Project Math Access DVD 02 - Abacus- Part 14 Transcript Start Audio Description: Part fourteen; abacus secrets method; addition; checking work with Braille Lite, example one.. TEACHER: I'm going to give you your worksheet and I need you to carefully put it in your braillewriter. If you have a problem, you need to raise your hand. JOEY: Are these carries? TEACHER: You are going to need to use Secrets on these to do these problems. PARAS: I have 11. TEACHER: We have many problems to work through on this. Audio Description: The students put sheets in their braillewriters. TEACHER: Paras, I‘m going to put your Addition Secrets on your left, so you know where they're at in case you need them. It is big paper. And you know what, you need to make sure that when you put it in you can read at the top “Abacus Practice“, okay? Does yours say “Abacus Practice“ at the top Joe? JOEY: “Abacus Practice“ TEACHER: “Abacus Practice“, okay. Put your paper in. You need to open up your levers first Paras. Audio Description: Paras struggles to get the paper in the braillewriter. TEACHER: That big paper messing you up? You got it. You almost got it though. There we go. Okay. Audio Description: The teacher turns to Joey. TEACHER: You need to make sure when you put the paper in it says “Abacus Practice“ at the top. Now open your levers. You got them open? Use two hands. You know how to do this. Okay, problem number 1, Paras. You should have your Addition Secrets on your left, your abacus we're going to put to the right of your braillewriter. So, we can look at the problem, read a Secret if we need to, and try the problem on the abacus. I‘m sorry Paras, go ahead. PARAS: 29 + 11 TEACHER: Alright, before you begin what you need to do is set your first number on the abacus. Set your first number on the abacus. 29, we want to add 11. Go to your tens column, add a 10. Go to your ones column, we want to add a 1. We do not have a 1. What‘s the Secret Paras? PARAS: Clear 9 set one left. TEACHER: Okay, 40. Who's the lucky contestant that gets to check it? I believe it‘s your turn Paras. Write you answer. JOEY: Paras, Paras, Paras, what about me? TEACHER: I will wait patiently for my turn on the calculator. JOEY: I will wait patiently. TEACHER: Thank you. Okay, are you ready Paras? Let‘s move you a little bit. 0, decimal point, equals, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. You want to do 29... CALCULATOR: 2 9 plus 1 1 equal 40 TEACHER: Alright, no problem, very good. Moving right along, Joey, read number 2 to us. JOEY: 49 TEACHER: Like a boy please. JOEY: 49 + 12 TEACHER: 49 + 12, Iet‘s work through it together. Clear your abacus. Set 49. Okay, we want to add 12. Go to your tens column, add 1. You don't have 1, what‘s the Secret Paras? PARAS: Set 5, clear 4. TEACHER: Set 5, clear 4. Go to your ones column; we want to add 2. You're working ahead and you did not get it correct. You need to start over. Thank you. Clear your abacus. Set 49. Wait patiently for Paras. Why don't you do some hand presses; your engine‘s running kind of high. Calm down, okay? 49, you got it Joe? Alright, are you calm now? JOEY: yeah TEACHER: Okay, 49 + 12, go to your tens column and add 1. Do you have 1 to add? JOEY: no TEACHER: No you do not. What‘s the Secret Paras? PARAS: Set 5, clear 4. TEACHER: Set 5, clear 4. Go to your ones column; we want to add 2. We do not have 2. PARAS: Clear 8... TEACHER: Clear 8, set 1 left. Not clear 9 like you were doing, Joey. Clear 8, set 1 left. What‘d you get? Okay, put your answer down and we're going to check it. JOEY: I don't want to do it on the calculator. TEACHER: I will write my answer, yes Miss Knowles. Thank you. Okay, Joey you are, you were guessing right. Okay, let's talk about what we do when we use the braillewriter, excuse me, Braille Lite. I need you to do some hand presses. JOEY: I will not talk like a robot. TEACHER: umhum JOEY: I will not flap. TEACHER: umhum JOEY: I will not change the voice. TEACHER: Okay, I will go right to the calculator... JOEY: I will go right to the calculator... TEACHER: and check the problem. JOEY: and check the problem. TEACHER: Okay, I need you to turn it on for me please. JOEY: It's on. TEACHER: I need you to get into the calculator. BRAILLE LITE: Option, check appointments TEACHER: Whoops, do an abort chord, made a mistake there. BRAILLE LITE: Abort TEACHER: Try it again. Slowly, remember we talked about your fingers flipping? You have to use those fingers carefully. JOEY: slow on the keys TEACHER: Yes, because if they slip, you push the wrong keys. Get into the calculator please. BRAILLE LITE: Option, c, calculator ready TEACHER: Okay, we need to check our problem number 2. What was problem number 2, Joey? Audio Description: Joey checks the problem in the braillewriter. JOEY: 49 + 12 TEACHER: Alright, plug in the numbers. BRAILLE LITE: 4 9 TEACHER: Good, you remembered your Nemeth numbers. Drop it. BRAILLE LITE: plus 1 2, 61 TEACHER: Is that what you guys got on your abacus? Is that what you got Paras? PARAS: yeah TEACHER: Oh, great job! Moving right along here, you guys are pros. What Secret did we use in that one? We used two Secrets in that one. That one was tricky. PARAS: the 1s and the 2s TEACHER: We used the Secrets for the 1s and the 2s.