline demonstrates various techniques and tools to assist the development of students who visually function at Phase III. Close captioned.
CVI Phase I Interventions
Diane Sheline demonstrates various techniques and tools to assist the development of students who visually function at Phase I. Close captioned.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Cortical Visual Impairment: Considerations for Augmentative & Alternative Communication Development
Students with cortical visual impairment and complex communication needs including those who have additional/multiple disabilities often require the development of individualized, multimodal communication programs to support their expressive communication and access to information and interactions throughout the day. Professionals working with these students require a holistic understanding of communication development and assessment, and knowledge of unique techniques and approaches that apply to this diverse group of students. A new resource for supporting teams in developing appropriate communication systems for students with CVI will be shared with participants, The AAC/CVI Matrix (Russell & Willis, 2020). Close captioned.
CVI Phase II Interventions
Diane Sheline demonstrates various techniques and tools to assist the development of students who visually function at Phase II. Close captioned.
CVI Study Group - September 2017
9/19/2017 Participants will share documents and videos regarding their own students via Google Drive. Participants will discuss newly submitted materials and offer suggestions to share with the community of professionals and parents who would like the opportunity to learn together. Participants will explore suggestions with their student and share how the student responds with the group. Participants will explore topics and resources of interest related to CVI as identified by the group. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Strategies for Literacy - Diane Sheline Case Study - Planning for future webinars Click the Attachment button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
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