TSBVI Coffee Hour: VoiceOver on iOS-Advanced Level 3/25/2021 >> Good morning. For one more minute, good morning as you are coming in, go ahead and take a moment and change the little drop-down menu in your chat box so it says all panelists and attendees, that way everyone can see your comment or question that you might have. Again, welcome. We'll get started in just a couple of minutes. Hi Josie from Ontario, Canada. Is it spring up there yet? Oh, good. We had hail last night like at my place, ping-pong size hail, it was crazy. We'll get started in just one more minute. Again, please make sure in your chat box it says all panelists and attendees in the little drop-down menu. Hi Peggy from North Carolina. Debby here in Texas. Welcome everyone, we'll go ahead and get started. First, we just want to again say welcome to coffee hour. Facebook reminded me this morning that a year ago we launched coffee hour. So coffee hour turns one today. So just want to send out thank yous to all of you who participate with us twice a week. A big thank you to everyone who has presented, people that have contributed and then of course to our awesome team here at TSBVI, our media team offering our support every week. Our CART folks that give us the live caption every time and a special thank you to Kaycee Ben net who has been a captain for our coffee hour team. So yeah, happy birthday to coffee hour and welcome again today. Again, just one more reminder please in this chat box make sure the drop-down menu says all panelists and attendees. As always your microphones and cameras are muted so you don't need to worry about them. The handout has been shared in the chat and we'll share it again for immediate viewing and it will be available for later viewing. So you can find the records of this and past sessions at -- and you can find the archives if you scroll down it says visit TSBVI outreach coffee hour archive and there's a link that will take you to those recording t,z handouts, the transcripts and the chat information from each session. Just a reminder that we do offer professional development products and CEU's, you will respond to an evaluation that will be e-mailed to you from our website, ESB works and make sure you enter the code I will give you attend of today's session and that certificate will automatically generate for you. Again, no opening code, just that closing code, so we'll start the presentation a few minutes before the hour to give you that code and some announcements. I'm happy to introduce today's presenter carry Farraje and she's going to give us an advanced seminar on voice-overs. So Carrie, I turn it over to you >> I'm going to turn my video off when I get started but I wanted to introduce myself real quick. This is the third of a series that we've done this year ton coffee hour on voice over and I'm going to be going over navigation of the control center and how do you use the rotor effectively. And then also some of the ways to navigate settings including what are some of the specific voice over settings that you can have your students use. So I'm going to go ahead and turn the video off and share my screen. Okay. So we're going to start with the control center. I think I have briefly gone over the control center in some of the previous trainings, but today I'm going to dig a little bit deeper. To open up the control center, which I will show you in a minute, you normally would just do a finger swipe from the top right of your screen, but when you have voice over on, you have to open it a little differently because of the vis over gestures. So you sfrirs to use the gesture to drag your finger all the way to the top left of your screen and get into at the tusz bar, get the voice over focus into the status bar. the status bar. And then once you are in the status bar, you will do a three finger swipe up to access the control center. So let me go ahead and show you how to do that on either on an IOS device or -- (video running) >> So the swipe down was notification bus the three finger swipe up will reveal the control center. (Video running) double tap to toggle setting actions available). >> Okay. So what it said was that I'm in airplane mode. So the first thing it tells you is what feature you are on and airplane mode just happens to be the first one in the control center. If I want to -- or I'm sorry -- the second thing that I'm going to hear is what type of control it is. It said it was a switch button. so a switch button basically allows you to toggle that feature on or off by doing a double tap. Okay? So we're going to look at a lot of different switch buttons as we go through this here. Third, it told me whether that button was on or off. So it said that airplane mode is off. If I want to turn it on, I would double tap to turn it on. And then finally what I heard was to change the setting, it said to double tap and hold to show more controls. So in the airplane mode and some of the other features turned control center, you can double tap and hold and there will be more settings that you can actually adjust. In different ways. So let's go ahead and I'm going to toggle -- I think I'm going to toggle it on and off by doing a double tap. Hold on. Actually, it might not. I might have done that in a different part of the training in a second. But just to give you a little idea of what the airplane mode is, obviously most people that travel it's when you go on an airplane and they tell you to make sure you turn it on airplane mode to make sure it doesn't interfere. But you can do it at other times when you don't want to have your device interfering with something you're doing. I am going to get into more detail about the control center but I also want to point out that in the settings you can actually customize the control center to whatever you want it to be. So in the control center in the settings of the control center you can choose for you to have -- hang on. Let me start over. First you go into settings and then you were going to scroll down to control center. And in the control center, you can customize. You can add a timer, you can add the Wi-Fi, you can add the camera or screen recording, you can also add volume, so if you want to increase your volume or your speaking rates. There are so many different options, so it's basically a quick way to access some of the things that you want quick access to so that you don't have to always go into settings to make those adjustments. So if you just customize in the settings what you want in that control center first, it's kind of like a mini settings that you get access to. All right. Let's move on. We're going to go back and look at the control center and the navigation of the control center a little bit in more detail. Control center: Okay. . So now I'm in the control center again and I'm going to go and show you some more of those switch buttons and then I'm going to show you some other buttons which are called sliders and then there are also regular buttons. So I'm going to kind of go through this navigation and show you all these different ways to use voice over to navigate through the control center. (Airplane mode, switch button off, double tap and hold to show more controls, double tap to toggle setting, actions available) >> All right. Again I'm on the airplane mode, that's where it always will start. And it did provide a lot of information. We're going to swipe right one time to go to the next item that's in my control center. Swipe right. (On) >> I'm sorry. That's where I turned it on or off. I'm going toing to it it on or off first. I double tap to turn it on and double tap again to turn it off. (Off). >> So when they saying toal on and off that's all it is -- toggle -- it's an on and off switch like a light switch. So you can teach your students that by teaching them about light switches and how to turn it on and off when you hear that toggle button. It is a one finger double tap. >> Kate: I'm so sorry to interrupt, what we're seeing is a screen that says control center. Is that what we should be seeing? Care. >> You're not seeing my screen? Do you see where it has the airplane mode and air drop and stuff? >> No. >> Then you're not seeing my screen. Let me stop and start again. Let's try this again. Ia yeah, your definitely not seeing it. You see it now? >> Yes. >> Maybe it was a different weird thing going on. Okay. Let's start back here. Were you seeing the settings? >> Kate: All it said was control center. >> Okay. Well, hopefully you're seeing this now. I was just saying double tap to turn it on and double tap to turn it off. So you're seeing what you're supposed to see now, right? I just want to make sure. >> Kate: Yeah. >> So to go on to the next item in the control center I'm going to do a one finger swipe right (air drop). >> So the air drop is a switch button. It allows you to -- let's see what else is there. Hang on. Something weird is going on with this. Imso sorry. Okay. It's jumping to brightness, but that's okay. The air drop, the airplane mode was a switch button. Let me briefly show you what a slider is and I may get into more detail as I go through this. So a slider is going to allow you to use a one finger swipe up or down to adjust the settings. So once my focus of voice over is on a slider all I'm going to do is one finger swipe up or a one finger swipe down. So I am on brightness right now in the krl center and if I do -- control -- if I do a one finger swipe up it's going to increase the brightness of my screen, if I go down, it's going dim my screen. So it's saying it's adjustable. Swipe up, swipe up again (75 percent) 65 percent) >> And I'm swiping down and it is decreasing the brightness, it's making it more dim. (Voice over on, airplane mode, switch button off, double tap and hold to show more controls, double tap to toggle setting, actions available, landscape, home button to the right). >> Okay. Now that's where I wanted you to be where you can see where I'm going to go into more depth of the actual control center and how to navigate it. So again, back to airplane mode, we put that in by now, and to turn it on or off double tap and to go to the nexz item many list, I'm going to do a one finger swipe. (Home button to the right, air drop, everyone, switch button on Wi-Fi). >> So again, it's a switch button for air drop. Air drop allows you to share different files, pictures maybe, videos, with your -- with other people or I use it a lot when I have a video an I want to put the video on my computer, I just air drop it. It's a lot easier than having to have the different cords that you connected to your computer and to your device or to your camera. So it's really a nice thing. So it's nice to be able to have that in the control center directly. One finger swipe right is bringing me to my next one, which is the Wi-Fi. (67 of BZ 42, switch button on, double tap and hold to show more controls, double tap to toggle setting, actions available) >> So the Wi-Fi actually told me a couple of things. At first it told me what network I'm actually on. It also told me I can double tap and hold to show more controls. So different than a double tap because a double tap will activate something or toggle something on or off, but if you double tap and hold your finger on that screen on that second tap then it's going to open up some more things that you can do. So for the Wi-Fi, what it's likely going to give you different options for is the select the network that you are on. So if a student a trying to connected to Wi-Fi in a different location, they can go here and double tap and hold it down and choose the whyfy network that they need -- Wi-Fi -- instead of having to guess or type it in to the settings. So it's a really, really nice feature to be able to have that in your control center. Okay. I'm going to swipe right again to go to the next item in the control center. (Bluetooth, switch bought button on, double tap to show more controls, double tap to toggle settings, actions available. () >> So it's a switch button, you can double tap and hold to show some more items that you can adjust and this is really helpful because maybe you have multiple Bluetooth items. One example might be you have a Braille display and you -- it's gotten knocked off of it somehow and you want to be able to connect it again through the blue tooth. If you go here in the control center, double tap and hold it, hold the double happen, it will open up the different Bluetooth items you can connected to. So this is really good for your students to learn some independence and how to connected their devices instead of having an adult always making sure their stuff is connected to each other i.'S a really good skill for independence for sure. Okay. I'm going to double tap again. Sorry, one finger swipe right, not double tap. So that brought me to show media controls. This is really complex, the music part or the media controls that are inside of your control panel. You can have it on or off. So it may not appear in your device like it is in mine. But when I do go to the medial controls and I double tap to show more controls, I can play, pause, I can actually navigate to my iTunes directly from here. I can -- if I double tap, it will show I can rewind, I can play, fast forward. So it has a lot of different options in the media you can do. It's kind of like a mini old fashioned radio right there on your thing. Obviously, you proubl have probably have some of the shongs r songs already purchased, it's not like a rue but the same thing like fast forward, rewind and play so on. So you could use that when you're teaching the media controls that are available by showing them like an old maybe tape player or something like that. So I'm going do a one finger swipe right again to go to a couple other items that are in there. These next two items I'm going to show are also switch buttons, so the same thing is like airplane mode, air drop, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The lock rotation is the first one I'm going to show and that provides an option to lock the rotation of your device. Sometimes you might want to have that on and sometimes you might want to have it off. If you're always using your device the same way, then you can lock it. However, sometimes if you go to certain apps or different websites, you may need to be in a different mode, such as landscape portrait. So some of those apps are only in a certain mode which kind of drives me nuts personally. But this is a quick way to be able to lock it on or off so it's not moving around. Then the next one after that I'm going to show is the do not disturb. And that's what you're going to turn on obviously when you want privacy. And again these are switch buttons, so once the focus is on them, all you would do is double tap to turn them on or to turn them off. (Lock rotation, switch button off, double tap to toggle setting, do not disturb, switch button off. Double tap and hold to showt Actions available. >> So the one difference between the lock rotation and to do not disturb is the do not disturb has had more items you can choose from instead of just on and off. However, you can still double tap to turn it on and off, if you double tap and hold it's going to give you more options. I think it's going to jump back to the sliders and we'll go in a little more detail than last time about how to use the sliders. (Brightness, 68 percent, adjustable, swipe up or down with one finger to adjust the value, actions available, 80 percent, adjustable. Swipe up or down with one finger to adjust the volume. Actions available) >> So again I can swipe up or down with one finding tor adjust the different brightness or the value of the -- of my device. So if I swipe up when I'm on my volume, one finger swipe up it's going to increase it by one, so you can keep doing the one finger swipe up until I gets to the value we want or if you need to swipe down, same thing, one finger swipe down, one at a time until you get to the preference that you like. So (screen mirroring button) >> Let's go on to the next one which is screen mirroring. So screen mirroring will open up options to share kreen with another device such as a smart TV or apple TV. So my kids, they don't have apple TVs, they have smart TVs, but they have their phone so they can show whatever is on their device on to their screen so they don't have cable and they get to watch it all that often. So screen mirroring is popular. Also you can share with colleagues if you have a TV, a smart TV in your room, you can share your screen to show other people in a meeting if that's what you prefer. And so screen mirroring is really good. It is a button, it's not a switch button where you turn it on or off. It's where you double tap, hold and it will bring you to some more options so you can select where you want your screen to mirror. (Double tap and hold to show more controls. Mute, switch button) >> Okay. So now it's moving on to mute. So it's again a switch button. If you my students I'd be quizzing you right now and asking you how do you use a switch button and hopefully you would answer at this point that you double tap to turn it on and double tap to turn it off. So that's the same -- that's what happens with mute on the switch button, you just double tap to mute your screen or double tap to unmute it. (Off. Double tab to toggle setting, camera button, double tap and hold to show more controls, actions available) >> So camera is a little bit different. It's a button where you double tap and hold to show more controls and you can actually activate and open up your camera directly from here and take your pictures, which is really nice. The next one which is the screen recording will actually record what is on your screen, which is how I made these videos that you're seeing right now. I screen recorded my iPad so I can show you how to use some of these different features and that's something that I like to keep in my control panel because I like to use it a lot. However, if it's not something that you or your students use, then you do not have to have it on your control panel. Move on) selected, screen recording, button, double tap and hold to show more controls, actions available. >> And on my screen witd blinking because it was recording while I was recording this video, so that's why it's red and blinking. Okay. Then this final one is the timer. . (timer button, double tap and hold to show more controls, actions available. ) >> So I love having my time inner the control center because that's quick access to be able to set a little timer for myself. I do that a lot now that I work from home more, I'm setting timers a lot on different things to make sure I don't forget what's coming up, if I I have a meeting or different things going on. So it's definitely a cool feature to have the timer but now you don't have to go into the clock and set the timer. You can have the timer in your actual control center. So watch what happens when I go inside by double tapping my timer in the control center. (15 minutes, adjustable. ) >> Okay. So it actually pulled up a timer right there directly in my control center or right outside of it. So I can swipe up with one finger to increase the time or I can swipe down to decrease the time and then when I actually want the time tor start, all I'm going to do is double tap, it will start the timing, double tap to stop or to pause the timer. And so it's really a nice feature to be able to get quick access to by having it in my control center. (Swipe up or down with one finding tor adjust the value. Actions available. 20 minutes. Start button) >> Double tap to start it. It's going to start in a second. (Pause, resume). >> I can double tap to pause or double tap to resume it again. One thing before I finish up, the control center part, I just want to remember that all of the control center can be customized in your settings. So again, just to review, you go to settings, and you go to the control center is in the left-hand column and then you can select exactly what you want to have in your control center. Okay. So now we're going to move on to the rotor. The rotor is similar to a dial switch or a combination lock. To activate the rotor you're going to do a two finger twist gesture. So usually the twist gesture is with an index finger and your thumb on your screen. However, you can use any two fingers that works for you. If you're student is new to the rotor and you want to give them a better idea of how it works, I would recommend getting a combination lock for them to practice on. A combination lock, you twist it and it will land on a number. The same thing with the rotor. You twist it one time, you do that gesture one time, lift your fingers off of it and it will make a selection just like it would on a lock with a number. If you do it a second time, that gesture again, then it will go to another number and on the rotor it will go to the next item in the rotor. Just like a combination lock, you can go to the right or you can go to the left. So eventually, it will all circle back around. So right or left, it doesn't matter. If you have a student with some physical disabilities and they're more comfortable moving to the left, then they can go to the left all the time. Because it will circle back around. Or if you have a student that's more comfortable going to the right, they can always go to the right because it will circle back around. All right. So let's see. Once you stop on a selection, which I'll demo in a second, it is basically your focus is on that item in the rotor. So once I lift my fingers that is where my selection is until I move the rotor again. So go ahead and watch as it's demoed. (Speaking rate, volume, continues ners, headings -- containers -- actions, speaking rate) >> So each time I was doing that gesture and lifted my fingerers it stopped on a different item in the rotor. It's really hard to show you that gesture on the screen, so it's literally like taking your thumb and finger on the screen and twisting one way or the other. I stopped on speaking rates, so if now that my focus is on speaking rate, I can use some different gestures to adjust the speaking rate kind of like in the control center, you will do a one finger swipe up or a one finger swipe down to make it' their faster or -- I'm sorry -- yeah, faster, go up, slower, one finger swipe down. So let's go ahead and watch that. (66 percent, 61 percent) >> So I went up one finger, 66 percent and then down one finger it went back to 61 percent. So that's how I can adjust the speaking rate right there in my rotor. You may have your students, they may use the control center for lots of things and they may use the rotor tor certain things. They do not have to use one or the other. I suggest that they probably get comfortable using multiple things to be able to access their stuff quickly and effectively, and independently. (56 percent) >> So I swiped down one more time. So also under settings in accessibility, so you would first go to setting icon on your device and then you would go to accessibility, we're going to look at some of the different features of the rotor. Okay. So once you go to accessibility and you go to voice-over and you're in now the voice-over settings which I will show you in a little bit more detail about navigating settings because that's in the next part of the training today. But you can select in the rotor what you want. So just like the control center you have some customization that yaw can do. Speaking rate, volume are what I have in there, you can also have things such as links so if the student is navigating a website and they want to quick I will be able to access the links that are on that website, they can use the rotor to get that list of links quickly. Same things with headings. So those two are really valuable to me, I think. If you are on a website, they're valuable to be able to have the links and headings accessible when you're scrolling the Internet or searching the Internet with your IOS device. So really you can customize the row tor however you prefer. There are options you can select to put into your rotor. I'm just showing the form, there's form controls, tables, but I mean text field, search fields, there's basically a ton of different options that you can use to pet in your own rotor. Okay. This last part that I'm going to go through is settings. So I'm first going to show you a bit about navigating settings with voice over on so your students can get used to learning how to get in settings and find things, because it's massive. The settings for an iOS device has a lot in it and it has a lot of about e cessibility tools that could be useful for your students -- accessibility. So it's good for them to learn how the navigate in those settings without getting lost. And then after that I'm going to quickly show you some of the specific voice-over setting tsd that you can have for your iOS device. All right. So the settings columns -- I'm sorry -- the settings structure has two columns. So it has two columns with multiple rows in the columns, like a list. So there is a column on the left and there is a column on the right. And then within that column, if you were to go do a one finger swipe right to go through the column, it's going to bring you row by row through that column. You can also do a one finger swipe left if you accidentally pass what the item that you needed in the setting or in that row by mistake. So you could go swipe right one finger or swipe left one finger to go through the different items that are in the list. To navigate, I'm going to swipe right with one finger to go forward and like I said you can swipe left to go backwards. So go ahead and see what happens when we do this. Sorry, it's a little slow. (Search, search field) >> Okay. So I did a one finger swipe right and it brought me to the search field. So this is search field in settings. If I know what I'm looking for I can type directly into the search field and it will give me those options in settings, so you can search what you're looking for in settings. You can also dictate. So a student does not have to type. To the right of that search box if I were to swipe right again it would bring me to that little microphone that is the dictate button. So if they learn that right after the search field if they swipe right one time it will bring them to dictation, then they can double tap on the Dick dictation and then speak what they are looking for. I'm going to show you that when we get into more detail with the voice over, but for now I just want to show navigating the left and right column to show how those work. So I'm going to continue to swipe right and go down the column on the left. I'm looking for accessibility. So I'm going to go to accessibility, one more swipe right. (Accessibility, button) >> And I'm going to double tap because I found the accessibility. So once I found accessibility in the list, it was not one of the first things in the list, I cut that video out so you didn't have to listen to voice-over speaking all of those, but basically you lad to do a one finger swipe right to get to accessibility. Which is why it makes I r it easier if I know I'm looking for accessibility I might want to teach my students is to use that search button at the top of your settings. So now I'm in accessibility, I double tapped and what it did directly was it jumped to that second column, that right-hand column. So as soon as I double tapped on accessibility it brought me to the accessibility settings that are in this right-hand column. And now I can go through the accessibility settings and adjust them however I want. So what I also liked is I don't know if you noticed is it is coated where it says accessibility heading, so therefore you know that I'm on the right page. This is the accessibility, it's the heading of this setting so I know I'm in the right place. Because if I clicked on the one above it, which is home screen and dock, that's going to bring me somewhere else. So by double tapping on accessibility and it says accessibility heading you know you are in the right place. So now that I'm in the right right-hand column on accessibility, I'm going to swipe right with one finger to go to some of the different settings. (Vision heading, voice-over on button) >> So it went to vision and then it went to voice-over, actually before that it will give you a snippet, little sentence on what accessibility is. It says accessibility features help you customize your iPad for your individual needs. Then the very first item in the accessibility setting ssz vision, which is great that it's right at the top. And then the very first setting under vision is voice-over. So that is very nice. So I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to move more into the voice-over settings and I'll shoel show you how to get in there one more time. But if I wanted to activate voice over right there I can double tap and it will go into that voice-over settings. But the very last part I'm going for go over is more of those details. So I will show you that in a second. So I'm going back to -- h this is kind of a little review -- going back to my settings and I'm going to go back to that search box. So as soon as I launch settings and do a one finger swipe right to get to the search box, one finger swipe again to get to dictate, then I can vocalize what I'm searching for. And I'm searching for accessibility. So let me show you again. (Settings) >> One finger swipe right. (Search, search field, dictate button, accessibility. ) >> So I went to to the dictate button and spoke accessibility so it can find accessibility for me. When I am done saying accessibility, I double tapped again. So a double tap is also making a selection. And this is some of the basic voice-over stuff that we went over at the very first training that I did on this is making a selection is a double tap. So it's a very common gesture you're going to use. When I did the search, it brought up multiple things. I went to the first thing in the list which is the accessibility settings and it is going to jump over to the accessibility settings on the right. (Accessibility, accessibility heading. ) >> So that is two ways to get to the accessibility settings. The first way I showed you was by going through the list one swipe at a time to find accessibility and double tapping and the other is actually using the search field, which you can access more quickly. So within voice-over, I'm going to show you some of the specific features that you can customize within voice-over. Turning voice-over on is a -- well, first let's get to the voiceover. I'm going to right finger swipe to get to voice-over and once I'm on there I'm going to double tap. One finger swipe right, one finger swipe right again, and now I'm going to double tap. (Voice-over heading) >> So that launched my voice-over, again it says voice overheading, so now I move from the accessibility settings, accessibility was the heading, to now I'm in voice oversettings where voice-over is the heading. So again I know I'm in the right place because it says joys overheading. Then I'm going to navigate like I do everything else which is a one finger swipe right. (Voice over on, double tap to toggle setting). >> I think I might have went a little too far. So that said voice on, double tap to toggle setting. So that means I can turn voice-over on and off within my settings. Now for me, I don't use voice over all the time because I'm not visually impaired, so when I turn on my voice-over I typically will go into settings and turn it on directly. And if I want to turn it off, I'll go into settings and then double tap. However, in the first trainings, I did go through other ways that you can turn voice-over on and off, there's accessibility short cuts, there is settings and there is also -- I don't know if y'all are aware of this but you can use the back of your device to make it a certain button as well. People say it's a little sticker on the Apple but it's doing a double tap on the back of your device, so you can customize it to turn voice-over on which making the double tap on the back of your device. However, I will say I did that to test it out and I kept finding myself turning voice over on accidently. So it may be something that you may or may want to use but it's a new option out there. I think you can use it to take pictures and do some other things by just double tapping the back of your device. So cool fun fact there. Okay. So I am on voice-over and I'm going to finish up here by going through just some of the voice-over features that you can have. So right below on the voice-over setting, right before turning -- below turning it on and off, it gives you some basic gestures for your students or for anybody. But for your students, if you want to gro through these with them -- go -- it says tap once to select an item, double tap to activate an item, swipe three fingers to scroll. So it kind of givelittl With started with voice-over. Right below that there's also voice-over practice, which is nice. So if you were to go in there and have your students go in there if they're brand new to voice-over they can practice their gestures. It will say do this and then they have to do that gesture. So that might be a good place to start when you're teaching them new things like the rotor. There's going to be several other options in voice over that can be customized. So let me show you those. We have gone over speaking rate a lot today and I went over it in the control center. I also went over it in the rotor, and now I'm going over it in the voice-over settings. This works the same way. Once my focus is on that speaking rate in the settings for voice-over, I can just do a one finger swipe up to make my speed go faster or I can do a one finger swipe down to make it go slower. So it pretty much just works the same way. So I think I swiped up there, it's going to increase it and then let's see. (71 percent, 61 percent, 51 percent) >> So that again is how you use a slider, again, it's very easy to use a slider once you know you're in a slider, you're kind of familiarize with what item such as volume, speaking rate, things like that, then you will know how to actually adjust the sliders by just doing a one finger swipe up or down. Okay. So the next thing it's going to -- I'm just going to let it show you then I'll explain what all these last few features are that I'm going to show. Give it a second. Speech, I went too fast. So speech and it says it was a button. So -- oops. Okay. So speech, speech is a button. It allows you to change the voice The pitch, and the language of voice-over. So these are all buttons. If I double tap it is going to bring me from the voice-over setting to the voice overspeech setting. So it will bring me to that speech page that a has some different items where you can select the speech or the pitch, the voice that you use and the language of your voice-over. So that's pretty much how all of these settings are going to work that I'm going to show you, you would double tap and it's going to bring you to a more elaborate page to do more settings. Although there are a couple of toggles in here as well. So let me she you those some more. Okay. So verbose city, you can choose that you want voice voefr to to speak spsz do you want it to speak capital let trsz, do you want it to speak emojis or characters or words or just sentences. So there's so many things that you can customize with the verbosity. Braille will give you settings for using a Braille display and where you can connected your Bluetooth Braille display. However, once you have the right display Have all the settings done you can connected it with your blue tooth in the control center as well. Audio, I'm going to go over a couple more than I didn't get into the video. Right below Braille is audio. This is cool where you can do audio ducking, where you can decrease the music or the video that is playing so you can hear voice-over speak. I kind of compare to when I'm driving in the car and I'm using my gave negotiation system and I'm sure you guys are familiar but if I have my radio on and I have a turn coming up because I'm navigating it will turn down my volume of my radio so I can hear what the maps is saying. So the audio ducking, if you have that turned on it basically does the same thing for the student. If they're watching the video or song r song or listening to music it will decrease that sound to so they can hear what voice-over speaking to them. Then rotor, we went over rotor before but this is where you can choose what you want, again like volume, speaking rate, heading, links, if a student also yooss Zoom like a low vision student that uses voice over but also uses Zoom, you can customize that by having that in the rotor. And then right below that is rotor actions and this is more of an advanced feature that allows you to edit apps on the home screen using the rotor. So that's quite advanced but it is an option to be able to do that. >> I only have a couple more left. The typing you can do different typing styles -- because I know we're almost out of time. The always speak notifications that is a toggle button. I think it said that. Yeah, double tap to toggle setting. So you can double tap it on or you can double tap it off. That's just a preference. Do you want the notifications read or don't you. It's really up to you. The navigate images you have a little bit more options. That is a button you double tap and it will bring to more options and that you can actually be more selective where you can say whether you want it to always navigate images or only navigate those with descriptions or never Navajo gate images. And then finally, then the last one I'm going over is the large cursor which is a toggle button, switch button where you can double tap to turn it own and double tap to turn it off. That's just going to make your cursor larger, more defined, it actually puts a big black circle around what you're doing. So that just kind of gives more contrast for maybe some of your students with low vision that also use voice-over. And I ran out of time for questions and I am so sorry because I thought we would have more time for questions. And that's basically what I have on the control center navigation with rotor navigating settings. I will have for next year after they get captioned a series of voice-over just in time videos that are just one minute in length that will be available from our school that you can access with your students. So those will be available in the near future for the next school year. So just keep that in mind. I'm so sorry, Kate, I went a little long. >> It's perfect timing. There was a question just in the chat is the large cursor only available when voice-over is on. That's actually the cursor on Carrie's from and you can chance that. >> You can do lots of cursor things with just accessibility without voice over. But with voice over it will show you where that focus is on your computer. >> Thank you so much. This is good information. There are some things that I had not tried before, so this is good. I feel a little better prepared. All right. So let me go ahead and give you the closing code. It is going to be 03 2521, that is today's code. So you'll need that when the evaluation is e-mailed to you, you will enter that code in so that you can have access tho those professional development credits. Just a reminder that there's no coffee hour on Monday, it's our podium session but we will have coffee hour next Thursday. It will be the low vision conference a review and preview with sin de-Backfer. And then the next Monday we'll have early childhood nuts and bolts with Jackie Gregory. Thank you again for joining us today. I want to make sure we put the code and the link to our coffee hour page 1 more time in the chat. For those of you going to Taer we'll see you in a bit. Thanks everyone.