26 items found in 4 pages
Tech Tea Time: Assessment to Present Levels to IEPs
Open captioned. In our final August session we wrap up our 3 session discussion with bridging the assessment process into present levels and IEP goals and objectives for AT.
Tech Tea Time: Initial Assessments
Donna discusses initial assessments. Open captioned.
The CVI Protocol Platform: A Digital CVI Assessment Tool
This presentation will cover the journey of a CVI new assessment tool, The CVI Protocol Platform, what the tool entails, who can use it, and a look into the generated reports. Open captioned.
Tech Tea Time: AT Assessment for TVIs
Donna discusses AT Assessment for TVIs with the group.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Collaborative Evaluations
Evaluation of the student with VI or deafblindness requires a collaborative approach between professionals. This session describes specific information that both evaluation staff and the TVI bring to this process. Published resources supporting this evaluation process for these students will also be discussed.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Taking the Angst Out of Literacy Media Decisions
10/26/2020 Spoiler Alert: It's Not Either/Or - With Kathi Garza and Chrissy Cowan This session focuses on the selection of appropriate literacy media by providing information on the laws related to literacy media decisions for students with a visual impairment, the components for thorough and rigorous literacy media evaluations, and the intricacies of print, braille, and auditory media. Participants will be introduced to the concept of a “customized literacy access plan” with guidance on how to create one for your students and instructional team. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Progression of Tactile Learning- A Developmental Checklist
10/19/2020 The Progression of Tactile Learning is currently in development at TSBVI. It is a checklist designed to help teachers create a “Tactile Profile” for students with visual impairment who are struggling with the acquisition of tactile skills and/or have not made expected progress. This information will assist in developing instruction that targets specific individual needs in that area. Participants will have the opportunity to review and comment on the PTL and we welcome your input! Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
Preparation of Assistive Technology for a Successful School Year
9/6/2018 Create a successful start of the school year for your students with visual impairment. Learn tips and strategies on the preparation of assistive technology (AT), including how students may access instructional/classroom materials or use AT throughout the school day. View sample forms and checklists, and customize them for use with your students. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Assistive Technology - The Law - What, When, How - Environment - Personal Devices - Technical & Other Skills - Classroom & Materials - Checklist, Tips, & Strategies - Resources Click the Attachment button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
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