CHAT - Low Vision Tech with Carrie Farraje and Cindy Bachofer

From Carrie Farraje to Host and Panelists:

From Dorothy Vetrano to Everyone: Hi.  I see you but can hear.

From Carrie Farraje to Host and Panelists:

From Donna Clemens to Everyone: Dorothy, can you hear us now?

From Dorothy Vetrano to Everyone: Yes!  I had to leave and return.  Thank you

From Donna Clemens to Everyone: Wonderful.

From Dorothy Vetrano to Everyone: The pressure to keep up is spot on!  And kiddos don't want to use devices, or I find, because they don't want to be different from their peers.

From Mary Hanna Austin to Everyone: holding the child socially emotionally in their process

From Dorothy Vetrano to Everyone: Will you be able touch base on some strategies if a student strongly refuses to use LV devices and better computer technology?  I want to honor  my students who choose not use what I'm showing them because they are advocating for themselves.

From Dorothy Vetrano to Everyone: YES YES Cynthia!!!  That is a problem with one of my students and he refuses try.  He's developed bad habits.

From Dorothy Vetrano to Everyone: Thank you.  Great suggestions.  Guess if it's "not broke don't fix it for them right now."  You've validated what I'm currently doing now so I'm feeling OK.

From Carrie Farraje to Host and Panelists:

From Lea Chesney to Everyone: How can we access this document?

From Donna Clemens to Everyone: follow this link. for all the handouts

From Lea Chesney to Everyone: Is there a link?

From Lea Chesney to Everyone: Thank you!

From Rebecca Weber to Everyone: Where can we access past Tech Tea Times recordings?

From Brandon Schellhorn to Everyone: Thanks!

From Rebecca Weber to Everyone: Thank you.

From Belinda Creel to Everyone: My agency has blocked access to viewing the link you provided.

From Donna Clemens to Everyone: Past T3 recordings are being migrated to a new site with Coffee Hours. For now you can see all tea times here.

From Rebecca Weber to Everyone: Thank you.

From Dorothy Vetrano to Everyone: That's what I'm working on with my other colleagues.  So thank you Cynthia

From Donna Clemens to Everyone: One of my favorites!

From Shay Utley to Everyone: I tried to download one of them and it wont let me. says the "key" is expired

From Donna Clemens to Everyone: Shay was that the "can I try that?"

From Shay Utley to Everyone: yes, but tried it again and it worked. 5th time is charm. lol

From Shay Utley to Everyone: how old do they need to be for this program?

From Lea Chesney to Everyone: How many students would form a group?

From Lea Chesney to Everyone: Is it across school districts?

From Dorothy Vetrano to Everyone: Do we contact our Region center to schedule ?

From Dorothy Vetrano to Everyone: Who does our center need to contact at TSBVI to schedule this program?

From Donna Clemens to Everyone: If you have trouble downloading "Hey, can I try that" you can also access it on our new AT page -

From Donna Clemens to Everyone:

From Dorothy Vetrano to Everyone: Wonderful!  Thank you!

From Angela Stewart to Everyone: Fabulous!

From Donna Clemens to Everyone:

From Donna Clemens to Everyone: oops wrong link. be right back

From Donna Clemens to Everyone:

From Lea Chesney to Everyone: Is it a virtual conference?

From Carrie Farraje to Everyone: It is an in person conference

From Lea Chesney to Everyone: Thanks!

From Dorothy Vetrano to Everyone: Thank you.  Great information!

From Margaret Howell to Everyone: Great Information.  Thank you.

From Karen Baker to Host and Panelists: Please repeat the code

From Angela Stewart to Everyone: Thank you!!

From Robert Calhoun to Host and Panelists: Thank you!

From Donna Clemens to Everyone: 307746