Project Math Access DVD 04 - Graphing Part 2- Part 03 Transcript Start Audio Description: Part three; AGC, manipulating matrices KAPPERMAN: Rob, I would like to have you illustrate how you do a matrix using the calculator and then how you would send the results of that computation to the Tiger to emboss it so that a blind youngster could read the results of his or her computation. And if you would just start out with illustrating how you would do a matrix using the calculator, the Accessible Graphing Calculator and then tell us step by step how you would transform that answer into a readable answer by blind youngsters, please? ROB: Sure, so to input a matrix I use the same calculator notation that matrices use all over. Start with a bracket, and use commas between elements in the same row and then end a row with a semi colon. Okay, so I'm just going to create a matrix. This is 2 comma 1 semi colon, 2 comma 1 semi colon, and I'll multiply that by another matrix that will be 4 comma 5 semi colon, 4 comma 5. These are two, 2 by 2 matrices. I'm going to multiply them together, just hit enter. [AGC: 12 comma 15, 12 comma 15 end matrix] And that just read my results: 12 comma 15, 12 comma 15. KAPPERMAN: And I presume that you can go through that character by character? ROB: Oh sure, sure, sure. AGC: [1, 5, 1. .--] ROB: Yeah, exactly. So now that I have... AGC: [begin matrix 12 comma 15, 12 comma 15, end matrix] ROB: I'll just select it. It'll probably read it again, AGC: [begin matrix 12 comma 15, 12 comma 15, end matrix] ROB: so to do that I just did a “shift N", a pretty common control. KAPPERMAN: Now you're preparing this to be able to be sent to the Tiger embosser, is that correct? ROB: Right, so I guess kind of the model we were working under is, I'm a student doing my homework and I need to turn in results from all my work and basically just copy and paste the results of all my calculations. So I'm in Microsoft Word, let's call that problem 1, so I'll just type a1 period space and paste my results in and then if I wanted to, right now this is the default text of my document which is Times New Roman size 12, if I wanted to create a list of this to ink for my teacher, then I would just print it off. For the Tiger, I'm going to just “select all'', and I'm going to change this font to our computer braille font. So I'm just going to scroll down here and find that. And then because braiIIe's big, I need to change it from the default size of 12 to 29, which is a close approximation of the font size of braille. And then I just print it off. So I just go to ‘‘file'' and “print", select my “Tiger" and hit “okay." KAPPERMAN: And as the Tiger is embossing there, just to clarify, you actually were embossing this in computer braille code, not Nemeth code, but computer braille code, as we know is very close to Nemeth code and it would be my point that any youngster who can read the computer braille code will be able to interpret this perfectly okay, perfectly fine. ROB: Agreed.