Description of graphical content is included between Description Start and Description End. Transcript Start Audio Description: Jack hangs from a HOPSA dress. His hands explore the items attached to it. [beads and spoons rattle] Audio Description: He begins to move and swing from side to side. [mylar paper crinkling] [music plays softly on some device] Audio Description: A box of bright colored plastic peg pieces are below him. His feet begin to explore them. [music plays softly on some device] [mylar paper crinkling] [pegs rattle] Audio Description: He raises his feet while touching beads on his HOPSA Dress. [beads and spoons rattle] Audio Description: His hands brush silver mylar attached to his HOPSA Dress. [Jack vocalizes] [mylar paper crinkling] [Jack vocalizes] Audio Description: He continues to swing, touch the peg pieces with his feet and feel the beads with his hands. His hands brush the mylar again. [Jack vocalizes] [rolling cart passes] Audio Description: While turning, his feet begin to explore another container - a box filled with rice. [music plays softly on some device] [mylar paper crinkling] Audio Description: He tears the mylar off with his hand while his feet stand in the rice box. [mylar paper crinkling] Audio Description: He turns around again with his feet feeling the rice and mylar. The teacher approaches him. Teacher: What'd you do today? Jack: [vocalizing] Teacher: You had your foot in rice... and crinkle paper [giggling] And pegs. [pegs rattle] You had your foot in pegs. Jack: Hmmmm, yeah! Hmmmm. Teacher: Yeah, that was fun stuff! [Title Slide start: ] >> Audio Description: A slide reads, Active Learning Space, September 2016. At the bottom are logos for Penrickton Center for Blind Children, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Perkins School for the Blind. [Title Slide end: ]