99 items found in 13 pages
Perkins CVI Updates
Open captioned. This session will discuss the Perkins CVI Protocol, the new Perkins interventions library, and CVI Now Educator Hub community, events, and resources.
TSBVI Tech Tea Time: CViConnect
CViConnect PRO utilizes the forward-facing camera to capture 64 unique points along the human face in real time. The innovative technology provides educational teams with valuable data points regarding the learner’s functional vision. Join us to understand how this data can be beneficial to the entire IEP team. Throughout this breakout session, participants will be provided with examples of the data recorded and reported to the CViConnect PRO Sessions. Together we will analyze the data provided to gain a deeper understanding of how the learner is using their functional vision.
The CVI Protocol Platform: A Digital CVI Assessment Tool
This presentation will cover the journey of a CVI new assessment tool, The CVI Protocol Platform, what the tool entails, who can use it, and a look into the generated reports. Open captioned.
Promising Practices - Considerations for the Accessibility of Sign Language for Individuals with CVI
This presentation will discuss known implications of CVI as identified through research and shared lived-experiences. Considerations for the visual accessibility of sign language will be discussed as it relates to these visual behaviors, with an emphasis on thoughtful collaboration and a whole-child approach. Open captioned and ASL.
CVI Phase III Interventions
Diane Sheline demonstrates various techniques and tools to assist the development of students who visually function at Phase III. Close captioned.
CVI Phase I Interventions
Diane Sheline demonstrates various techniques and tools to assist the development of students who visually function at Phase I. Close captioned.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: CVI Companion Guide - 9/12/22
Open captioned. How do we better understand the needs of young children with CVI and their caregivers? Over the last three years, early intervention professionals at the New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (NMSBVI) in collaboration with the authors of the CVI Companion Guide grappled with this question. In this Coffee Hour, discover the lessons learned from this collaborative work and how it can inform your practice this school year.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: CVI Scotland - Optimizing Support for Children with CVI Part 3 - 5/16/22
Closed captioned. Professor Gordon Dutton from CVI Scotland is returning to TSBVI, to present the third in their series 'Optimizing Support for Children with CVI'. Part 3 will start with a short explanation of CVI Scotland's new and free 4-Step CVI Support Plan, covering a wide range of needs and issues, and suitable for all with CVI. It is called Pick & Mix. The remaining time of the session will be a 'Question Time' where Professor Dutton will seek to address a set of key questions posed by the CVI community. CVI Scotland's Parent Founder Helen St Clair Tracy will be co-presenting. You can read about Pick & Mix here: • https://cviscotland.org/news/newsletter-39-26-03-2022. • TSBVI's Optimizing Support for Children with CVI Part 1 https://library.tsbvi.edu/Play/19539 • Part 2 https://library.tsbvi.edu/Play/20159.
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