19 items found in 3 pages
Orientation and Mobility Services for Individuals who are Deafblind- A Panel Discussion
A panel of COMS who serve individuals who are deafblind will be discussing topics within the field of deafblind orientation and mobility. This will include the future of the field, strategies that are used, and what makes deafblind O&M unique. Open captioned and ASL.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Texas Two Step Scoring Guide - 1-31-22
Open Captioned. In this Coffee Hour, participants will explore and learn how to use the Scoring Tool. Examples of student data and how to use this data in report writing and progress monitoring will be given. Using the ongoing Texas 2 STEPS evaluation and Scoring tool, O&M Specialists will be able to track the student’s incremental progress for parents, teachers and administrators.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Step-By-Step: An Interactive Guide to Mobility Techniques - 11-15-21
Open captioned. ASL. Presentation of a computer curriculum that provides a step-by-step demonstration of how mobility skills are performed, of visual observation skills used by professionals to spot common performance errors made by new learners who are blind, and methods for correcting errors most efficiently. This webinar will also discuss the benefits of using the Step-by-Step curriculum in personnel preparation, skill review by direct service providers, and sharing with significant others who will assist in practicing selected skills with a traveler who is visually impaired.
Introduction to O&M VISSIT
Introduction to O&M VISSIT- Orientation & Mobility Visual Impairment Scale of Service Intensity of Texas: A New Tool to Determine Type and Amount of Service Presenters: Rona Pogrund, Ph.D., Professor and Dr.Shannon Darst, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, Texas Tech University, Texas
Tactile Maps Guidelines
3/6/2018 This webinar will look at how to create tactile maps using guidelines for students who are blind and visually impaired. It will include examples of how to represent point features, line features, area features, names with braille characters, map keys and legends, compass rose indicators, etc. Various computer programs such as Microsoft Word and vector graphics programs will also be discussed. Guidelines and other resources can be found in the LiveBinder at: http://bit.ly/tactilemap Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - LiveBinder Resources - BANA Guidelines - Sample Map Construction - Q & A - Resources
Research Supported Framework for Developing Paraprofessional In-Service Trainings in O&M
Research Supported Framework for Developing Paraprofessional In-Service Trainings in O&M
The Benefits of the Dakota Disk Cane Tip with Special Populations
The Benefits of the Dakota Disk Cane Tip with Special Populations
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