Transcript: VI Registration & DeafBlind Child Count This video is posted online with the following chapter markers: Chapter 1. Annual Registration of Students in Texas with Visual Impairment Chapter 2. The Texas DeafBlind Child Count Chapter 3. Registration of Students with Visual Impairment Receiving Accommodations through Section 504. Chapter 4. Superintendent Approval Process. Chapter 5. Final Tips for Everyone. Chapter 1. Annual Registration of Students in Texas with Visual Impairment [music accent] Narrator: Annual Registration of Students in Texas with Visual Impairment and the Texas DeafBlind Child Count starting January 2, 2020. In this video you will find: What’s New in 2020. Annual Registration of Students in Texas with Visual Impairment. The Texas DeafBlind Child Count. Registration of Students with Visual Impairment Receiving Accommodations through Section 504. The Superintendent’s Approval Process. And Final Tips for Everyone. What’s New in 2020? For 504 Registration, several data fields have been brought back to the online form to help gather information that will support statewide planning. Not all information will be available for a student receiving 504 accommodations. Please fill out fields for which you have information, and leave the other optional fields blank. Visual Acuity Left and Right and Level of Vision are required for each student. The following are optional: Secondary Reading Medium/Grade Level. O&M Services & Evaluation. Assistive Technology, Statewide Assessment. Also, a text field has been added so that you can comments on your 504 student. In both the VI Registration and DeafBlind Child Count, last year’s data regarding the student’s grade level and contact information for the TVI/504 person will be cleared out. This information must be re-entered. The web application will not allow you to close out your count until those fields have been updated. Let’s get started! Annual Registration of Students in Texas with Visual Impairment. Why Participate in Registration of Students in Texas with Visual Impairment? APH quota funds are determined by the number of students registered as being legally blind. Each student registered generates about $382 for the Texas Instructional Materials Center for use in Texas. These registrations in 2019 generated an estimated $1.9 million to purchase materials for students enrolled in public schools. A student must be registered in order to receive books and other materials from Texas State Library and Archives Commission, Talking Book Program. Students should be registered in order to qualify for braille and large print textbooks through the Division of Textbook Administration of the Texas Education Agency. Registrations qualify students for services available through State Supplemental VI funding for the unique needs of students with visual impairment. These student counts help facilitate local, regional, and statewide program planning. What Do You Need to Complete the Annual Registration of Students in Texas with Visual Impairment? Basic demographic information. Texas Student Data System Unique ID Number. Only the Texas Unique ID is acceptable. The only exceptions are for infants under age 3 and unique situations for transfer students. Current eye report. Etiology of visual disability and other identified disabilities. Reading media and grade level of textbook used. Your superintendent’s signature. And the parental consent form. Spanish and Vietnamese versions are also available. Links for all documents can be found in your handout. Getting Started with the VI Registration. Go to the “Registration of Students in Texas with Visual Impairment Online” at Click on “VI Registration Login” link. That will take you directly to the login page. The login credentials are the six-digit county district number and password. Passwords. Your password is a string of numbers that is also provided in your email notification. The district contact for VI Registration is typically a Teacher of Students with Visual Impairment or Special Education Director. This information was provided by your region’s education service center. Reminders that include login credentials will be sent periodically until this count is closed. Please contact Brian Sobeck, or your education service center if you need either password resent for your district or charter. Registration Menu. At the top of the registration menu is your District Name, District Number, ESC Region, and District Status. As long as District Status is showing “Open” you can make changes to the registration. If the District Status is showing “Open” you have not completed the registration. Student Records. This screen shows you a list of students who were on the registration last year. Select a student to get the full record to open. You now can edit any of the data in the record. Please verify all the fields, as there have been changes from the previous year. Carefully check the family address, the assigned Teacher of Students with Visual Impairment information, and note the accurate Statewide Assessment. Please also pay special attention to grade level for students who were coded IP or PS last year. There is a glossary with definitions for each data point, indicated by a question mark in a blue circle. Please consult that glossary if you have questions on how to fill out a field. Exceptions for Students without Unique ID Numbers. Infants now can be added just using the last four numbers of their Social Security Number without having to call anyone. If you have a student without a TX Unique ID, who is not an infant, you can still register that student by calling Brian Sobeck at (512) 206-9225. Changes for Existing Students. Make sure the Texas Student Data System Unique ID Number is entered for each student. The ten-digit Unique TX ID is required for each child. Children birth through three may still use the last four digits of their Social Security Number, if there is no TX ID. Verify that grades show only the number "i.e. 01" without the word “grade.” Primary language of learner is defined as primary language used for instruction. If the child is being instructed at home, language still refers to the language used to instruct the child at home. Adding a Student. If you have new students to add, click on “Add Student” to fill in their information. Students who are DeafBlind should be included on this registration. Students with multiple disabilities that include visual impairment should be included on this registration. Dropping a Student. If a student is no longer being served in this district, click on their name and then click on the blue statement at the very bottom of the screen under the “Accept” button. The system will drop the student from the registration list and move them to the archive list. Choices for Level of Vision. MDB – Meets the Definition of Blindness. A central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with best correction using the Snellen Chart or a peripheral field vision no greater than 20 degrees. FDB – Functions at the Definition of Blindness. Indicates blindness due to brain injury or dysfunction. A student whose visual performance is reduced by a brain injury or dysfunction may be considered blind for educational purposes, when the visual function meets the definition of blindness as determined by an eye care specialist (ophthalmologist or optometrist) or other medical doctor such as a neurologist.  Students in this category have unique visual characteristics often found in conditions referred to as neurological, cortical, or cerebral visual impairment. Even in the case of a non-communicative or non-responsive student, there must be verification that the student meets the definition of blindness or functions at the definition of blindness. NLB – Not Legally Blind. Does not meet the definition of blindness. Primary and Secondary Reading Medium. If the student typically reads print, their primary reading medium is visual. For students who read most of their instructional materials in braille, please indicate that as their primary reading medium. Codes Used for Primary Reading Medium, required. V – Visual A – Auditory B – Braille N – Non-Reader PRE – Pre-Reader Codes Used for Secondary Reading Medium, required. V – Visual A – Auditory B – Braille NA – Not Applicable Orientation and Mobility (O&M) Current Evaluation. Has the student received an evaluation from a Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist within the last 3 years or has the ARD committee accepted an O&M evaluation as current? Teacher of Students with Visual Impairment Assigned to Student? Give the name of the specific teacher of students with visual impairment, TVI, meeting the IEP goals for this student. Please do not enter all students from a district under one name if there are multiple TVIs. Last Statewide Assessment Taken. These fields have changed as options have changed. Please note which assessment the student took most recently. Your choices are the STAAR, STAAR WITH ACCOMMODATIONS, the STAAR Alt 2, or note that this student didn't take statewide assessment due to their age or grade. For students who took the STAAR Alt 2, mark whether it was scored or the student was designated as having NAAR (No authentic academic response). If you do not click “Accept” at the bottom of the page after entering each student’s information, all of your work will be lost. So, please click “Accept” and save all your work. [mouse click sound] [ta-da! sound] [applause] Close District Data. Once all student information is complete, return to the main menu. Click “District Student List Report” and download your data. Multiple formats are available. Click “Close All Entry for District” on the left. You must close all entries before the Superintendent can approve a district’s registration data. Deadlines. The information added should represent a snapshot of the current student body on January 2, 2020; or the first day school reconvenes after the winter break. The deadline for turning in this information is January 31, 2020. Chapter 2. The Texas DeafBlind Child Count [music] The Texas DeafBlind Child Count. Why Participate in the Texas DeafBlind Child Count? The Texas Education Agency, TEA, Division of Special Education, is required to report annually on individuals, zero to 21 years of age, who are DeafBlind in Texas. This report requires a different type of information than the Child Count data mandated under IDEA. Through the DeafBlind Child Count, the Texas Education Agency must annually report: The number of children who meet the criteria for being reported on the DeafBlind Child Count served by age, severity, sex, and nature of DeafBlindness. And the types of services provided and the setting in which the services are provided. The DeafBlind Child Count provides information that is used for regional and statewide planning to develop funding and appropriate services for infants, children, and youth who are DeafBlind. This child count report is more inclusive and extensive than the Child Count report done at the end of October that is required under the IDEA. It is important to point out that the federal definition of DeafBlindness is a functional definition. It goes beyond medical and clinical determination of severity of two major sensory deficits, and focuses on evidence of need for modification of special education practice. Getting Started with the Texas DeafBlind Child Count. Go to the “About Texas DeafBlind Child Count” page at Click on “DeafBlind Child Count Login” link. That will take you directly to the login page. The login credentials are the six-digit county district number and password. Your password is a string of numbers that is also provided in your email notification. The district contact is typically a Teacher of Students with Visual Impairment or Special Education Director. This information was provided by your region’s education service center. Reminders that include login credentials will be sent periodically until this count is closed. Please contact Brian Sobeck or your education service center if you need either password resent for your district or charter. Registration Menu. At the top of the registration menu is your District Name, District Number, ESC Region, and District Status. As long as District Status is showing “Open” you can make changes to the registration. If the District Status is showing “Open” you have not completed the registration. Student Records. Click the Student Records button. Click on each student and check that their information is updated and accurate. Possible responses are found in drop-down boxes on the student information page. Continue for each student. Please carefully enter parent information as this may have changed. There is a glossary with definitions for each data point, indicated by a question mark in a blue circle. Please consult that glossary if you have questions on how to fill out a field. Exceptions for Students without Unique ID Numbers. Infants now can be added just using the last four numbers of their Social Security Number without having to call anyone. If you have a student without a TX Unique ID who is not an infant, you can still register that student by calling Brian Sobeck at (512) 206-9225. Adding a Student. If you have new students to add, click on “Add Student” to fill in their information. Students who are DeafBlind should be included on this registration. Students with multiple disabilities that include visual impairment and an auditory impairment should be included on this registration. Dropping a Student. If a student is no longer being served in this district, click on their name, and then click on the blue statement at the very bottom of the screen under the “Accept” button. The system will drop the student from the registration list and move them to the archive list. If you do not click “Accept” at the bottom of the page after entering each student’s information, all of your work will be lost. So please click “Accept” and save all your work. [mouse click sound] [ta-da! sound] [applause] Close District Data. Once all student information is complete, return to the main menu. Click “District Student List Report” and download your data. Multiple formats are available. Click “Close All Entry for District” on the left. You must close all entries before the Superintendent can approve a district’s registration data. Deadlines. The information added should represent a snapshot of the current student body on January 2, 2020; or the first day school reconvenes after the winter break. The deadline for turning in this information is January 31, 2020. Chapter 3. Registration of Students with Visual Impairment Receiving Accommodations through Section 504. [music] Registration of Students with Visual Impairment Receiving Accommodations through Section 504. Section 504 Information. It is the responsibility of the District 504 Coordinator to identify these students and provide the requested information. Because the student does not receive special education services, it is not the responsibility of a Teacher of Students with Visual Impairment. Each student should have an eye report on file with the Section 504 Coordinator. The report is not required to be on the State Eye Report form, but must contain the information included on that form. A copy of the form is available on the ESC 10 website or the HHSC website. These links can be found in your handout. Whatever the 504 Committee has accepted as documentation of visual impairment is acceptable if it meets that eye report criteria. It is the responsibility of the 504 Committee to determine if the eye report is current. Students included in this registration are eligible to receive Federal Quota materials provided through the American Printing House for the Blind. These materials may be used to provide the accommodations decided on by the 504 Committee. The Committee Chair may place orders from the APH online ordering system through the Texas Instructional Materials Resource Center at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired website, Getting Started with Section 504 Registration Go to the “Registration of Students in Texas with Visual Impairment Online” at Click on the “VI Registration Login” link. That will take you directly to the login page. The login credentials are the six-digit county district number and password. Your password is a string of numbers that is also provided in your email notification. Registering students served under Section 504 is done with a separate password through the VI Registration site. This password is included in your email notification, as well. Reminders that include login credentials will be sent periodically until this count is closed. Please contact Brian Sobeck or your education service center if you need either password resent for your district or charter. Registration Menu. At the top of the registration menu is your District Name, District Number, ESC Region, and District Status. As long as District Status is showing “Open” you can make changes to the registration. If the District Status is showing “Open” you have not completed the registration. There are a variety of Action Buttons: "Student Records" takes you to a list of students who were on the registration last year. "Add Student" allows you to add a student from this page. "Close All VI Reg Entry For District" changes the district status from “Open” to “Closed.” "District Student List Report" allows you to create and print two different kinds of lists of students currently on the registration in your district. "Glossary" takes you to definitions of the various terms used in the registration data fields There are directions in the main body of the page for how to edit existing students. Adding a Student. If you have new students to add click on “Add Student” to fill in their information. Dropping a Student. If a student is no longer being served in this district, click on their name, and then click on the blue statement at the very bottom of the screen under the “Accept” button. The system will drop the student from the registration list and move them to the archive list. If you do not click “Accept” at the bottom of the page after entering each student’s information, all of your work will be lost. So please click “Accept” and save all your work. [mouse click sound] [ta-da! sound] [applause] Close District Data. Once all student information is complete, return to the main menu. Click “District Student List Report” and download your data. Multiple formats are available. Click “Close All Entry for District” on the left. You must close all entries before the Superintendent can approve a district’s registration data. Deadlines. The information added should represent a snapshot of the current student body on January 2, 2020; or the first day school reconvenes after the winter break. The deadline for turning in this information is January 31, 2020. Chapter 4. Superintendent Approval Process. [music] Superintendent Approval Process. The superintendent’s approval is to be done electronically. The superintendent will be notified by email early in February of a date when their page is open, and provided with a password. The superintendent will enter the password and six-digit county district number on the same page as the Texas DeafBlind Child Count login. The password causes the application to go to the page for the superintendent’s approval signature. The following must be true in order for the superintendent to close: Annual Registration of Students in Texas with Visual Impairment must be closed. Registration of Students with Visual Impairment Receiving Accommodations through Section 504 must be closed. The Texas DeafBlind Child Count must be closed. If all the data for the district has been entered, the superintendent’s page will say “Ready.” If the data entry is not complete, the superintendent’s page will say “Pending.” The application gives the superintendent a chance to download the district’s data, if they choose. The data will remain available in a read-only document. The superintendent marks the box that affirms that the data is correct to the best of their knowledge. The deadline for the superintendent’s approval is February 17, 2020. Confirmation Codes. The following values are the fingerprints of your district’s data. Should there ever be a question as to the content of your district’s data at the time you approved it, you will be able to demonstrate precisely what you approved by using your data to receive these fingerprints. Chapter 5. Final Tips for Everyone. [music] Final Tips for Everyone. The Annual Registration of Students in Texas with Visual Impairment, the Texas DeafBlind Child Count, and the Registration of Students Receiving Accommodations through Section 504 are all online registrations. All information added should represent a snapshot of the current student body on January 2, 2020; or the first day school reconvenes after the winter break. The deadline for completing the counts is January 31, 2020. The deadline for Superintendent’s Approval is February 17, 2020. Each screen has a help menu and you can always refer to the glossary for assistance. Have any questions? Please call Brian Sobeck at (512) 206-9225 or email him at sobeckb... s-o-b-e-c-k-b... at Thank you for joining us. And please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about these registrations. Fade to black.