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Yoga Webinar Series: February 2017
02/23/2017 In this final webinar of the three part series, we will present strategies to support the academic learning of students with visual impairments. Participants will be given a sequence appropriate for middle-- high school academic students with visual impairments. Participants will gain an understanding of how to include yoga in to the school environment and how to garner support from other staff members. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - What is Yoga & Its Benefits - Academic IEP & Related Service Goals - Support Levels - Environment - Yoga Routine - Materials - Implementation Click the Resources button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
Yoga Webinar Series: December 2016
12/08/2016 In this Part 2 of a three part series, focus will be on teaching yoga to children with multiple disabilities. Participants will be given a yoga sequence appropriate for children with varying disabilities including Autism, motor impairments, speech impairments, and dual sensory losses. Strategies for incorporating motor skills, social skills, language skills, and self-determination skills will be discussed. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Yoga Overview & Class Prep - Planning Your Yoga Class - Movement - Communication - More on Preparation Click the Resources button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.