Oral Motor- Vocalizing with Music Therapist Transcript Start Audio Description: A title reads, Oral Motor- Vocalizing with Music Therapist. [rattling] Ashley: There... That sounded cool! Alright, My turn to drop. [clang] [giggling] You going to drop? Katy: [squeals] Ashley: [giggling] Yeah! [giggling] [rattling] Oh, my turn to drop, now. [clang, rattle] [giggling] [raking sound] Ashley: [tooting] Ashley: May I have a turn? Thanks. [tooting] Ashley: [tooting] [clang] Ashley: [blowing] [clang] [metal swishing] [clang] Ashley: Ooo... a-a-a-a... Uuu... aaa... Uuu... Uuu... aaa... Uuu... Uuu... aaa... Uuu... aaa... uu-aa, uu-aa Uu-Uu Uuu... Uu-aa, uu-aa Audio Description: A title reads, Penrickton Center for Blind Children, 2018.