TRANSCRIPT - Braille Notetaker >>Donna: Oh, yay, yeah, Come on. Hello, everybody. I see a lot of familiar faces in the crowd. Welcome to our first tech tea time through outreach. My name is Donna Clams. I am more of the assistive technology consultants with outreach, and I am so glad to see everyone join us today. Alright today is braille not takers we're going to have a little conversation excuse my voice for the moment. We're gonna have a little conversation about brown not takers, and then we're gonna open the rest of the session to questions and answers. So you're opening code for today is 100 your opening code. Wait for these last people to go in Your opening code is 100. Make sure you stay to the end for your closing code. There will be a closing code at the very end before we start the goal and starting tech tea time was to build an at community and assist and support each other while we're teaching our students. So that if you live in the near area of someone who is also teaching a brown note taker, you will be able to reach out to them And work together on creating lessons or if you're having trouble in that spirit. Tea. Time is an interactive session and we're asking you to and encouraging you to converse with each other. In that being advised that we are recording and posting this on our website, and by registering your agreeing to that recording which could include your image or audio And i'll say this a couple of times when we're talking about students in the open session. Let's keep it general to the device and techniques we are recording. So no student identifiable information. Please the ask question. App across the top, our address across the top. If you have a question to ask, you can go ahead at any time and put that question into the ask question: Slides dot Dot Google with that little extra dot in there eap U. M. There is also the tea time. Qr. code there in the corner. That will take you to the question Alright. First things first. polls what not taker are you using with students at this moment? So if you would please answer your poll. we wanna see how you are doing Welcome to all of you that are just joining us. We are taking a pull on what Braille note takers are using at this moment. If you have any questions for the Q. A. session, you can put them into the slides dot app link at the top Alright. Another couple of seconds we have 24 out of 38 answered, Let's see if we can reach that 38, I should have some music here with the poll Alright, we're gonna end our poll see what results we have We have a lot of brown out touch pluses. Yeah, we have Wow! a lot of brown out touch pluses. I think a majority of our folks here are using that. We have a few in here that are prail displays which we will be talking about later in the months. So our chameleon and mantis are braille displays, and we have a whole session on those. Toward the end of the month. But please let's get some good information about this Brown-out touch, because it seems like everybody, is in a majority There Okay of to excuse my arm, mate moving. I have a very aggressive puppy right now. Who just wants to pet it. She picks the worst time ever All right. So here is what most of folks were using was the brown note touch plus. We have a couple of other note takers up here just for an example. The braille sends 6 from hymns, I believe, and then we have the L. Braille, which works wonderfully with your student, who is already using a braille display like the focus 40 or the focus 14. This snaps right into that cradle right there, and they have a Pc. On their hip. The L brail works through jaws and works on a windows platform. Our brown note touch works on a Android platform and allows us to use all of those wonderful things in the chrome store and the Google play store Alright. so coming soon. We've got some new things coming soon from book share that I wanted to share with you. I know that was a quick, just introduction to see who was using what before we get to that open question, Arena, I already have a couple of questions coming in. All right. so bookshare. Soon our students will be able to listen to and read math clearly and accurately, like. How awesome is that? I know in my career at 24 years Now, math has really been a Perkins paper type, activity, and it wasn't until we've gotten in the last 5 or 6 years. That math is really made a made a push forward onto our technology devices I wanted to share that with everyone, to know what was coming down the pipeline. When it comes to math and technology for our students when it's first released, it is only going to work on computers and not on tablets or smartphones. >>Mary: 15:13:08 That is a as of yet. solution. and donna this is Mary. Sorry sorry to interrupt, but I don't believe we had stand with that video. >>Donna: 15:13:18 Oh, no! Oh, goodness! Okay. 1 s, everyone. >>Colin: 15:13:47 Read what you want. Where are you with bookshare, reader? Bookshare reader, opens the door to millions of ebooks and easy to read formats, and lets you read in ways that work for you. Listen to books in how quality audio follow along with Karaoke style, highlighting, adjust, reading speed voices, fonts and colors read and access math equations, using matheml x subscribe one baseline plus 400 and 57 X subscript, 3 baseline negative download books, and read off line on smartphones and tablets. Stop reading and pick up where you left off across devices available on web browsers, ios, and android tablets and smartphones, and Alexa enabled smart speakers whether you want to read for school or relax to the latest bestsellers. Read what you want, where you want with bookshare, reader. Sorry, but that was everybody able to enjoy that video now. Yes, awesome. Thank you. So much all right. We had a question come in i'll answer that really quick. The Powerpoint will be shared as well as the video. And all of the fun stuff that goes with it, so that will all be shared and posted. Afterwards All right. We are about to our open question portion. now. This is where you have a couple of options you can go to the link. it's up above and type in your question, and that seems to be working quite nicely. You can go to the chat type in your question or comments, and one of our co-hosts will read that out for you. Names will be called in order, or questions will be called in order. And remember no identifying information for our students. Please keep the questions to device and specific techniques. Once a question is called out, everybody in the room is welcome to discuss. If you do not want to speak, you can type it in that chat box, and we will read it for you. We would love discussion at this point, so anyone who has a question let's get it into that chat box. I will leave this open here, and give you a moment to put questions in either thee slide or in the chat. It appears we have one question come in while we're talking please feel free to jump in. I do not want to be the only one talking here. as you can see the voice doesn't like it either. But that's okay. how to change the braille note touch from reading just individual letters to only reading when the word is complete to change the bronnote touch from reading each individual letter. So only reading when the word is complete. Is there anybody in the group that has support for that Hello! Anyone have a suggestion, something to try No, thank you, Terry. Honest that just straight up honest, alright. So in general, in in adjusting how our brown note touch interacts >>Mary: Donna. this is Mary Shannon is asking if if that could be under a configure language profile. >>Donna: It could be. I am lost my place that's Okay, we'll find it here under your leg. Profile. Let me pull that up Alright. so in configuring your language, profile that sets what your language to speak. It adds your voices. So we're not quite there yet. on language profile good try Our navigation levels when we're reading text to speech, our navigation levels are set to either word or letter. So when you're wanting to change your navigation level that would be Space, dot 4, 6 would be your navigation level and if you're reading in keyword using your editor. You can have it. Read your sentences, your paragraphs, all, or your pages, and those commands In navigating would be your your chord commands. So your space space, 3 and a space 6 are moving your characters Space, 2 and space 5 are moving. Your words moving to your previous line is your dot one, and your next line is your dot. Dot 4. So if you're reading forward That is how you would read forward by all those different elements >>Mary: Okay, do we have any other questions? And we had one in asking about finding a cadis in her area. >>Donna: Washington, Dc. I will have to look on that unless someone else knows Washington, Dc. I can look into that. Mary, if we can note who that was. >>Mary: Please. >>Donna: And oh, good question, Debbie, ask if there's any other brown note touch plus users for math. She's still using the old reliable perkins brilliant writer with paper is it faster and more practical on the braille note. Now I know my opinion, but that is just my opinion. I wanna hear what the other teachers are saying out there. Are you using the brown note Touch in your in your classes with your students right now, Terry, you're using key math. You're using K. Math. and how are your students turning in their math? Are they putting it into keyword and turning it in? How are they turning in their math? So, Buddy, speak, please, sometimes you convert it, emailing the keyword document. That key math was exported to. Yes, awesome. Thank you, Roxanne. That is the wonderful The absolute, wonderful features that come with the brown note touch is that you can insert mathematics into your keyword documents. Yeah. by copying and pasting into the keyword document. Our dropping into the Google folder. That is an awesome way to do it as well. There is a little step there. that it It is converted to a read Pdf: for the students. So that is an amazing thing for our kiddos that it actually cuts us out of the process. I I unfortunately cannot see everyone right now. My calorie has disappeared And Terry. So You're still providing the problems on embossed paper. Yes, Roxy, and thank you for bringing that up. I did put that on one of ours. Human where Buddy is amazing for dropping in. You can have it on your tablet. Oh, your phone, and you get stuck on something. You log into your humanware buddy. Go to the device that you need and it will give you step by step, Tutorials and videos at the touch of a finger. They've taken all of their snapshot videos and funneled it through this app as well as some of their training materials. So, Roxanne, Thank you for mentioning that Jennifer I love that you're using Google drive this brownout touch is so elegant in the way it is put together that it uses those braille notes. The brown note and the Google features so easy. How many of you have thought that Pdfs are the bane of our existence as Tdis. those scanned documents that are Yeah, the scand documents that everyone thinks are these created Pdfs when they're really just copies they have updated the brown note touch in this last update that allows you to do an Ocr on even scanned documents. So you are not having to provide this to the students work completely. They can not only take a picture of the document themselves, and and Ocr. Or octo optical character recognition. they can do that with documents that are sent to them by their teacher. Now, unfortunately, it is still only about 60 to 70%, depending on how good the copy is. If the copy is really good and clear, then you get a really good ocr translation. If it is not, then it is not quite as high see what's other fun? Feature is there any other fun features. I get a lot of call about Google classroom and canvas. Is anyone out there using Google classroom and canvas on their brown? No touch Canvas is not fun. Google classroom definitely works better and canvas is a little bit difficult. Depending on how well the teacher arranges her her workflow. There are some tips and tricks. But Google classroom is definitely the integration of the tablet with the brown out touch made that a lot better to use problems with schoolology schoolology And there was another one We got this morning. And we we could not get any of it to work. Oh, new question! Has anyone run into the brown up randomly, making rapid clicking noises when being used? Our tech person had us change some settings and it's still happening. So i'm wondering if it's a problem with the device Has anyone else had any problems with clicking No, no clicking here. I I would suspect that a clicking sound from a tablet, even though it is integrated with a braille display, is not a good sound. That would be a call to tech support, and asking them if that has happened, and what your next step should be. It was worth a shot. there's a lot of us here. Yeah, a schoolology, A lot of those third party. apps again, are are giving us a a problem, and we're we are looking into them. I. I spend some of my week looking into those we call trying tried calling humanware, but we're on hold for an hour and random time. Oh, goodness! Ken the Ocr recognize handwritten work. That depends on how well the handwritten work is. If the person writes in really strict block prints that looks like type, then it may get about 20%. But in general ocr doesn't work very well on handwritten at all And human. where has been a little bit slow on answering. I I call Canada a lot I end up getting Canada more than then. I get the States you can also call your vendors I don't know what area you're in Myra. Help my res that Who who had the clicking Joshua I don't know what area you're in you're in Michigan. I might try calling your vendor a lot of times. Your vendor has folks on staff who our brono touch users, and it can give you some advice if that's not the case, and you still can't get through drop me an email I have some wonderful vendors down here who use the brown note touch on a daily, and are very, very helpful. So feel free to drop me an email, and I can contact connect you with those vendors. >>Mary: You are very welcome. Okay. And donna This is Mary was asking >>Donna: Kennedy. r recognize handwritten work no no unless it's written in in like I said that little block script and even then it's not gonna get very good Oh, Tara! Oh, that hurts my heart! black brown touch! Oh, my goodness Still, please scanner let's hope he was joking, or you needed an update. Has anybody had trouble this year sending Gmails sending anything from Google I'm not seeing any responses. Yes, and yes, okay, Google did an update last year on there and my my it people on here. If you could call me out if I say this wrong on their 2 factor authorization. So if you set up your brown note touch prior to April, you may not have everything it needs for for that 2 factor authorization. To be able to send your emails. So what you would have to do. I know this is really kind of a pain is back up. Back up your files and folders and onto an sd drive. There is a backup technique if and i'll show you in a moment. Once it's backed up you're going to reset to factory. Now this is with your brown and touch plus you'll reset the factory and start your setup again from beginning We've got a lot of calls about this this year of I can get emails. But I can't send emails out and it's because of that setup with the 2 factor authorization. So start your setup from the beginning. Make sure you put in your Google app and sign into Google. Have that second identification putting in telephone number or another address. And then once you've done that everything will set up through Google, and it will actually go faster than previously. You can then put your sd card back in your machine and pull all your folders back files and folders back. So you won't lose any of your work Does that make sense for folks I really wish folks would talk. thank you lyra alright, so i'm going to show you something real quick in our last few minutes. Oh, no, it's not going as best I thought they use Microsoft Exchange, and you're still having You're still having trouble sending out joshua A difficult to set up right right. and you may have to Make sure that your kid has some kind of Google account to use some of the features. Alright. so I wanted to share this with some folks In the spirit of trying to meet some of the questions that come in through tea time and through coffee hour. I just regular calls we've created this website and here on our brown note touch plus section. You will find individual lesson plans for the brown note. Touch as they go up. i'm still writing them so it takes it takes quite a bit of time to get them all up and ready. And here's an example. this one is fillable some of them will be fillable. Others will not be so. If you were first introducing your brown note touch to your student, you'll be able to go through this overview of the brown note. Touch with them. It gives you keystrokes for the lesson as well as a pre test post test assessment materials. You need, followed by introduction and step by step, lesson plans for for that That topic. You then have closing. Some of them have more in closing than others, and I will put that link in the chat in just a moment. Some have enrichment plans that you can do to then expand on the lesson that you had before. It also gives you a place to reflect on what went well with that lesson. What could you better on that lesson, and even take data on how the student did for that lesson? So the link And it will also be in the powerpoint. someone was asking about math in the classroom, and the newest feature added to math in the classroom. that I'm not sure if you guys have heard about yet. Is tactile view which allows a line by line view of the graphics that were produced. So. unfortunately, it's not the whole page but a student is able to navigate a graph line by line and identify key points. Intersections. whether the line is going up or down, etc. So that has been added tactile view. Math in the classroom for those of you that are not using your brown note touch yet in the classroom. This will walk you step by step on how to create a document, save a document for mathematics. Enter the enter the equations, and then move them from the math. Editor into your work. So then, the student can submit them with this one, you'll notice I have little highlights that says, Okay, don't press. enter there yet. You're not quite done yet. you know how how do we get done. There's teachers notes on here of pre teaching items what happens if the student puts in an equation and then realizes they've been they've inserted it into their document, and they've made a mistake well here's the section on how to fix that, And so that has not only the first how to use math, then it goes into graphing on the brownout touch itself, and how to use those features with the graphing and the desmo accessible calculator that is included, included with the brown out touch so these are companions. I've i've compiled them as companions with the videos. A lot of times we don't have the time to sit and watch a 2030 min video to get to the right bookmark where they show us how to do that part. So what i've done is hopefully created these in a way you can keep them in on on your note on your notebook or on your desktop, and be able to refer to them for the features as you need them only the ones with links on them are complete. Right Now, if you have a need 4, a different lesson, plan, drop me a line, and we will look into getting that created faster for those of you that are using the chameleon braille display. That is a new one. we've well new one for lesson plans. We've got our lessons one through 5 which is all of our basics at our braille library and bookshare setup. So definitely that's there for you guys that are using the braille display, and are not quite on to the No. Take her yet. we've got other resources here for or student involvement for assistive technology. I really love this site here from. I believe it is Michigan. Thank you. R. Person from Michigan. I I love this site. I go to it quite often. They have a breakdown there on their site for for assistive technology by grade level. So if you are at question on what you should start with your pre-k or kinder, then there is resources on this site for you. You are looking for a assistive technology assessment There are resource guides and wadi on here at your fingertips. And then where tea time is going to be posted. Here as well as in our repository i'm also posting some workshops and trainings that i'm doing. >>Mary: That's just a quick overview of that site and Donna This is Mary. You're good, getting a lot of positive feedback for your lesson. >>Donna: Plans and lots of thank you saying that these are neat feature, and you appreciate it very much. I'm sorry if I pronounce your name wrong. Wants to know the difference between a brown note taker and a braille display. Is there anyone out there that would like to tuckle that question Because they're gonna make me talk too, much it's okay, as that is a great question. The your braille displays are not as robust as your note taker, like the chameleon, the the chameleon braille display which you can get through a ph It only takes basic notes, has very few editing features and can use bookshare. There's not a whole lot past that whereas a note taker is more like a robust tablet or computer depending on its platform. Thank you, Tara. We have the brown-out touch which is like a tablet. It's based on the Google Tablet or the Android Tablet, whereas we have the L. Braille, which is based on a windows platform so it's much more robust. You're able to interact with websites excuse me and do a lot more full-fledged activities. Now neither of these devices are one and done you wouldn't want to write a dissertation or a 30 page research paper on your not taker. You would want your editing power of your laptop for that or your desktop, And does that cover for you there? >>Alaisha: Alicia, we would like to kind of start. Yeah, Donna: sorry. Can you hear me. Okay, This is alasia yeah that's perfect. Thank you, awesome. We We start our kids on a braille display. Usually especially one that looks like a little note taker. because their fingers are tiny. Brail displays can also be hooked up to a computer or a tablet or a phone to allow them. That not take a robustness, but on their own. They are not independently able to use a lot of those features. Okay, awesome. Thank you, Donna. This is Alasia again. I have a third grader who's just starting off with technology, and we're gonna I think the learning the Grail. Chameleon together. Yeah, just kind of starting off yeah that's a great place to start. Okay. Can you also talk about brilliant boss? Or in that answer what's the difference in an embosser compared to the notetaker, and display all right. Our impostors are hard copies, so you think of your bosser as your print printer. If you've got it hooked up to your computer, or you airprint with your tablet your braille embosser is going to emboss your hard copy of Braille. You're going to be able to do a lot more graphics Your whole page pictures. So if you're drawing things or doing math graphs, maps, tables, things like that that are very graphic. You would like to emboss those things from your computer or from it. And in boss a translating program. to give your students a hard copy, so that would be your hard copy. And there are many, many, many types of impulses that do single-sided double-sided book prints, magazine prints. Some do print and braille. Now, when you get to print braille, they get but more pricey But think of your notetaker and your display as a virtual braille. It is there and gone, whereas your embossed copy of your braille is your paper hard copy? That's you would keep it a notebook Is that good for Christie? Yes, thank you, Roxy, and Awesome. Lots of people joined in there alright as we're coming down to our last 10 min Make sure i've gotten all my notes >>Mary: Alright and Donna, One question came in. I better go asking about a link to the assessment. >>Donna: Was that the same link menus so that it's able to I'll fit on one page you're not scrolling forever. Good. >>Mary: Thank you. Okay, alright. And this is the link to the >>Donna: The website that we were just talking about so it will be in your Powerpoint as well as in chat, and talked about Alright. so let's talk about our upcoming t times I have appreciated everybody. Our upcoming tea times the thirteenth next week with a special guest, Kathy Garza. She's going to be talking about zoom text and she is an amazing person. I love her. just started to work with her in the last couple of months, and she is a user of zoom text, so we'll be able to answer questions. You have about that program on october twentieth we're gonna be talking braille displays and all things for all display. So. So if you have any more questions about the braille displays since we mentioned those today, come back on the twentieth, we're going to be talking about them. There October the 20 seventh we're going to be talking software. So those of you that asked about embossers there's software that goes with those embossers that allows you to do a lot And so we're gonna be talking different translation software as well as software. That our students can use on their computers to help them access different elements within their school day. Right, so tell us what you want to discuss the upcoming tea times. We plan these by the month, so I need to know what you want to know. This link here is 4 pat. do our code here? C is B sorry about the loud dog again. The Qr. code Here you can follow, or you can follow the link Oops. Sorry, Joshua. I meant that to go to everyone. You can follow this link, the form or you can put your ideas or suggestions on what you'd like to have covered on t time Right. We've got about 7 min so if anyone Has any last minute questions. How's the time So anyone out there Alright, thank you, everyone for coming. I will keep the room open for a little bit.