Project Math Access DVD 05 - Geometry - Part 17 Transcript Start Audio Description: Part seventeen, production and use of complex tactile drawings; example two. TEACHER: Okay, John if you want to try to find angles 2, 13 and 11 and show how you use the... Wikki Stixs to mark them when you have 3 angles that you need to find. Audio Description: This is the same tactile graph from the previous problem. JOHN: There’s angle 1, there’s 2 right there, okay. 7, okay, there’s 13. 2's up there, 13, wait, where is 2? Oh, 2's right there. 13's here. One problem I’m having with this figure though is that the angles aren't going in numerical order. Right here is angle 5, this is angle 13 and this is angle 10 and this is angle 12 over here. Audio Description: The first three angles are on the left-side of the graph. JOHN: Don't know where angle 11 is. Audio Description: And angle 12 is on the right-side. TEACHER: And it's not on there. Audio Description: John could not find angle eleven. TEACHER: Oh, because this was too big we forgot to unfold the rest of the graph. JOHN: John did not realize that the graph was folded. He unfolds the map revealing the graph and the label for angle eleven. TEACHER: Because it was too big to fit on one page we had to make it go onto another page. JOHN: Okay, now I see it. TEACHER: And I forgot to have you unfold it. JOHN: Okay, I see angle 11 is right here then. But now see, I gotta go back, except for this time when I go back I gotta use the Wikki Stix to mark the angles I'm looking for. Audio Description: John grabs a Wikki Stix. JOHN: I remember angle 2 being somewhere up here. Nope, that's 1, 4, 3... well, I'm getting farther away from it. Audio Description: John is searching for the correct angle. JOHN: Ah, 2's right there. Audio Description: John places the Wikki Stix on the graph. JOHN: Okay, let's see, I can't quite point it, I can't quite put the Wikki Stix at 11, no, actually it's 2, 13 and 11, so 11 will be the last angle I deal with. Audio Description: John searches the graph for angle thirteen. JOHN: Okay, 13's right there. 2, 13, 2 and 13 are there and there. And actually I'm going to move the Wikki Stix up a little bit so that I have some room to point the other end back to angle 11. Audio Description: Three-quarters of the Wikki Stix is used to connect angles two and thirteen, with the remainder pointing towards angle eleven. JOHN: And I know that angle 11 is right here so I'm just going to put it on, oops, did I move it? TEACHER: It looks like it went off the angle. Audio Description: John has some difficulty keeping the Wikki Stix on the correct points. JOHN: Yeah, 2, angle 13 and again I said it's not long enough to point to angle 11. TEACHER: Well, you can take another Wikki Stix and... JOHN: Well, that's what I'm going to do. I'm just pointing this one towards it and I'm getting another Wikki Stix so that I can make it stretch out that far. Audio Description: The teacher hands John another Wikki Stix and he adds it to the one already on the graph. JOHN: And now 11 is right there. Actually, 11's right there. Okay, that's better. Audio Description: John places the end of the Wikki Stix on the point for angle eleven. JOHN: Now this does kind of form a triangle; it forms a very, very wide triangle as I was talking about before. And actually there are several angles within this triangle, and this is a typical geometric problem that you know, you might need to figure out... what the correlation is between all these three angles and then you'd be asked several questions about it, and you'd have to dissect it even further, which if I was going to do, I would just use more Wikki Stixs. For example, if they wanted to know the line going down, if they wanted you to make a line cutting this angle in half, as an angle bisector... I would start it up here at angle number 2, which is the vertex of this triangle and I would put it all the way going straight down here. Audio Description: John uses another Wikki Stix. JOHN: And as you can see, now it intersects more angles and you know, it intersects here, cuts it in half, but also, which angle is this, Audio Description: John indicates a new angle created by line already in the graph and a Wikki Stix. JOHN: It makes a... you might be asked, for example, what angle this makes right here. So, and that's how I use the Wikki Stixs to help me figure out what I really couldn't do with just my fingers alone. Also, I'd like to point out that this graph, being too big and fitting on two pages is very confusing for me, as well. I've had plenty of Geometry tests where I wasn't able to find angles or got points deducted... because I was just simply unaware that the graph contained two pages. You know, because this page is just perfectly tucked under this one, Audio Description: John illustrates how one page of the graph folds under the other. JOHN: And I'm just going... to show him, it's perfectly tucked under and you know, you would think nothing of it. So... TEACHER: And part of the problem with using the Wikki Stixs. It's a good solution, but as you can see that when he did put down the Wikki Stix... for angle 2, it was not directly on the point of angle 2. Audio Description: The label for the angle is about an inch away from the actual angle. TEACHER: He was away from there, so depending on what the questions ask, he's not going to get as accurate as a sighted person is because of where we have... to put the braille, and where the actually point is. And another concern is that this took approximately 5 minutes for him to do the... information, whereas a sighted person can look at it and get all the information in less than a minute.