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Bachofer X
6 items found in 1 pages
TSBVI Coffee Hour: No Car Keys-No Problem, Independent travel when not driving
Having independence in travel is a critical life skill when not driving. This presentation will focus building those unique travel skills and identifying pros and cons of different modes of travel.
A Bioptic User's View on Driving
A Bioptic User's View on Driving. Interview with Sophia Sparks about her experience learning to use a bioptic to aid her as a driver with low vision.
What's a Bioptic? How can COMS support potential drivers?
10/4/2017 “Can I be a driver?” is an emotion packed question for a teenager who has low vision. As part of travel skills, a COMS is likely to hear this question asked by a student or curious adults. What is the COMS role in regards to pre-driver training, use of the bioptic, or student driver instruction? The presenters will answer these questions in addition to previewing a one-day workshop that focuses on the driving question for students and parents. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Overview - Low Vision & Driving in Texas - Basics of Bioptics - Practice, Practice, Practice - LiveBinder on Bioptic Driving - Driver's Education - Resources Click the Attachment button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
In the Driver's Seat: Pre-Driver Readiness Skills - Part 2
In the Driver's Seat: Chuck Huss - Rehabilitation Specialist part 2
In the Driver's Seat: Pre-Driver Readiness Skills - Part 1
In the Drivers' Seat Interview with Rehabilitation Specialist, Chuck Huss, about pros and cons of hand-held and head-borne telescopes, specialized training for drivers with low vision, and common restrictions for drivers with low vision. Click the Resources button to download a transcript or audio file.
Optical Device Use, Part 2: Visual Access In a Range of Environments
Eyes on the World: Visual Access in a Range of Environments is presented by Chrissy Cowan, TVI, and Cynthia Bachofer, TVI, CLVT from the Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired Outreach Program. This video addresses unique characteristics of students with low vision, generalizing the optical device skills to the community, for near and distance tasks, and specialized instruction to teach or reinforce skills skills specific to home and community settings. This program was produced in collaboration with the Lions Clubs International Foundation, Kansas Lions, Kansas School for the Blind, and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Introduction and Terminology - Each Student is Unique - Device Use in Multiple Settings - Instruction in Community Settings - Conclusion Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt), handout (pdf) and/or audio recording (mp3).