CHAT - Learning with Travelers who are DeafBlind: Insights from Practice and Research Р10/28/24 Donna Gonzaski to Everyone: Spring, TX Crista Mitchel to Host and panelists: Odessa tx Charlene Troy to Everyone: Ozark, MO Kerri Barrera to Host and panelists: Midland Rita Phillips Dunn to Host and panelists: Georgia Amber Ohlinger to Everyone: Santa Fe, New Mexico Katie Ericson to Host and panelists: Lincoln, NE Robert McLendon to Everyone: Louisville, KY Leslie Anderson to Everyone: Glendale, Arizona Ed Gervasoni to Host and panelists: Tucson AZ Marinda Diehl to Everyone: Midland, TX Madeline Eklund to Host and panelists: St. Paul, MN Amy Scepaniak to Everyone: South Daktota Linda Jordan to Everyone: Good afternoon from Boerne! Zachary Schaefer to Everyone: Good Afternoon from Faribault, Minnesota Mary Ann Carmicheal to Everyone: Hello, I'm Mary Ann from Texas Tyler Hamilton to Everyone: Garland TX Rebecca Weber to Everyone: I’m from Pennsylvania. Lori B to Everyone: Vancouver canada Andrea Bill Reyna to Everyone: Odessa/ Midland TX RDSPD Andrea Bill Reyna to Everyone: Hello Amie Abernathy to Everyone: I love that they are using haptics touch communication! Lori B to Everyone: I thought the student noticed that a van was in the crosswalk once the vibration started. Ed Gervasoni to Host and panelists: On side opposite of paralleltraffic Ed Gervasoni to Host and panelists: As he is getting pro tactile info. - he is able to scan for the cars Mary Ann Carmicheal to Everyone: He's far enough back to allow for jumping of curbs and delays in cars stopping. Amie Abernathy to Everyone: I love all the communication! Touch on both of the individuals at all times. That's great! Ed Gervasoni to Host and panelists: Tactile Plate Lori B to Everyone: what is a miniguide? Mary Ann Carmicheal to Everyone: I love the peer mentoring, and interactions! Lori B to Everyone: very cool, thank you Ed Gervasoni to Host and panelists: APH has it in their quota Lori B to Everyone: does anyone have a link to this? Belinda Fayard to Host and panelists: I'm finding a discontinued link for APH, but find it for sale elsewhere, like LSS Belinda Fayard to Host and panelists: Is this OK to share? Belinda Fayard to Host and panelists: Mary Ann Carmicheal to Everyone: Why just one finger on the first person's back? Belinda Fayard to Everyone: Here is a link for the miniguide through LSS, I'm not finding it at the moment on APH - Claire Rivas to Everyone: he used to cover for the sun Mary Ann Carmicheal to Everyone: To allow them to work together Amie Abernathy to Everyone: To make sure the guide dog is leading? Tyler Hamilton to Everyone: Dog will not alert to u Claire Rivas to Everyone: Not blocking Michelle Cross to Everyone: The guide dog is working and doing his job. Jill Smith to Everyone: space for dog to do his/her job Ed Gervasoni to Host and panelists: Wouldn’t the dog just take him to it? Ed Gervasoni to Host and panelists: So this is a new locatioon Rhianna Baldree to Host and panelists: The dogs have to be taught to find individual poles, so using the mini guide would be a good tool for finding the pole to teach it! Mary Ann Carmicheal to Everyone: Dogs get sick, or need time off. Lori B to Everyone: could you please repeat which guide dog school accepts DB travelers? Belinda Fayard to Everyone: I believe the following work with Deafblind clients: Leader Dogs for the Blind, The guide Dog Foundation and Guiding Eyes for the Blind Lori B to Everyone: thank you Belinda Katherine Houck to Everyone: Yes! Agree very much Edgenie thank you for that point! Belinda Fayard to Lori B, host and panelists: No problem! Charlene Troy to Everyone: So true--the cane is a tool for goals besides walking--love this Ed Gervasoni to Host and panelists: What I have enjoyed having peers work together - allows me to see how their thinking without having to be the other interocular and thus directing the conversation - allowed for more insight into the student Linda Jordan to Everyone: Thanks!