>>Sara: Now we'll look at video clips of Brandon in his classroom environment participating in regular routines. We tried not to interfere so that this would be a good example of a normal day, even though, unavoidably, our presence was sometimes distracting to Brandon. We recorded our interpretations about visual behaviors on the part of the data collection sheet called "Observation Information." In the first clip Brandon is playing the keyboard and looking at the overhead lights. There is a small amount of environmental noise and some noise that he is making with the keyboard. Let's watch the clip. [video clip 1] >>Sara: We marked this in the row called "Complexity" because Brandon does not look at what he is doing/touching at this time, and in the row called "Light" since he is gazing at a light. >>Lynne: In the second clip, Brandon's teacher is engaging him in a familiar, enjoyable routine with a yellow whoopee cushion. The cushion is placed in the periphery on Brandon's left side, which is the side Brandon reportedly uses for viewing, and he seems to look at it, though he is very surprised when the cushion makes a noise. There is also the tactile input that it gives him. All this interrupts his viewing and he immediately looks away. He may have needed more time to look so that he could process the whoopee cushion visually. He did seem to look at it again briefly right before he added keyboard noises to the game. Yellow doesn't appear to be the best visual anchor for him in this instance. [video clip 2] >>Brandon: Mmmmmmmm... [startles at sound of whoopee cushion] >>Teacher: Oh my goodness, I'm sorry, I totally...[begins to squeeze whoopee cushion rhythmically] >>Brandon: [begins to vocalize in response to whoopee noises, then plays keyboard rhythmically.] [laughter] >>Lynne: This clip gave us a lot of information, which we marked in the rows called "Color," "Visual Latency," and "Complexity." In clip 3, Brandon is doing something very motorically difficult, which is walking in the hallway with his walker. This is a familiar routine surrounding a favored item, a blue button that Brandon likes to push. He is motivated to do the hard work of walking for it. Brandon's teacher is playing a silly game with him by giving him the auditory input, but as an experiment we asked her to nix the game for a bit to see if Brandon was able to look more. We see that he uses his vision more frequently when verbal play is not competing. During the play he looks up one time in 12 seconds, but during the silence he looks up three times in 16 seconds. During the silence, he also says, "Hi" to the teacher who is walking backwards in front of him, who is about 3 feet away. [video clip 3] >> Teacher: Left, left, left right left. Uh-oh, we're gonna scrape up against the wall unless we change course. >>Brandon: Hi. >>Lynne: We marked the information from clip 3 in the rows "Complexity" and "Distance." >>Sara: In clip 4, we see Brandon at the button with his right side near it so that he can reach it, since he uses his right hand much more than his left. His teacher uses hand-under-hand guidance to support his hand use. She also provides him with physical support so that he can focus on moving his body and not worry about falling. Brandon has to turn his head to locate the familiar blue button using his left eye, which he does several times before he can act on the button. All this requires a great deal of motor planning and serves as competing tactile input. Again we see Brandon's looking behavior increase when the teacher pauses in her verbal play. The visual background is very plain: The wall is plain and off-white and the button stands out from the background. [video clip 4] >>Brandon: Button? >>Teacher: Yes that's where we are: we're at the button and all you gotta do is reach out. You're totally gonna find it. I got you. I got you. You are not going to fall. You're gonna reach. Hey. There you go. Let's get you started a little. Ohhhh: it's exciting! >>Sara: We marked the information from this clip in "Color," "Visual Latency," "Field Preferences," and "Visual Novelty." In clip 5, Brandon is able to fixate on the blue button for some time, even while the teacher is talking and even when he is reaching out to touch and push the button. When the button activates the door it makes a sound and gives the tactile input of the wind blowing in from outside, and Brandon looks away. [video clip 5] >>Teacher: Oh, want you to use that hand. Nice job, go ahead and push that button. Push push push. Give it a push. Nice! Oh, feel that cold air! >>Sara: We marked this information in "Field Preferences," "Complexity," "Visual Novelty," and "Visually Guided Reach."