>> Cowan: Remember, we talked about what we're going to do today is I'm going to see how many words per minute you can read in ten minutes, but I'm going to break it up into two five-minute sections - >> Brittany: OK - >> Cowan: And the reason for doing that is that I want to see if you read the same amount of time, the same amount of words in the second five minutes as you do in the first five minutes - >> Brittany: OK - >> Cowan: So I'm going to look at that words per minute overall and see if you get slower or get faster as you read. And that's going to give me information about your eyes getting tired, and that's what stamina means is do you, if you have the stamina to do something, it's like you have the strength to do it for a long period of time. And so we had talked about earlier that you prefer what point size print? >> Brittany: Twenty - >> Cowan: Twenty. OK. I have here with my 22 and 16. Which one do you want to use? >> Brittany: The 22 - >> Cowan: The 22. OK. So let's, we, let's practice just a minute because what I'm going to do is I'm going to be timing you on my iPhone - >> Brittany: OK - >> Cowan: And at the five-minute mark, I'm going to tap you probably like that. All I want you to do is point to the word you're on when I tap, but keep going - >> Brittany: OK. >> Cowan: So let's practice that just a minute. >> Brittany: OK - >> Cowan: OK. So, well, let me take a different page. Hang on. I'm sorry. Let me go to the back here. OK. Look at that, and this is from Harry Potter. >> Brittany: OK. >> Cowan: I'm going to ask you to read this out loud, this sentence out loud because we're just practicing on this sentence, and when I tap you, we're practicing you pointing at the word and continuing to read - >> Brittany: OK. >> Cowan: Ready. So start right there - >> Brittany: 'Harry tore from the dining room before' >> Cowan: OK. Keep going. >> Brittany: 'Anyone could stop him' >> Cowan: OK. Stop right there. Let's try it again, and this time see if you can keep reading, continue to read while you point back at the word that you, OK - >> Brittany: OK. >> Cowan: Try again. >> Brittany: 'Harry tore from the dining room before anyone could stop him' - >> Cowan: OK, that's it. Then once you point to the word, I'll remember that word. In fact, I'm going to mark it on what I'm reading, and you can move your hand away. OK, and continue to read, and that, you'll only do that once. Because at the end of the second five minutes, we'll stop you altogether. >> Brittany: OK. >> Cowan: OK. Now, let's see if there's anything else. I'm going to let you read silently because I'm interested in your silent reading rate. We tend to read faster silently than reading out loud. And most of what you're, you have to do in high school is to read silently. It's not reading out loud anymore. So I'm going to let you read silently, and at the end of the reading passage, I am going to ask you to tell me what you read about, OK. >> Brittany: OK. >> Cowan: So do try to go as fast as you normally do, but keep in mind that you're going to be telling me what, some things about what you read. I'm going to set my thing for ten minutes, and then I'm going to tap you at the minute, at the five-minute mark. >> Brittany: OK. >> Cowan: OK, you ready? And then what I suggest you do with this, the other page is on the other side, and then when you're through with this page, just put it to the side. >> Brittany: OK. >> Cowan: OK. Alright. Are you ready? OK. Start. ^M00:03:42 [ Background Sounds ] ^M00:04:43 And OK. What word are you on? OK. 'Do any of his friends?' The first five minutes, you read 534 words. So that means you're, if I divide 534 by 5, you read 106.9 words per minute, or 107 words per minute. The second five minutes you read 546 words. You read more. So let me divide 5 into 546 because you read for five minutes, you read 107 words the first five minutes, per minute the first five minutes, and 109 per minute the second. Are you getting faster or slower as you continue to read - >> Brittany: Faster - >> Cowan: Getting faster, but it's not by a whole, whole lot, but you're hanging in there. So what I was looking to see is if you were going to go down the second five minutes, and you don't. So that's really great news. And so stamina wise, that was ten minutes. How long do you think, Brittany, you've been reading for a long time, how long can you read comfortably before your eyes start to tire? >> Brittany: Thirty minutes - >> Cowan: Thirty minutes. OK. Alright. Can you tell me, this was the first chapter in ^ITHarry Potter^normal, can you tell me what's going on? >> Brittany: He, it's about Harry Potter, and he lives with his aunt and uncle because his parents died. >> Cowan: So tomorrow what I'd like to do is try you on that smaller print size using this magnifier that you said you liked - >> Brittany: OK. >> Cowan: I don't want to do it today because we've already used up ten minutes of your stamina, and I don't want to test on top of that. So we're finished for today - >> Brittany: OK - >> Cowan: Thank you very much. OK.