Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology X
8 items found in 1 pages
Consideration of Assistive Technology for Young Braille Learners
02-04-2020 Do you ever wonder when and how to introduce assistive technology (AT) to young braille students? Learn to use data to plan for the instruction of necessary skills that will lead to the learning of AT. Tips, strategies and resources will be shared during this webinar.Learning Objectives: Participants will deepen their knowledge of active learning assessment, planning, and instruction. Learning Objectives: • Participants will identify the necessary skills for young Braille learners to begin learning about assistive technology (AT). • Participants will use data to plan for the instruction of AT. • Participants will receive tips, strategies and resources. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Young Braille Learners & AT - Focus on Skills & Tasks - Planning, Trials, & Implementation - Tips & Strategies Click the Attachment button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
Preparation of Assistive Technology for a Successful School Year
9/6/2018 Create a successful start of the school year for your students with visual impairment. Learn tips and strategies on the preparation of assistive technology (AT), including how students may access instructional/classroom materials or use AT throughout the school day. View sample forms and checklists, and customize them for use with your students. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Assistive Technology - The Law - What, When, How - Environment - Personal Devices - Technical & Other Skills - Classroom & Materials - Checklist, Tips, & Strategies - Resources Click the Attachment button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
2 of 2, Braille Sense U2: Program Menu
Braille Sense U2: Program Menu. By Sharon Nichols a TSBVI Outreach TVI Consultant.

Original contributor Sharon Nichols

1 of 2, Braille Sense U2: Physical Description
Braille Sense U2: Physical Description. By Sharon Nichols a TSBVI Outreach TVI Consultant.

Original contributor Sharon Nichols

iPad with VoiceOver, 2: Physical Features
Part 2 of 10. "Physical Features of the iPad." From the series "An Introduction to the iPad Using Apple's Native Screen Reader, VoiceOver" by TSBVI VI Outreach Consultant Sharon Nichols.

Original contributor Sharon Nichols

Using a copier with voice activation
Student Christian Manriquez demonstrates how to use a copier with voice activation.
MegaDots Braille Translation Software - Using Styles to Format a Document
TSBVI Outreach Consultant Patrick Van Geem, TVI, demonstrates how to set up Styles to format a document for the MegaDots Braille Translation software.

Original contributor Patrick Van Geem

Best School iPad Apps
Seven iPads apps for all versions of the iPad tablet are reviewed for teachers and students.