Pegboard Book Demonstration Transcript Start Audio Description: Pegboard Book Demonstration A toddler, wearing glasses, sits at a table with large book with six pages made from pegboard. A single, yellow object is attached with elastic to each page. A teacher sits next to him. He turns a blank page to reveal a yellow duck. Toddler: [Laughs] Teacher: [Laughing] What is that? [ Laughter ] Toddler: [Verbalizing] Audio Description: He turns the page back and forth reveal the yellow duck. [ Laughter ] Toddler: [Laughing] Teacher: Are you closing the book? Hey, look at this. Audio Description: He turns the page back and forth reveal the yellow duck. Toddler: [Laughing] [ Laughter ] [Clapping] Teacher: Let's open. Open the book. Let's go to another page. Audio Description: He turns a blank page to reveal a yellow cloth with six large buttons. Toddler: [Laughing] Teacher: Well, books can do that. Audio Description: He turns the page back and forth. Toddler: [Laughing] Teacher: Okay. Let's wait-- and look at this thing. Audio Description: The teacher turns to a page with a small round mirror in a yellow frame. Teacher: You don't want to see the things on the page. You're more interested in turning them. Toddler: [Laughing] Teacher: It turns, doesn't it? Audio Description: He turns the page back and forth. Teacher: You're turning the pages. Toddler: [Laughing] Audio Description: He turns through the pages, forward and backward. Toddler: [Laughing] Teacher: Okay. Let's open. Toddler: [Laughing] Teacher: That's closing. Audio Description: The teacher turns to pages with a yellow comb and a yellow toothbrush with blinking lights. Teacher: You are much more interested in... [Indiscernible] Toddler: [Laughing] Teacher: That's pretty fun... turning pages. Toddler: [Laughing] [ Laughter ] Teacher: That's pretty fun. Good job. Good job. And close the book. And open? Toddler: [Laughing] Teacher: Open? Audio Description: A title reads: Credit, Diane Sheline, Year, 2017.