Description of graphical content is included between Description Start and Description End. Transcript Start Audio Description: A title reads, "Independent Exploration in the Kitchen Center." [quiet room] Audio Description: A young boy lays on his side next to two plastic bins of kitchen equipment. He explores a flour sifter next to him. He reaches in a bin and explores a set of plastic measuring cups. [indiscernible staff voices] [metal and plastic rattling] Audio Description: He grasps a butter knife and a set sizing rings on a large metal loop. [metal clanging] Audio Description: He drops the sizing rings and handles the butter knife. [tap] He taps the butter knife on his hand. [plop] Audio Description: He drops the butter knife in the bin. He grasps the sizing rings and places the loop over his sneaker. [metal tinkling softly] [coughing] [indiscernible staff voices] [student vocalizing] Audio Description: He pushes and pulls the loop as far up his sneaker, as possible. [student vocalizing] [student vocalizing] Audio Description: He removes the sizing rings from around his sneaker. New video clip. [student vocalizing] Audio Description: He chews on a set of plastic measuring cups laying next to him. Camera person: I tell ya, Toby is like the poster boy for Active Learning. [plastic clacking] Audio Description: He taps the measuring cups on his sneaker. [elecronic "ribbit" repeating] Audio Description: He finds a plastic bowl behind his back. He taps the bowl on his sneaker. [tapping] Audio Description: A title reads, "TSBVI, 2006."