CHAT - The Stress-Trauma Continuum in Students with Visual Impairment Đ 5/13/24 From Joanna Credeur to Everyone: Hello from Nashville! From James Kadlecek to Everyone: Plano Texas From Ragan Van Campen to Everyone: eastern P.A. From John Rose to Everyone: Austin, TX From Scherilyn Johnson to Everyone: Houston TX From Cori Andrews Andrews to Everyone: Houston From Robin Dinerstein to Host and Panelists: Robin New york From Nolan Markle to Everyone: Columbus, Oh From Christi Fillhart to Everyone: San Antonio! From Jill Smith to Everyone: Kennedale, Texas From Andrea Bill Reyna to Everyone: Odessa/ Midland tx From Linda Brown to Everyone: New Caney,t From Kim Carnegie to Everyone: New Hampshire From Barbara Mitchell to Host and Panelists: Dallas, TX From Barbara Mitchell to Everyone: Dallas, TX From Sara Kitchen to Host and Panelists: How does lack of access to information in early development affect the mental health of children? For example, does lack of sensory information manifest similar to neglect from the childŐs perspective? From Kim Carnegie to Everyone: Thank you Erika, I loved "The Body Keeps Score." I will read through the rest of your handouts, I have to run to another appointment. From Shannon Miles to Everyone: I like this idea!! :) From Kaycee Bennett to Everyone: "How does lack of access to information in early development affect the mental health of children? For example, does lack of sensory information manifest similar to neglect from the childŐs perspective?" From Sara Kitchen to Host and Panelists: Thanks for that answer! From Margaret Howell to Everyone: Great information. Some of my students have been experienced bullying due to their visual impairment. Thank you for sharing all of this information. From Shannon Miles to Everyone: Thank you very much, so informative! From Cynthia Bachofer to Everyone: So much helpful info! Thank you for putting a focus on this. From Ragan Van Campen to Everyone: Thank you, very interesting and relevant From Barbara Mitchell to Everyone: Repeat the code From John Rose to Everyone: Great session! Thank you!! From Lori Banos to Everyone: Excellent. Thanks!