TRANSCRIPT - Connecting to Distance Services 

>>Donna: Alright, transcribing is in progress cool. All right. So tech tea time today, our topic is going to be connecting and distance information and our beginning code is 1 1 0. beginning. Code is 1 1 0. Now, just a reminder. If you get your Esc. Works get your E Sc. works email to fill out your evaluation. You're gonna take your beginning code and your ending code and stick them together with nothing before, nothing after nothing in between. And that gives you your one code. So beginning code is 1 1 0. All right. We're starting where we usually end today, Miss anita Swanson is going to speak to us a little bit about ttap Texas technology access, program, and i'm going to hand it over to her and have our phyllis it. I need it all yours. Alright, thank you, Donna. Yes. So I work with the Texas technology access program, and Donna was just on our meeting. And so here I am i've been in here. before. but I usually have to leave before the end of the time. So thank you for a common meeting me and letting me go at the beginning. So Texas technology access program. Our mission is to increase access to assistive technology. And so we are open, and our most of our services are free to all. Everybody within the State of Texas. So donna has opened up our website, and i'll show you you can go ahead and click on Viva Levita. We're having our first assistive technology. conference this summer. June eighth and Ninth is going to be here at the Pico research campus in Austin, Texas. we're gonna have some really great speakers. come in we have some people. From the State. But we also are flying in people from around the nation to come as well, and we're going to have vendors and booths. So it'll be a great place to learn about assistive technology and we are flushing out things. So there'll be more information on this website in the future. But we will definitely love to see you there so let me tell you i'll tell you the 4 main things that we do. and so you can go to the device loan tab, please. And these are the 4 things that every assistive technology program in the Us. Does so. all States and Territories of the Us. have an assistive technology program just like ours. I mean everyone fits a little tweak on it, but we do these 4 main things, and the first is a loan library. So if you are seeking assistive technology, you can borrow it from us for 35 days. We will ship it to you, and then we you can keep it for 35 days, and then we have a return Fedex label for you to ship it back to us. So this is anybody within a State of Texas can do this. You click on the link, borrow a device, and then You have to. You have to register, and you can look for the items without registering for an account. But you will, if you wanna won't borrow something you want to register for account. Obviously it just means like your name. contact info that sort of thing. And so it's super easy a lot of people that borrow from us. Some of them are professionals, and they, you know they are using something for an assessment or an evaluation. Other times people are using something because their own device hasn't come in yet they've ordered something and it's, and it's taking a while for the process, and most often people are checking things out just to see if it works for them, because the purpose, their entire purpose is that people will try before they buy. So we don't sell anything we only educate and tell people about assistive technology. So you can borrow more than one thing at a time. So you can be comparing different systems. to see which one's gonna work best for you in your environment. and so it's a really handy thing. The only thing I will say is sometimes we have like such a demand that there's a waiting list, so it could be that you Won't get your item right away. If you're placed on the waiting list, however, most of our items we haven't enough of them, I think The communication devices are the things that are often put on waiting this, and often at the beginning of school, because we have a lot of speech language, pathologists checking them out so. But no, this is here. Tell everybody about it it's a free service and we love to see it. Get used. so that's the first thing that every state program should be doing another one is demonstration centers. If you want to click on that link, we have 17 demonstration centers. Currently Oh, my goodness that Shouldn't have happened Oh, it's like, Okay, So there is a math that shows you where they're located throughout the state of Texas and there's a list also. So we have one here where we work in austin and then there's some scary throughout the State, and so some of them, though, still have covid restrictions so I highly recommend that you call ahead to make an appointment for a demo. So a demo is going to be when someone will sit down with you and show you what equipment you know that you're interested in seeing, and then show you how it works, and you know how you figure out what you might need from that. We are looking to add more centers as we go. So if you see a place that need the center hopefully we'll have one there in the future. But that's a really handy thing. and Then we can go kind of recycle and reuse program. So this is another feature that most state programs have and we pro we lie heavily and project meant in San Antonio. That's who we use for all of our durable medical equipment, and they, if you don't know about participants, they recycle things. So if you have something that you no longer need or you somebody no longer needs, then you can send it to them, and they will. They'd be a really great job like they can take things apart and put it back together again to make everything work. So it's really cool. Yes, anybody within a state of Texas can access the everything that we provide cause we are It's a Federal program. and it's that's Why, each State has one. But yes, everyone. and in fact, it's up for hopefully up for renewal through the system technology act soon. So, and those that didn't see that question lynn was asking if a private school student and families could access the programs. Yes, private schools, families, professionals. Anybody that is within that lives within the State of Texas can do it. Let's see. I guess click on at acquisition we just did this. That's like, Okay? yes. okay. And then the fourth component that every program should have is a funding program. So here in Texas you may have already be familiar with some of the funding resources. So there's a list of resources here. We also recently got a grant that allows for a low interest loan for people. So if you don't qualify for any type of funding you can get a low interest loan that we recently got but A lot of times people might fall into a funding category, and they just don't know about it. So that's why it's always good to ask and see So those are the 4 main things that every state program should have bones demo centers funding and recycle program. And then we do other things as well, so we're doing a lot of training and education. If you know any Oh, yeah. So every 2 Tuesday I do a taco tech Tuesday. That shows you but different devices that we might have in our own library, or whatever, just to give you a quick overview of some of those things are. If you are a speech, language, pathologist or know somebody we're currently doing a webinar series on augmented to an alternative communication, and that is available for a credit hour, each for tissue credit and then of course, our conference, and we're gonna be adding more things to this as well as we. As we go on we have a Youtube channel with lots of information on it which you could access from our website, too. And then let me also tell you about the accessible gaming, because some people might be interested in that. And so we received a couple of received a grants, and we also received a donation, a large donation. They help build our accessible gaining part of our library and our demos. So the purpose of this is so that people can engage in video games. That might otherwise not be able to, due to physical restrictions or other types of restrictions, as well visual as well. So this is becoming a really fun part for us and we're getting lots of different projects associated with this, too. So if you know of anybody who is a gamer or wants to be a gamer, then we might have something that can help them out in that aspect. So I think that's yeah yeah and the at resources just gives you more, you know, links to different things that you might be interested in. But we definitely welcome. If anybody wants to come to our demo center. just let us know we can schedule a appointment for you feel free to check things out from our loan library, that's for sure I think that's pretty useful, and we'd love to see you in the summer at our conference. So It'd be great to meet in person. Yeah so Thank you so much for giving us time to tell tell you all about us. Awesome. Thank you, Andita. I think the only thing we mentioned kind of in glossing over which is one of my my favorite topics, other than other than the accessible. Gaming is this 3 d printing and fabrication and more to come on that. So we would definitely definitely keep you guys updated on *d printing and and the fabrication and information on *d printing. Yep. I can say that yeah we're we've started doing this. We've been doing it for a few months now and we're getting better, and we're doing different things. So so. So if there's anything that, you want to have printed, you can get in contact with this, and we we can help you with that. Or if you have access to a *d printer, which there are some at local libraries and different schools and types of that, then we could also share files as well. So so excited about that cause I love to *d. Correct. Anita. Thank you so much for coming in and you can. You're welcome to stay and join us for the rest of t time. Thank you, alright. So we won't have to go over it later, just to reminder that all of our t times are posted in my website. And I added the handouts last week, so every tea time now has the handouts with all of the links. Active in a Pdf form, so you will have that available. I've added my contact information because I realized that was not on the website, and in case someone wanted to reach out to me directly, they could do So if you need assistance. I want to reach out to outreach and get assistance with specific student related items. You could click on this outreach assistance as well. All right. So let's get down to it remember before we start Our goal is to build that community of practice in an interactive session. So we want talking. We want interactive in in the chat. Or however you choose to interact I have to apologize. if you see me kind of looking around a a yellow jacket just flew into my office, and i'm highly allergic. So if you see me too off the screen, that would be why, that is So by registering that we'll be back on track here by registering for the event. You give us permission to publish your image or likeness in audio. And that again is on our website We don't have it set up carol i'm Sorry we don't have it set up for post viewing credit. Drop me an email, and i'll see what the process is to do that. I don't know if we're able to do that at this time. Thank you. Yeah, I had emailed you saying, When do I do? And he said, I will get another email like the next day or something, but nothing else. The the email comes after the session. So once the session is over, then your email will come. If you post view after and you have attended the The actual session. Then they don't send an Esc. I did it in the session Okay, email I did the survey, and then I asked, You When do I put in that where do I put in the code, you said, I will get a email next day, and I think this is also email between the 2 of us. And it's like, Okay, but I never got any other emails. Okay, let me send you over to Brian and no phone. That's all that's handed on the back end. But I can send a message to Brian and let him know. Okay, I appreciate the code is in the survey. Thank you. So thank you, Cindy Alright quick poll for today's session How do you students access different distance information in the classroom? This is distance information that could be on walls projectors smart boards, etc. Anything your students are using in that area whether it be low tech high tech, even though we are going to talk some smart boards today. So i'll give you a minute or so to do that While I hunt down a wasp Alright, let's look at the results. here. What do We have smart boards, probeethian boards, pictures on phone teachers. Email the students, the presented information screen sharing through screen leap. Oh, That's a new one! I have not heard of this one. Whoever put screen leap will need to fill us in on that one. Take a picture on the board and using their distance vision from the Cctv. Awesome. lots of good ways to get that information Alright so low tech mid tech and high tech we're looking at for spot, checking, using our telescopes and monoculars. Distance camera from that magnifier or Cctv. A lot of our handhound magnifiers now have a little flip camera. So if you've got some of your hand held like I think the ruby has one There's quite a few others that have a little flip camera on them that will flip around and allow you to see distance. Caution on that especially when we're working with our kiddos is digital magnification pixelizes. So if we're using that digital magnification they still might need to move a bit to get that distance work done. separate monitor connected to the smart board, such as using a video splitter wireless mouse keyboard, and switch that would allow the student to interact. the Juno has a camera like we were talking about I haven't seen a lot of the separate monitors connected individually through a splitter. I've seen a lot of our kids sitting at the teacher's desk, which kind of isolates them. But it can be done where that a smart board gets split off using another wireless. There is app software. My most success from pre-k up has been with using Google meet to share the screen to the students device. And that's where the teacher sets up a meeting and shares out their screen just like we're doing right now, and the student is able to view on the screen. You could do the same with Zoom meeting and then join me, which. thank you, Debbie, for letting so the screen Link is like, Join me. There's a monthly fee teacher goes to the website logs in. They get a 9 digit code that they give to the student. The student enters the code on the website for their device, and then they can see the teacher screen. So go. Guardian is similar to join me. That would be your it department, usually. they would have to approve it. It would go through your approval process. So it depends on how your district has structured that software process. Some districts have where you fill out in a a form on why you need the software. It goes through your department for approval for for pay and then or goes through the it process first for approval to make sure it works with the The systems and security that's already have set up so it really just depends on your district That's a very good question. so it could come out of any number of budgets. Sped could pay for it if it's being used for multiple students or being used for a sped student in that class. The cabin could pay for it. again. It all depends on how yours how your school is structure. Great questions, and these are great lists. I did not make a comprehensive list. I was hoping you all would have more input on what programs are out there and what you are using. Now with the screenly, join me and go, guardian. Are you all having any difficulty with your It department? On using those with students I didn't go guardian, and the extra district tech people set that up for the whole school managing what kids are saying, and because I have several that are i'm visually paired in jets right there on their in large chromebook. so it's been beneficial so far so go go. Guardian does work with the chromebook. Yes, awesome. That was my next question. How about screen leave? Have you had any difficulty with it, or how did you go about setting that up I she's been great about setting it up I love as a vision teacher. My it department Next to the custodians. My it department are. the people get the treats first, because they can make some of our things so much easier for us How about on the classroom end? How have these programs been working for getting your students interacting? And what grades are they? using it in elementary middle, high You need to show the p of pause the screen in case they go to check their emails absolutely. And really, you said You're, using elementary and middle school and Lynn has a new one. You have clever share Worked with a student on campus, but only for a few days. Connectivity was dropping, and then other campuses don't work yeah, that's that's some some of our issue. Is is that connectivity? especially with these specialized apps And Alex says, Because our teachers are so familiar with Zoom, it has worked great for your for tender all the way to 12. Absolutely. So I start, and Debbie says she starts their kids in elementary, but by high school they prefer the presented information to be shared via email on Google classroom. And I can see that I could definitely see that the youngest kiddo. I've had on Google share with you our Google meet and sharing was Pre K. And we actually use the Google meet to share morning circle. And so, as the as the student was, as the students were interacting with the smart board this student had limited mobility and was able to point to her choices, which was great, and it allowed her to interact with the circle time in a way that she had never been able to interact before. So that was a wonderful, a wonderful way. I have a question on that did have you? Did you have trouble with them turning on and off the microphone, or you know, like messing around this stuff? No, we went from the teacher's computer to her ipad, and we had most of that shut off on the teacher end. So as the host, I can control all of that, and so I can. I can make sure that they can't unmute or turn on the camera, or anything like that. So that's that's the way we were able to stop her from doing that, because with her limited mobility she did do occasional swipes that would turn it over to where the camera, was but since we had that turned off, she couldn't turn it on Okay, I was just working through that with the teacher the other day, and that was a concern that came up. So that's a that's a good thing so yeah it's all how it's all how the teacher sets it up. And what's really nice is once you have it down and you know what you need to set. You can just set a repeating meeting for circle time every day, or for English class every Tuesday at 12 o'clock, They access it just through the zoom icon, so they didn't go through like an email to get the code. They just went through the actual zoom thing and clicked there. Okay, perfect, Thank you, Because they they invited the student. The student was in their account. So all your meetings show up there on your app when you log in. So you just press the meeting, and it it takes them right in. And with our younger kids we had Aids and and such to help get that first login. But after a while they picked up exactly how they got into their meetings. Great questions. Thank you all alright. So using the smart bar for more So we've talked about using the smart board for getting that academic information to the students when they're in an English class on math class, or science class. But did you know it could be used as a giant light box for her Cdi kids? You can. We can use something on the sin switcher with the smart board and an able net switch, or any kind of switch, and it turns the smart board into a lightbox that can be used. Belinda Hi, and this is she loves, since which are so glad I mentioned it. A smartboard with Bridget software from smart I'm still kind of investigating that one. Some folks said that there was a there was a cost to it that was pretty steep, but that it allows you to bridge the The smartboard with other devices, and I will let you know more on that. When I get it. I loved adding books to my smart board, where my kidos could take turns reading to each other and using the switch to turn pages. If you have not heard of Tarhill. reader, it is an amazing website. With all these great books on different levels in different languages. Of different topics that you can download at no cost and use on your smart board or on your computer or ipad as a It's a powerpoint book, all this difference Yes, and they've got higher level topics in there now You've got some fiction and you've got some higher level fiction. 20,000 leagues under the sea. Even little women! You know some of these lovely stories that that our kids want to participate in with their class level? Students, and they've expanded the amount of languages that they have. It used to be only a few languages. Now we have a whole list of great languages. I knew what I came across is tumble books and it's fee based. So I haven't really gotten to dig into it much if anybody out there is using tumble books, or it was heard of tumble books. You could fill us in i'm tending toward the free, low low costs and This one looked like there was a little bit of a cost to the different sections All right. so we'll find motor difficulties I found this great interactive article on how to use white whiteboards with different students with different disabilities, and not just Vi. They did cover Vi. but I wanted to kind of share out there with you, because not all of our students, our just Vi. And we need to kind of differentiate what we're doing. And so this this article here did a nice job at giving some accommodations for the smart. Board, so I really liked that when it talked about kiddos with fine motor difficulties. Which a lot of our students that are in those early classrooms, or even in our middle and high classrooms, have difficulty accessing the smart board, like their peers, do, to make their choices. So We've got some some neat ways to allow them to interact if they can't write with a finger or use the smart pen. They can use a soft object like a tennis ball if they've got that grasp where they use their whole hand. They can use their whole hand to write with a hacky sack to practice writing so tennis ball or a hacky sack, whatever they can grab smart notebook software. If the kiddo is learning how to write, the smart notebook software can convert handwritten letters into text and uses that recognition to allow them to to write and practice their writing. You can use prelined templates on the smart board. So these might be some things that our teachers might not know is available to them. So I just wanted to share a few of the writing skills and other items that are available with the smart boards. So making smart boards more accessible is, we can push out with device to other devices. They have a smart learning suite, but I do not have a sign in for that. So your teachers may have access to that smart learning suite and there may be some that we can tap into into that. So that's when we need to to start asking our our at and our it folks what is available on the smartboards to the teachers And And short, Christina? Christina asked, and we can put them the links in the chat Anybody else have anything that they could add about. smart boards or any thoughts about what we've talked about. So far. Okay, I liked how they wrote up this assistive touch for visually paired. You will see since the smart board is visual medium it's difficult to find ways to use that for our students, we know that the the benefit over the over the the classic is that smart notebook. And we can link sounds to objects in our presentation by right clicking. If our teachers don't know this by right clicking on a picture of objects we can, You can They can access a sound menu and pick a sound to play with that file, so they could have the picture of a squirrel cause squirrels are their fall animal. they can add sounds to the squirrel. So every time that squirrel comes up that squirrel would have a sound. You can then make it to. So this the student can interact with that, and it does talk them through some of those items. The smart notebook is new to me i'm i'm loving the features that are coming through Hi! Joshua! welcome! So there the smart notebook powerpoint Pdf! That can be in imported to that smart learning suite online, and then shared out to the students like I said, this is new to me, and it's looking like it could be a new option to all of our third party apps that don't work quite as well or even using a meeting Because of this piece. right here the students can interact with games and activities as if they were on the board and and would have on the board themselves. So i'm gonna keep reaching out to them and hopefully they'll get back to me with information on this learning suite online, and I will share that out through the website, and our after we can mailer If anybody else learns anything about the online, please share it out to us. This is on that same making smart accessible using assistive touch and making that right clicking that picture object that we already went over. There's some amazing arts on working with the smart board that are written by folks like us that are out the field, and so I wanted to make sure I shared those with you. So that you had all of that information that i've heard a lot of people talk about this starfall. If anybody here is using it they're saying It's helpful. I haven't heard anybody use it that's quite says that but if anybody is hearing that is helpful i'd love to hear from that They've got some more bookstations than that I was that I was aware of including Pete's Powerpoint station. Past illiteracy. Oh, i'm sorry christine Yes, Lynn says, when when she taught self-contained, it was great for the touch screen smartboard for turn taking. And it's great that we can continue that by sharing out to the students. So here's the past literacy. those of you that have not heard of past the literacy. It's an awesome website challenges for students and it goes into using. Join me, which is like some of the other programs that are our fellows have mentioned this. This document came out of Canada out of Edmonton, out where to Canada, if our folks that were attending last week are here, Canada. Thank you very much. tips and tricks on our proving accessibility to electronic board for students with visual impairments, and it is white and nicely laid out. Documents. I would recommend anybody checking this out about using different hardware configurations. The splitter that we talked about using your Cctvs and having that hardware can figure and different connectivity. Options. here have some general tips And some great pictures of different connectivity options and ways to do them, because there's nothing worse than getting a document that says to help you with technology. It has no pictures, and it reads like 1,980 s stereos. Stereo instructions. So this goes over the connectivity different ways to hook up. Cctvs This is a Sinai monitor. document camera. I believe there are Cctv. with a separate not a configuration. We've used before I've i've put that in the in the chat and it will be available as well on the website Okay, we are open for discussion. If there's any questions whether it be on smart distance devices configurations. Working with your it. Departments it It could be really on anything we've talked about previously, or a topic you'd want new a burning question. You have let's get it out there and see if we can't answer it together Alright. We are open for questions It doesn't have to be about the current topic We've Got 17 min. Okay, i'll break the silence Oh, thank you, Lick. i'm just doing this to break the finance. Oh, So i'm a person in a large urban school district, where the it department, the different departments have a difficulty communicating with one another. for good reason. I I respect everyone. everyone's working hired so if anyone else is in that circumstance and has found solutions to getting software. Set up A lot of us have had difficulty getting the smart words to cast 2 or students devices, So if anybody's found problem solving, you know, just to like mine. I would love to hear about it, and land any of the solutions that you've heard today. Would any of them possibly work using a Google meet or zoom Well, yes, I'm going to share those with my colleagues. I think that's campus specific and teachers Yes, hi donna this is Josh. Hi, Josh! In high school and using screen, sharing that way to see what was on the board on her. Ipad and then the district this year just switched from Zoom to Microsoft teams So we've been we've been using that as well and then in my other district. We recommended that. and then they actually had access to another program for screen sharing called It's a paid program. so not all districts are gonna want to use this. But it was called mirroring 360. Yes, I was not super familiar with, but my colleague who's actually taking this kid for me this year, because my case, though, is huge. Said that it's really great and that you can pinch zoom and make things bigger on it. So i'm gonna start recommending that I don't know if I can get people to buy a But yeah, it it's a great, It's a great little program that one. Yeah, so that's another one. that can be recommended and i'm gonna look into the smart board option that you talked about because I know I have colleagues that are struggling with Ways to get make that accessible for our kids. so well. Thank you very much. It's something we all kind of struggle with Hi, Bill, I wanna jump in here because I was gonna give you a hard time. I was gonna leave You hanging like 17 min of silence like No. i'm kidding But I do. I tell you that I've been listening to these since day one like since the first one you did back in October and they're they're just getting amazingly good and I I just appreciate your hard work. But the there was a person that asked about voice stream in the chat, and i'm here to tell you that I think every single person who is cited or blind should actually have a copy of voice. stream I think it's a great app i've had it for I don't know 8, 9 years. I've had it for a long time and they keep updating I I really do think it's amazing and and you know around the holidays. It starts to go on sale. so if anybody doesn't want to spend a lot of money on it. The company usually puts it on sale here next couple of months, but it is it's a great app. It's very, very useful if you use files a lot like I mean It's something that just works really well, and you know, as long as you teach your students as long as you teach your students to use it it is something that they're gonna take with them and and use as long as the as long as the app is being developed like they're gonna they're gonna take that thing with them to come college. And and so Yeah. so it's it's called voice dream, and it's the reader app it's the reader app that's the question that we had in the chat There you sparked some you sparked some conversation. Bill. Thank you. Yeah. So I appreciate you though. thank you So have you are very, very welcome, and thank you for saying that i'm appreciative And Carol asked If you use the voice dream scanner App: Yeah. And voice. Dream scanner is great, too. Somebody just put that in the chat, and and I, 100% agree with that. It is not very expensive again for a for a scanner app One of the main scanner apps that had been developed for Ios for a few years is now going to be gone. They're gonna stop development on It they they actually already have it used to be that Kansb reader app. And so they've stopped development on that and voice dream has really done a good job with it. It's. it's super accessible it's super easy to use It's great quality. That company is really a present. You know the the the the developers. Nfb. Reader, They just decided to it's not going to be developed any longer. That was sad What happens to these apps is the developer Put something out. and then other companies like Microsoft for example, they put out something called seeing Ai, and they do it for free. So it's no longer viable to be able to sell that app when when there's so much new technology being developed and it's being offered to the customer for free. So the that's what happens to those they just they just they just tap out they go. We can't make a you know can't make it work anymore. But then it it's kind of stifles things in other ways. Seeing Ai is great, though my I have to agree. That was in our chat there. And, Bill, would you be interested to give us a brief tutorial of how to use the scanner app one day? I would love to absolutely well carol i'll get with Bill and see if he can't come onto one of our t talks, and give us a a tutorial I don't wanna i have a question sure have you ever used the the Bluetooth in order like to bypass the like school wi-fi cause i'm having like a lot of difficulty being able to use apps, because you know our district when I get when I give permission. to use certain apps which you know the apps are really great but they won't give us permission to use them what exactly are we trying to do with bluetooth trying to like connect it's a rolling out touch plus in order to to get that to share with like a laptop. Or Okay, So getting the the brought up touch to to Bluetooth to the laptop that will. That's awesome love it. it will do that but As for sharing files, I am not sure that that is capable of doing that . Sharing files from the from the brown no touch to the computer and back. Is that what we're that is that what i'm hearing? Yes, exc excuse me So basically is just it would just be for sharing the screen. Is that what you're saying and not actually being able to share like files, or anything like that? When you bluetooth onto your laptop, it becomes a a terminal, a braille terminal. So it allows you to navigate your laptop and read what's on the laptop through your round out. It becomes like a display. Correct but for actual sharing of data. I don't think you have done that through Bluetooth. Okay, So asking that's all so have you been successful in doing that. I've only been able, successful, to haven't been it successful at exchanging data. Can you hear me? Okay. So yes. I recently helped a student connect her from no, no touch plus with her Actually we did it directly to where she could get canvas directly from blue from our brown note. Sorry but that would have been a wi-fi connection. Yes, i'm sorry, but we have connected it to our laptop kind of as a refreshable braille. And she was able to work in canvas but You're right. I I don't think that i've actually yeah shared files. So sorry I was thinking, real. No touch her being able to do canvas on it. Yeah. So it's either native to the app or you work on the canvas through your laptop, using the real devices that the brown note is display. Now let me look up alternate ways, and give you alternate ways to hook up. I don't remember if hardwire if you could USB to the laptop and transfer data. I usually just do a a thumb drive and just hand the kid out of the thumb drive. If the Wi-fi isn't working do you have the Brownout touch, plus or the older that's the other big question or the other older brownout is the plus is the plus okay because we had a problem with the older brown note is that it would not connect to 5.0 Wi-fi. And so if you have 5 point Wi-fi and not 2.5, then it would not connect The other option is to get with your it department and Ask them to add the brown note touch as a trusted device. Sometimes they don't want to do that But we make the argument that this is the device the student needs to access their academics, and I did that with or well, that the it at this student school do that and it like changed her world her her ability to access their email and access everything that way was really it. It made her feel connected to her to her peers it also opens up. If you're if your printers are networked. it allows you to print to a print printer that is networked. And so that that opens up those connections within the school. Okay, thank you. that's some good information thank you no problem. Okay, so let me roll back here and see who we missed Amy had a teacher tell that her students Jupiter distant mode was not working any true troubleshooting ideas. I do not have a Jupiter on hand to troubleshoot. That with you Is anybody else having a distance mode problem on their Jupiter Okay, I'm Sorry what was the question amy's having issues with her students. Jupiter. Distance, mode, not working. Is there any troubleshooting ideas? Are you flipping down the lens cover that was something I had to figure out on the ticket. Amy this is Amy. I don't know I just visited quickly with the teacher today. There's a lens cover on the jupiter yeah there's a little thing you have to flip down a lens cover That's something something I had to figure out yeah I that'd be good thing to check. Yeah, thanks and We can check for anymore. if that doesn't work. You can drop an email, and we'll reach out again. To see if we can find any other troubleshooting for you. Carrie has a kindergarten student with Albanism, not currently using any devices, but has access to an ipad. What would you suggest as a first device to try? Use the ipad, or try a Cctv. Or which way have we gone on this one? Would anybody have any recommendations for Carrie? Hi, this is Josh again, hey? josh i'll say I the Cctv. I think, is a little bit easier for my kindergarten students to use. But a lot of things don't show up well on the Cctv. So it really depends on the environment. how bad the glare is or if it's a projector, how much light is coming into the room on that. Really affects how well things show on the Cctv. So it it really depends. I would recommend trying both, and seeing which one works better. Great suggestion, Josh and I would recommend an ipad stand. Little ones don't have the stability that we we do to hold a device up, or to hold it in place for enlarging. So, an an ipad stand with multiple positions alright let's scroll down here. we've got some more. We are coming to the end of our time, and I want to make sure we get. Everybody looks like everybody agreed on those voice dreams and seeing Ai, and let's see Josh is wanting Bill to come on and do a talk about all the voice streams. So Bill will definitely have to get together. and Joshi said, Your student emails her brown up files to the teacher. Awesome. Yeah, we actually had a big problem with her email because they use Microsoft Exchange accounts. And so like when they made that security update the like but a few weeks ago, like it's screwed everything up. and we ended up having to like create a Google account that all her Microsoft emails are forwarded to now and so it's it's resolved but it was a pain Yeah. The the 2 step authorization that they did in April. And then Microsoft's update kind of through us all for a loop. And that's how we got around it with the it. coming in and and working with us to make it more direct for her by putting her on a secured or safer network or a trusted network. Awesome. Oh, my goodness guys, this has been such great discussions today! I'm so excited. i'm gonna take you over time just a second, cause we're gonna go over what's coming next. No, i'll be emailing you and we will see what your availability is, and coming in november. Our next thing is beginning. advocates with John Rose. John is going to come in and do a three-part series for us over the next 3 months. Over beginning abacus not only what to do but how to do, and he's awesome. So i'm so excited. the november seventeenth is still a tentative. I'm waiting to hear back from pearson about math Xl. And so that topping topic may change, depending on depending on Pearson and their availability. We will not have a meeting on the last of November, because of thanksgiving. Enjoy all the good turkeys. December first is up and coming tech an open question. Session kind of like we did today, which is great. Then on the eighth intermediate abacus with John Rose, and then on the fifteenth, we're going to talk more apps and typing programs, so excited to talk about more typing programs. And then the fifteenth will be our last meeting for the year we'll be off for the vacation and come back in January with another John rose abacus advanced so i'm so excited our ending code I guess that's what everybody's waiting for is 3 2 2 So your beginning code was 11. 0. Your ending code is 3 2 2 remember to come to the site, and let us know if you have any topics that you want to talk about. Here's the link in the Chat for suggesting topics or you can do the Qr. Code that's on the screen. Everybody have a wonderful weekend in Troy.