Project Math Access DVD 01 - Primary Grade Levels - Part 10 Transcript Start Audio Description: Part ten, estimation, activity number one. TEACHER: Okay, we need to sing our song. Our Estimation Song. Can you sing it without me? STUDENTS: "No", "Yes", "Yah" Audio Description: The lyrics for the song are on a laminated sheet. TEACHER: Come on.... TEACHER: Okay, time out. TEACHER & STUDENTS (singing): Everybody's doing a brand new math game. Come on baby, do the estimation. Do it nice and easy now and use your brain. Come on baby, and do the estimation. Take a wild guess and say what you see... It's as easy as counting 1, 2, 3. So come on, come on, and do the estimation with me. You're gonna.... (singing stops) TEACHER: Okay, here it comes. Today we have sea shell jewels. We're going to be counting. Angelica, I need you to scoot over. Scoot to your right please. Audio Description: The teacher has a tray with ten, eight once, clear plastic cups attached to it. A jar contains small plastic sea shells. TEACHER: I'm going to pass around the jar. You're going to take an estimation, and you are going to write it on your white boards. Turn your white boards over, when you're done. You're going first. Does that look like a 1, a 5, a 10... ...a 15, a 20, a 25,... a 30, a 35, does that feel? Audio Description: The blind student has a handful of plastic shells. TEACHER: It's probably not over 50, I'll give you that hint. Between zero, and 50. What does it feel like? You have to estimate, remember, it's a guess. Put it down. Miss Chapman, would you help him with his number. TEACHER: What's your guess? STUDENT: A hundred. TEACHER: It's between zero and 50, it's not that many. Less than 50. 10, 20, 30, 40,... STUDENT: 40. TEACHER: Okay, you're going to write 40. STUDENT: It can be 50, but it can't be over. TEACHER: What your guess, Tyshawn? TYSHAWN: 40. Audio Description: The jar is in front of Evelin. TEACHER: Is it 10, 20, 21, 30, 40... What does it look like? Does it look like a 5? Does it look like only 5? No, it looks like more. Does it look like more than 10? Is it more than 10? Okay, count them. You have to look and guess Does it look like more than 20? Audio Description: The teacher takes the jar. TEACHER: The teacher How many cups are we going to fill up? Think about how many cups we're going to fill up. What's your guess? (students counting to themselves) Audio Description: The jar is in front of tony. TEACHER: What do you think? Think it's 10? Do you think it's more than 10, or less than 10? Here, this is 10. Audio Description: The teacher holds ten pieces in her hand. TEACHER: This is about 10. How many of these do you think are in here? How many groups? 10, 20, 30 ,40, 50? How many? TONY: A hundred. TEACHER: It's gotta be less. 10, 20, 30, 40, go with a 40-some. Forty what? TONY: 47. TEACHER: 47. Four groups of 10, 7 left over. Audio Description: The teacher puts the jar in front of Katarina. TEACHER: What do you think, Katarina? What do you think? How many sets of 10 are we going to make out of that. Audio Description: She looks directly into the jar. KATARINA: Need help. TEACHER: Okay, this is about 10. How many hand fulls are in there, do you think? 1, 2, think in your brain. 3, 4, 5. Fifty, and how many left over? KATARINA: One left over. TEACHER: That would be a fifty-what? KATARINA: A 51. TEACHER: What does a 51 look like? KATARINA: A 5 and a 1. TEACHER: Ding ding ding. Audio Description: The teacher puts the jar in front of Angelica. TEACHER: There you go. What do you think? ANGELICA: One,... TEACHER: You can't count em. Take a guess. How many cups do you think we're going to fill? Audio Description: The teacher puts the tray with 10 cups in front of Angelica. TEACHER: Think about it. ANGELICA: Fifteen. TEACHER: Fifteen? TEACHER: How many groups of 10 is that? ANGELICA: Two... TEACHER: Fifteen is one group of 10's and 5 leftover. You think there's 1 group of 10 and 5 leftover? How many cups are we going to fill? With this amount? How many do you think are in there? ANGELICA: Ten groups.... TEACHER: Louder, please. ANGELICA: Ten... TEACHER: I think there's more than 10. Guess again. ANGELICA: Fifteen. TEACHER: Okay. TEACHER: What are you going to write for 15? One group of 10, and 5 leftover. Alright, you ready to listen? Here we go. Boards down. Audio Description: Angelica writes fifteen on her board. TEACHER: You need to tell me when to what? TEACHER: Switch... STUDENT: Cups. TEACHER: Do we say change or switch? STUDENT: Switch. Audio Description: The teacher begins dropping plastic sea shells in a cup. TEACHER: That's right, there we go. Count with me. ...6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Audio Description: After ten, the teacher switches to a different cup. TEACHER: 11, 12, 13,... wait...14, 15... 16,17,18,19, 20... Change cups! Audio Description: The teacher switches to another cup. TEACHER: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 2s, 29, 30, (singing) Change cups! Why do we have to change cups? How many can fit in one cup? Only 10, then you have to go to a new one. (together) 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, Change cups! Audio Description: The teacher begin filling the fifth cup. TEACHER: 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50! Guess who didn't estimate very well? Mrs. Dansill (teacher). There's more than 50. How many more are there? Audio Description: There are two left over. TEACHER: Here's what left over. Fifty-two? How do you know there's 52? STUDENT: There's 2 leftover. TEACHER: How many cups did we fill? Audio Description: The teacher takes the two shells from the blind student. TEACHER: Tyshawn, how many cups did we fill? TYSHAWN: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 TEACHER: We filled 5 cups with 2 leftover. That's 52. You know what? I know someone who's very, very close. Turn your board over. Tell us what you wrote. Audio Description: The blind student had written fifty. STUDENT: Fifty! TEACHER: A fifty! How many groups of 10 did you think was there? STUDENT: Five. TEACHER: Five. TEACHER: How many did you think was leftover? STUDENT: Zero. TEACHER: Were you too big, too small, or just right? STUDENT: Too big. TEACHER: Too.... STUDENT: Too small TEACHER: Too small, but you might have been too small because I told you there were 50. Right, you probably would have guessed 52, don't you think? STUDENT: I did guess 50! TEACHER: I know, and there's 52. STUDENT: I had to guess 2 more. TEACHER: That was an awesome guess. You had a great guess. This is estimation, you can only guess. Forty. How many groups of 10 did you think was in there? TEACHER & TYSHAWN: 10, 20, 30, 40. TEACHER: We're you too small, or too big? Orjust right? TYSHAWN: Just right. TEACHER: Forty? TYSHAWN: No... TEACHER: You were toooo... TYSHAWN: ...small. TEACHER: You were too small. TEACHER: You needed 1 more 10 and you would have been right on. Good guess. That was a great guess. Audio Description: The teacher puts the tray with cups in front of Evelin. TEACHER: Young lady, what do you have for me? What number? Audio Description: We cannot see the number on Evelin's board. TEACHER: Sixty-seven? Put it down, let's see. Sixty-seven. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. Were you too big or too little? EVELIN: Too little. TEACHER: You said this cup would be full with 7 left over. So your number was tooo... EVELIN: Big. TEACHER: Big! But you had a great guess. That was really close. Would number 1 be a good guess? STUDENTS: Noooo. TEACHER: Would 500 be a good guess? STUDENTS: Yah... TEACHER: Five HUNDRED. STUDENTS: Noooo! TEACHER: Five of these whole trays... STUDENT: And a hundred. Audio Description: The tray is in front of Tony. TEACHER: What do you have pal? How many did you say were filled? 10, 20, 30, 40, and 7 left over. TEACHER: Were you close? TONY: Yes! TEACHER: It was an awesome guess. Four groups of 10 with 7 leftover. Katarina, your turn. Audio Description: Katarina has fifty-one written on her board. TEACHER: What did you guess? KATARINA: Five and a one. TEACHER: Five and a one, 51. How many do we have? KATARINA: Umm, 10. TEACHER: Go ahead. KATARINA: ...20, 30,40, 50. TEACHER: Fifty, with how many left over? KATARINA: One......two! TEACHER: What do you think about that! TEACHER: How many more did you need to be right on it? KATARINA: Two! TEACHER: One more. TEACHER: You said this, and we had this one leftover. You were only one away. Everyone give her a big "ding". EVERYONE: Ding, ding, ding. Audio Description: Angelica's board has fifteen on it. TEACHER: Alright, what do you think? ANGELICA: I said a one and a five. TEACHER: A 15, do think that too big, or too little? ANGELICA: Too little. TEACHER: You said there was one group of 10, and only five left over. You said these were not there. So that was too little. You needed to guess more. KATARINA: Good job, Angelica. TEACHER: Good job, Angelica. TEACHER: Everyone, hand your boards to Evelin.