TRANSCRIPT-Apps for Students (Including, but not Limited to CVI) >>Donna: Alright, it looks like it's the top of the hour Good afternoon, everyone, and happy holidays before we get our break. Those of you that are getting ready for your break either this week or next week. Happy holidays to everyone, and I am so excited to invite Lindsey from Pearson to come and talk to us about our accessibility, and we are just going to go through our our usual stuff. Real quick, and then we will get over to Lindsey. so wait till the end. So your code and our code comes last. It is a 6 digit code now, instead of 2, 3 digit. I tried to be fancy. alright. So our call is to build a community of practice for technology and support each other in that goal. We want this session to be as interactive as possible, and you're encouraged to ask questions and get clarification during the session. Session will be recorded and posted for your viewing later, and by registering for the session you grant Tsbvi permission to publish the content of this, recording which includes your image or audio >>Lindsey: So i'm going to hand this over to Lindsey, and let her Lindsey it's all you thanks so much. Donna so i'll start off by introducing myself, and Actually I I wanna start by thanking y'all for you know having me It is really cool to come and speak to faculty and staff at the Texas School for the Blind. When I was a young student I'm in Mississippi, I when I was a young student at my elementary school, I remember visiting the Mississippi School for the Blind and death and going through a lot of experiences to better understand disability and accessibility, and it was fantastic. And it it really made a mark on me, and I I call back to that a lot in the practice that I work in now. >>Donna: So I appreciate the work that you do and i'm i'm glad to be here, and lindsey What we have really special. about this group is this: is some of our folks from tsbi as Well, as we have an international group, so we have people from all over Texas and the the States as well as we have some folks from Canada and other locations. So we're so excited to have everybody here and as well as our Tsbi folks. >>Lindsey: Whatsoever about Thought you might learn it out. Yes, yes, thank you so much so my name's lindsey snee, if you'll see me looking away from my monitor, i'll keep my camera on for the most part. But if you see me looking away it's cause i've got a a slew of monitors in front of me, i'm gonna throw my linkedin link in the chat in case anybody does want to check me out My background is. Originally I was a business major at Oldness. I went on. it graduated in the recession and became a teacher. I did an alternate route program and talk high school mathematics. For about 10 years after that I went to back to the University it's where I got into my job with accessibility, and was with them for about 2 and a half years before transition into our role of pearson. And so, while i'm relatively new to accessibility it's something that has been at my heart of you know my teaching practice, and and the things that i'm trying to aspire to you for a long time with accessibility in pearson one of the things that's interesting about my my specific position is that I get to talk to wonderful folks like you guys, and seeing the praises of what we've done Well, at the same time I work on the inside to tear apart the products that we've built to make them better. And so it's a very interesting position with a lot of duality where I know I know where the bodies are are buried, and I also know the good bright chatting stars and things that we've accomplished and we are not here to represent that we are perfect and so I want to make sure that i'm giving you a clear picture of what math excel for school is like the accessibility good things and the accessibility barriers that we're working to overcome. so the and the information that I initially got is that you know this is going to be a mixed group of teachers, and that we need to just start with maybe just an overview of what math excel looks like and how it operates what it is, and what it does. So i'm gonna start off by sharing my screen and like I said, There are a lot of them so let's make sure I've got the right thing there. We go I haven't shared my sound yet but I will reshare once we need to turn on jaws which i'm happy to do I don't have zoom text loaded onto this computer but i'm happy to navigate through with the screen, reader, to give any sort of explanation or demonstration that would be valuable within mass excel. And right now I just have this loaded up with a bittener, introductory and intermediate algebra textbook, because I didn't know which one you all use specifically. I created a test course, and I can see the student's point of view, with their course home calendar, homework, and test results, and then their study plan. And then i'll have an instructor point of view where I can go to my instructor homepage. I can work for my course manager, or specifically my assignment manager. Home payment and study, play, manager or working from the great Book. Many times we have at the college level. We have schools not really utilize this great book so much as They use their Lms gradebook. but this is something that I believe you can retitle to be able to call it like a great tracker, or something of that nature. When we evaluate the accessibility of our products, we look at a 100% of the products. We don't eliminate any sort of Bits and pieces, and that's one thing I will say that I give Pearson a lot of credit for. If I look at a mcgraw he'll be pat which I can show you all our feedback right here. I don't know if the pets are anything that's familiar. but it's a thing that goes through and tells you where we've done well, and where we have problems and if something is fully supported. Or maybe it's partially supported and it all goes back to Wikag. And so, for example, here, looking at non-text content, so the things that show up as far as information and relationships together, it gives us partially supports, and it does that, based on the idea that there are a couple things that they found that we need to go back and pick, and my job appears to most of the time is to kind of have that in between of working with customers, and then seeing the things that we need to go back and modify from these audits. and reviews to make them better. And so inside of math excel, we audit everything. We look at that the assignments the the study plans the grade book, the calendar, and we don't cut any of that out. So there's definitely some places where we have partially supports instead of fully support. and those are areas that we're working to improve. But it is small pieces of inaccessibility. The product at large is rather accessible, and I said that as a person who can do my own testing with a screen reader, but I also work on a daily basis with my coworker who have wanted to bring in today, but she she is off Alyssa, who is legally blind a native screen, or you're blind from birth. A native screen reader user and a real user. And so the fact that she and I are able to navigate through the majority of these things that we expect to be accessible in a very easy way gives me a lot of faith in the product. whenever you're in this as an instructor you're primarily going to be using this as an assignment manager. To keep up with homeworks and tests and things of that nature. The difference between mathematics though and my lab If You've heard of that, or that's what this Vp was for specifically, is that we don't have access to our E text through this program it is just looking at really managing study, plans, homework, and tests within the assignment manager, we can create assignments based on things that are already made for us, importing or copying over assignments. We can bring them in as copies from year to year, or we can create any sort of assignment that we want here. Homework test quiz i'm just going to give this a basic name, and as we go through, I wanted to point out this little icon right here, it looks like an ear with a wi-fi symbol in my opinion kind of attached to the cartilage. this is a symbol that actually does have a good hoverable label right there. That says this question is screen reader accessible whenever we're building assignments. We want to honestly restrict, to the questions that our screen reader accessible, if that's what we're the student group that we're working with. Or if we're being proactive about our accessibility you'll know in this orientation questions for students. When I was at all questions, I had a lot more options here, and then, when I switched to the accessible I have a lot of this go away. The reason is because if we look at these other questions, they are primarily graphing questions, and i'll just bring one up to show you our graphing options are not fully accessible. This is an area. That we need to grow into but based on my understanding from just study of how to teach mathematics to visually impaired students and and teaching that school for the blind I'm, imagining that you all have a lot of cool resources that can make graphhing very accessible for your students. And so, while the digital and online version of this for graphing is not fully accessible, I I do think there are a lot better options for black students or visually impaired students than navigating through an online graph and it is again something that we're working to improve and one thing that I will also say is this was just the way that kind of our orientation looks. This is sorted to all questions, and we've got plenty of accessible questions available for our students. We use this again as an as assignment builder, and so we can select any as many questions as we want from as many different sections as we want for a 150 at a time. There, and we can add those to our testing quizzes and we'll see them show up in our assignment manager from here. We just get all of our different options to be able to incorporate due dates, late submission, partial credit. If we want to require a password limiting the number of attempts. If students can come back whenever they maybe exit out of a test and say for later we can work on our options for how much time is allowed for students who require additional time. There is also the ability to change this on a student by student basis, and we can look at how the feedback and results are showed shown to our students as well. And once we've done all of that we save and assign I didn't put a due date on this one, so you'll see that it shows up in my list in my assignment manager just without the due date here and let's check out what that looks like on the course home for our students. So you can see we've got the tests that are just made, and the sample assignment that I've made earlier that are listed under our current assignments I made a little announcement just before we started here so that we could see something pop up there. This is where our students would start from on a day-to-day basis. The calendar here could be called accessible. But most people who I know who are visually impaired and use the screen reader, do not like the calendar. I would love the option to not have the show up at all, but under my course manager or my homepage manager. Sorry. if I take a look at that I don't have the option of hiding my calendar completely, so I changed it. So it just shows up as a day or a week that way. it's less clutter or interaction for screen reader user to go through. And navigate that that sort of less than as just less than my favorite. when you come to this, the December 20, s 2,022 is a heading, and then you get all the days of the week sort of at once, and then it acts like a table it's navigable, and you can click into it and move through it. And so it's not it's not completely bad it's just not great, and I find it a lot better for students to be able to kind of go off of these headings So the structure of this page is set up with headings where I can use my jaws keys to hear announcements, and it will tell me that there are 2 whether I'm using my jaws vocalized output, or if i'm using the braille output. it'll you they're heading here for past 2 assignments current assignments, and then, of course, allow me to expand or collapse and navigate within, these and to me that's the easiest >>Donna: way for a student to use this, the so Leslie, would you say? By by doing headings they can completely skip the calendar. >>Lindsey: Yeah, Another quick question for those folks that are out in districts. >>Donna: Is this math excel available with all of your textbooks, or just the ones the districts pick for it to be made available? >>Lindsey: That is a good question, and I might have to loop in our a customer service. Rep for that to be, to to be exact. but I will say that whenever I was building out this course I had a huge list of textbooks available. For the initial bill, and so I believe that this is gonna be associated specifically. It'll be associated with the textbooks that you've got. But from there there is also let me go into this really quick There's also a way to get into questions and assignments that are associated with other books too. So let's say that you for algebra ninth grade that this is one that you've gone through Pearson or service, and you know that you've got this access We can start building it off of this book, and when we get into our question choices you'll notice there's a link right out here for change. I can actually then go through and pick any of these titles to pull questions from And so I think your question I could interpret and answer 2 ways. I don't know if if you haven't selected to have math excel for a certain title, if you can get access to it. But I do know that if you have selected, if you have access to it, that you can get into, not just the one book that you have. >>Donna: But all of these other resources as well, and that's kind of the other part is, if they have access and don't know they have access, they would go and see their textbook coordinator and find out Yes, that's that's a good >>Lindsey: point. Yeah, your textbook coordinator and again Salvas is a kind of a third party company that handles the sales and support for K 12 for a lot of piercing products, and That's Svb. As and so that's why primarily work in higher it But if if you have that access, then your textbook coordinator should be able to help get that set up. I was able to just get my registration code. Go in and set up my teacher account, and I did that with the screen reader, to verify that it was accessible for me. If I was an instructor mode. And then Alyssa was able to set up her account, using her registration code as well. And the course Id that I shared with her. And so even the process of setting it up is is an accessible process, too. You might be wondering about the questions inside. and I have good news whenever we're working with These questions. If they do have the icon they are i'm going to say 99% of the time going to be accessible for your your students and your users. There is a rare occasion that we've gotten a notification I was working with a community college, and a Pre-calculus instructor. This semester, and there were some issues with one or 2 questions in the text. When ever the student would go to enter their answer. there were some issues with it, accepting the correct answers being entered. And i'm gonna kind of go to a place that I think we'll have some bunky answers like that. And so if you ever do come across a problem that says it's accessible, and it's not working the way that you had hoped. Then i'm going to say Please reach out like divine us disability, dot support at Pearson Dot Com is who you can contact to say, hey? This question supposed to be accessible and it wasn't but that should happen to you frequently. Whenever we have students participating in taking us up, it happens in a player called a Tdx player, and that Tdx player is what allow students to work through either using a math palette or going into accessibility mode. I want to show you that before I do. I wanted to show you one other thing on this assignment Builder side, and it's that once i'm inside of a question. I have the option of copying and editing and This is one that I think a lot of instructors especially at the college level. Don't make much use out of and i'm going to tell you the prerequisite install. It was weird to try and figure this out but once you do it once. You don't ever have to do it again. i've left this up just whatever I demonstrated, so people know what to expect. But it's going to open a whole other little question builder here. Now this interface is not fully accessible as an authoring tool. So if you have instructors who are low vision, or screen, or your users. It might not be fully accessible across the board. but this does allow you to actually edit questions. And be able to make changes. So that if there's anything that you wanted to change about this whether you were changing, you know where you wanted your algorithmic values to show up or if you wanted to change the instructions then all of that would be something that you can actually go in and edit. I will say that once you've edited the question you might not have your accessible ear. Icon anymore. and that's just because if it starts off accessible. But then you've edited something about it we can't guarantee that's successful anymore. So as long as you don't do anything that is adding complexity to it that is adding an inaccessible feature. then it does remain accessible, even if that your icon goes away we just can't put our >>Donna: little stamp of approval on it anymore. that makes them absolutely make sense and lindsey we're talking about using a screen reader with with the questions Some of our students use screen reader with a braille display instead of a keyboard? Is it accessible in that way? And are they using nameth or eb, or their choice? >>Lindsey: So we might not know that. just want to throw it out. There i'm getting better i'm getting better i'm getting smarter in these areas. Whenever we are in y'all I know you know more about this that I do so. I'm not even going to play but whenever alyssa are working through these. What she will do is she prefers to use her braille output display as opposed to Jos, because then we can talk and work at the same. Time. and with that she will switch back and forth between Computer Braille and Nimit. She typically hates whenever it goes down into like grade. One braille and so we we steer clear of that. But she does have sort of a back and forth. We recently figured out a really easy switch to go back and forth. That makes it possible for her to do it with with sort of seamless ease. And so it it's acceptable for or it accepts both with input types. This is the Tdx player that I was telling you all about, and i'm trying to open up a question. It really wants me to answer a question. Yes, I want to leave this question alert. you cannot Okay, it's going to make me answer the question. I wanna go and show you all what the palate looks like before I get to. Also. this is an inaccessible question by the way dragon drops are one of the things that are not fully accessible, and we are working to improve them. But you'll notice that they do not have those ear icons out beside them. Again. graphic questions it sometimes unaccessible. But here is our math palette. And the reason that these are often inaccessible is either they are dynamic. We generated because of the algorithm tools. And so, therefore, the alternative text is not on demand, algorithmically generated alongside of it. Or that they allow student control and so and then we don't have the screen, reader, or brail output that goes along with it. If it's understanding control as the graphing industry and technology around that is improving. We're trying to pull in as much as we can as fast as we can. And make it accessible. But for now this is this is one of those sticking points where there's not a publishing company who's doing it? >>Donna: Great but we're trying to do it as best as we can for this type of question. I see you've got a kind of a share and push out button there. Are we able to emboss, say the graph, and then give that graph to the student? >>Lindsey: Or is it just a static? Because these come up with the algorithm? So, for example, whenever we were in that pro problem, Builder, it would have sort of a a dynamic shading over the F of one and then therefore that would change along with this. And so there might be some areas where, in order to have the embossed images to go with logs at it, you have to turn off the algorithmic switchups. But again, those are in the settings, or you can delete the alternatives that you don't want to make as options, or you can restrict the options so I could limit it. To maybe give it the algorithm 5 different inputs and have graphs for those 5. And say, like, if you got graph a you're gonna pick up the embossed graph A. and work from that again at at the higher Ed level, when I make suggestions like that they're like Oh, we don't have time for that and i'm like you you really could but It's definitely something that I can remember in the K. 12 level was definitely the appropriate that we would take was be to make sure that we can have the equal access. And still sort of have the change up so that it's not always the exact same question. Maybe it's the rotating questions for homework with the intentional practice. Or maybe you have rotating values within an assignment for the purpose of eliminating any academic dishonesty. Because even the students are visually impaired. That does not mean they are not students. And so I I think that there's a lot of options here to be able to produce this in the embossed version. But again, You'd have to live at the algorithm to do that before I go into this I've just realized I've been talking a lot already. We've talked about the basic structure of what it looks like from an assignment. sorry, an instructor's point of view, or students point of view. And we've talked about building an assignment and using the problem editor, and what we're about to go in is sort of like what it looks like to solve a problem. So before we go into that, Does anybody have any questions about what i've already shared >>Donna: Alright, i'm not seeing any in the chat and everyone is welcome to unmute. I know I run my mouth a lot. sorry about that. >>Lindsey: Lindsey, I can talk for day, but everybody is welcome to unmute or drop in the chat. Alright. so with that, if you all would like to to speak up, feel free to interrupt me with questions at any point or drop them in the chat like we said, but i'll keep going if y'all are good So whenever I click into this area you'll notice this bottom option, pull up, and this is called a math palette. If I click on more. this pops up, and this is the on screen keyboard. To my chagrin, neither one of these things are what we would consider accessible. There might be some things that you can kind of navigate through or make sense of. You can Sorry I've got multiple things going on you can zoom a good bit to be able to use these if you are using browser zoom. I can also make this window full screen and kind of have even more surface area to work with in that zoom capacity. And again i'm just pinching i'm not using zoom text, and I haven't used my command plus to do a browser zoom either. You also do have some options as far as zooming in with. If you can move pains before you zoom in, then you have even more ability to zoom, and these buttons are labeled to be able to use with screen readers. But the moving target on this is is killing me. So we have options there. but all in all, I would say that these are not fully accessible for screenwriter users and got command minus. That it's gonna take the whole screen back. when I do it. and that's one of the other things we're trying to fix. is that if I do a browser zoom and use command plus it's going to sorry control question. Pc: it's gonna zoom in the whole outside edge, and that's called our open Bell, and we're trying to fix that. So the one thing I will say is when you find these accessibility issues, if we're not aware of it, we want to be, if if we are aware of it, trust me, we're trying to fix it. And so those are definitely some limitations. but we we can definitely find some work around, too. We, in fact, had one student who shared, with us I believe it was a summer we were talking to him, and he said that being able to pop this out was a big help, and so we've added that But from there he would need even more zoom than than he could get out of his browser, and say he would take a screenshot of it, and then zoom into that screenshot. And so there's definitely some grounds that are are not documented workarounds, too. But this is the documented one, and it is that instead of using the math palette or the on screen keyboard, we can go up to our settings and click on accessibility and turn on accessibility mode. Once we turn on accessibility mode, it actually takes away the option to use the math palette or the on screen keyboard. But from there it doesn't require me to use those tools in order to enter my answers. So if I wanted to answer this question F of one, the answer is just one we just type it in here. But if, for example, I had a fraction I can type it as just 2, 3, and that's my fraction. If my answer was a square root, instead of having to find the square root symbol on the math palette, I can use square root and type in the square root of 3. and all of these things we call it a lot of things actually we call it keyboard shortcuts and we call it command line but it's how we type things in in a linear representation. And so it's going straight across numerator part slash, denominator, part to type in our fraction square root of a number. Using those absolute value bars the way that you would expect, or even using these, which would be considered like html shortcode to be able to type in the values. So whenever I was helping my Pre-calculus student i've lost my page. Whenever I was helping my precalculus student, we were doing solutions of quadratic equations, and so it was often an order pair, a union, and then another order pair. And we would even have like infinities. And that student had some low vision, and we go and often find the infinity symbol or the Union symbol, and maybe copy and paste it in which is definitely doable. But you have the option of doing negative, and then, like your and I and F. Semicolon, and that's also an infinity symbol and so for students to prefer keyboard specific options that aren't going to require any low vision or hunting down that image and copy and pasting, we have that as an entry point too, and so I could say the union of negative infinity to 3. And then create my Union symbol here and then my other fraction to positive infinity. And i've entered that information in in a linear way that the system will accept that doesn't rule out on the keyboard navigation. >>Donna: With that would you be able to share with us after this? The links to all the keyboard shortcuts and any braille or jaw shortcuts that you created, and that way we'll we'll post it with today's session so that if anybody needs those they have easy access. but we are working on combining them now that I know that it's 2 separate pages. The keyboard share shortcuts and the come out and line language. We wanna make sure this is all in one place, and I even want to add more complexity, so that when you are dealing with like a square root in the numerator of a fraction over the denominator with breaks that you have those examples as well, because I think students really benefit from seeing the more complex examples. When all of this is put together. we also have all of these other little pieces out to the side, doing homework with jaws, taking tests with jaws. And we're do reference jobs a lot in our documentation. but we test against jaws in Vda and voice over. So if there is any other screen reader being used, we do not do testing specifically for Braille. But oh, listen! I go back and test with braille whenever we're. We're asked to and we verify a lot of things in that way. And so we haven't run into any problems where it testing with all 3 screen readers gave us anything other than what we got out with brail out. But It was all still very workable I will tell you anything I'm. I'm a very bad salesperson because i'm going to be the person who gives you all the information. That's the good and the bad, because I think having that information is beneficial to students, and teaching this information right here. The equation itself is not written in math and l it's written in normal text, and it has alternative text there that's associated with it. So when you do come up against it on a screen, reader, it will say 5 X squared equals twox. But when you go character by character, this is probably a good time to turn on. Josh let me it does say i'm sharing my sound y'all don't make fun of me. I know my jaws is slow Alessa makes fun of me Jazz Sample assignment as Google Chrome Sample assignment. The next manual settings, menu leading menus submit quiz button to actively presenter because i'm used to this. I know i've got headings that'll get me there quicker. So i'm gonna jump around. question, list heading level 3 question content area top, head in level, 4 pen in level 5 part one determine whether the statement is true or false. The solve 5 external equals twox Me a divide by X on both sides so and that one even said fivex 2 instead of have x squared And this is a place where again I think we we have an area of growth, and your students will probably notice it space as oh, Lv. space. So we're about to say 5 x squared and it's going to actually spell these things out 5 x you A. L. S that's because it's done with basically a an alternative text coding, or or a class in there, that's making it where it's reading it that way, that's something that's definitely a limitation if you're going back in and looking at a character by character so it'd be on the lookout for that. and that actually should be reading as squared. But that is a known bug. I just realized we ran across that when I was on a call with Tennessee. There's something happening with our super scripts right now, and that bug out reported last week. so hopefully. It'll be fixed before Christmas. but again. i'm just gonna keep arrowing down moveable frame divider for resizing frames, heading level 4 questioned content area bottom 10 in level 5 part one choose the correct answer. Below, groups are: choose like a right answer below, through railroad, but an object. One or 2 close radio button object to space, part one shoes like a rick dancer below Rufus region Choose the correct answer below group false radio button jet little, too. and then, of course, I could tap through and get through my interactive contents, or I could press the for button. check, Answer button menu next button. then our next button to active link presenters of midwest button to actively present or part one completely square to form a rule equation X square plus 14 x. and you'll see that it does start reading the entire thing, but it it starts from place it's very logical in my opinion it starts from the beginning of the question. and so we'll start reading the entire item. I just hit control to make it stop so that I could start from that point that in level 5 part one completely square. The form was real equation, and it will go through and read this to me, and i'm betting it's gonna mess up the superscript for that one Tdx book I was telling you that was 14 So let's underline underline underlying needles, left fair and split underline underlying right. Parents squared. Yeah, And so some of my squares coming through, and some of it's not But we're working on that issue and again these items whenever I see the boxes is that elongated version of the box that's telling me that accessibility modes turned. On. It gives me the ability to type in command line to put anything I want right there. And not have to rely on the math Palette to do it. While I've got jaws on i'm gonna switch back over assignment to the manager of Lindsey's Need it's not assignment with metalur floating page loading and i'll start with just tabbing them obviously our skipped main content link, and that's gonna take me into sort of the meat and potatoes of mathematical editor. same page link skips are made content course home that lindsey's. needs page has 2 regions, 10 bettings and 23 view, and I'm going to hit H for headings test pars. for Texas school for the blind bed in December *s. who had in level that's my calendar that I wish that calendar said December 22, but i'm used to it now. but now some of the left parents who right parent that in level 3 button expanded. Okay. Announcements too. visited Link. Welcome to Massachusetts for school show. Welcome to Matt. Visited link, welcome faculty and staff from Texas has no assignments left fair and 0 right there and then in level 3 current assignments left. Parents who right there and adding level 3 button expanded. It tells me that it is expanded and my space bar will space main region. Current assignments left the space expanded, collapse and expand that. And I can error. Down from here I can see that in level 4 the day linkedest list of one items, Scorcal and Nashville 0 of unlimited draft attempts. So I can go again, arrow in down, or continue with my H. key, because all of my assignments and my announcements are listed as headings. So using the heading navigation on the main page to to kind of get to. What I want is then what we find most effective as far as navigating them. Same thing again with the questions opening up in the Tdx player. That part right horse homes past bar jump list for a little horse homes. Actually I must have actually closed that but it will again. Let me go through with the heading structure to be able to find what's at the top of my question, and then it goes with another heading to be in sort of the answer section of the question that's below that i'm gonna turn off jaws unless while i've got jobs on. Is there anything specifically that would be beneficial to explore? If anybody wants to shout out or go into the chat. >>Donna: And i've lost much chat box than somewhere felt there so i'm not seeing any come through the chat and we don't dialogue a new feature. >>Lindsey: Will let you send screen readers alright that all will turn jaws off. Okay? There are definitely little quirks of it like me, not liking the calendar. And Alyssa, knowing that she doesn't like the calendar, and I skipping through it. But that is one of the benefits of having something. That, is a website. You kind of come to and become used to and use on a regular basis. Is that it does but automatically bring in that sort of level of familiarity. In addition to all of these keyboard shortcuts i'm also going to share this link with you all. It is our general accessibility, information for math excel. It includes just our basic information. how we find those accessible assets like we discussed with the screen or icon, how you can allow it. Additional time. If there's specific information about turning on your accessibility, mode and then using browser zoom screen magnifiers, the color contrast settings which should be respectful of whatever browser choices are made and then this please contact disability. support is going to go to disability support at Pearson Dot Com. and that's how you can get back in touch with us. If you've noticed any problems or if you'd like some additional information. And we can provide specific information for individual textbooks. We have vpats or Acrs accessibility, conformance reports available for all of our sort of working areas. And the last thing I wanted to pull up was just this was the document that I had about access to math for blind students, and how it is again a global issue that we're trying to overcome. But I wanted to show you all that in addition to what we've currently got looking at what research shows us about the way that students prefer to interact with math and Pearson is doing its own internal research or our internal teams are doing their own research to be able to make sure that we're sort of going about the next generation of our products in a way that is going to really meet the needs of all students. And so with that in mind as well we do have of course, the command line entry and using the character set when it's available. But we have that accessibility mode to keep. Make sure that students are not at all given barriers by that math palette which some visual users might prefer. With that I don't have a lot more to show you we do have again. You can see results, and go through all of these pieces of information using the screen reader. The study plan also works for screen readers anything that we have that has a video. We'll probably link to a new opening that one's really large in this lesson. Oh, it's because i'm still thinking to learn what a factor. But we have plenty of options for being able to view the video information as a transcript. I'm trying to see where I had that it was in our course home. Am I in course up yeah where's our okay learned about homepage Something went. Something has disappeared since ever I was in here before, unless I was in my instructor home Sorry I have lost something. I was going to say on the study plan. In addition with the videos I've got to get that pulled up without the browser zoom. The we do have buttons out here for practice and quiz me, and this will go into other math players. Again, whenever we have the option of choosing questions, we make sure that we choose the accessibility ones with the study plans. This practice comes up in the same math player, so we have the same accessibility. Options and features, but because these were not selected or curated, they may include inaccessible questions, and so we would have to go in and just curate those pre constructed assignments in order to ensure that they are fully accessible. and you can do that, just going in and editing eliminating any questions that don't have that ear icon And I wanted to show you that our videos do have captions transcripts and the descriptive video file attached to it. Let's see if I can make this smaller because we're going to learn what a factor is, and how to find all of the factors of a number. right. So actually, this one is not showing me a magic Scripture transcript. Typically right here with our info button, we have a Dv. Button that's available and again this is really specific for the textbook that i'm using. Yours will be specific for the textbook that you're using And so, if you have a video that does not adequately describe in its current audio what is on the screen, and it should have descriptions then that's something that we are working to make sure is is happening, and so the same thing i'll say is true. If you have any supplemental materials with Powerpoint or Pds. If you come across anything that is not accessible. Those are 3 areas that are sort of separate from the platform, but are things that we are absolutely working to improve. So videos without visual descriptions anything wrong with where documents powerpoints are pds, and if y'all will let us know we'll add those 2 a queue to make sure that they go through the processing to to have everything added to them that they need in order to be fully accessible element. >>Donna: So typically you again, you will see a descriptive video icon there that should be helpful, Lindsey. >>Lindsey: That's wonderful to hear that you're aware of the Pdf issues that you know, have always been a band of our existence, as tdis that not all Pdfs are created equally not at all. And we just hate them in general, but but they're they're part of that The education system Right now. I don't think would if We told them you didn't have Pdfs anymore. >>Donna: Everyone would just have a fit. Yes, they would. do. We have any questions coming up? Have any of you all used math excel before or have a campus that's using math excel or district I really really appreciate you coming today? and and talking, to us because it may be that math excel is out there right? and Allison says it's it's been a bit, and it could be away. And Cynthia says, yes, in New York. this could be a way that we find accessible alternate assignments for students. >>Donna: When the assignments there being given paper, pencil type, assignments are are not accessible. So it it could be an option for us, as tbis working with our math teachers. On how to make those assignments more accessible if that a bit is available. So I very much appreciate you coming in let us know what features are available for us within the the Pearson family. >>Lindsey: No problem. and if You're looking at different textbooks and considering pure standard options, then feel free to reach out to disability, dot support at Pearson dot com, that's the easiest way to kind of get in and be part of our our ticketing workflow system sort of thing. but it's it ralph to us, and it'll allow us to look at that textbook on your behalf. And answer any questions that might come up to make sure that it is the best option. I will say across the board, if a newer addition of your textbook is available. then the newer addition is probably more accessible. Because of the work that we're doing anything that is a digital text. It's getting better each time. That we go through an iteration and that's not to say that we're not updating legacy or older content. It's just what I can what I can give some guarantees for. And so, as far as really good alternative text making sure it's not too verbose, but it's accurate and making sure that the accessibility is make done with things like video descriptions, then that is something that newer editions will afford you. and it can be definitely worth the change. And that's another thing that is working what accessibility changes have made between the last edition in the next edition. So if if that's, something as sort of coordinators or or staff and faculty that you all can look at, then I encourage the new addition. >>Donna: Considerations that's great information thank you so much we have about 12 min left in our session, and if you wouldn't mind cause i'm gonna save this chat dropping any links that you think would be important for us, and that that disability contact. That would be wonderful, as we are running through our closing items for the day. >>Lindsey: And thank you so much, Lindsey, for for taking your time out to come and visit with us I've been working to get back to to get back to the Mississippi School for the Blind and death and and visit with them and see what's happening. and i've been researching a lot this week on the best ways for students who are blind, or visually impaired to be able to tie it in math and figuring out what's the right answer there? And going to resources who have been in y'all shoes before, and I've worked with students. One on one is is the place where i'm finding the best answers to those questions. >>Donna: And I think my last question, which you might not know cause we've talked about it being Mac and Pc. Accessible. How are we looking on? Note takers that are tablet based like our brown note touch, which has a lot of math features and a lot of robust support within as a device are you looking at tablet support or >>Lindsey: Brown or or not taker type supports and you may not know that that could be a question to come back to. Actually I do have some We test on for mobile browsers. We do 2 different typical tests unless we're asked to do additional. And it's the ios 14 ipad using safari and voice over and android 10 tablet from Google Chrome using talk back And so again, because of the testing group that we work with they rely on screen, reader output instead of braille output and and that's pretty typical across the industry. But it is being tested on both Google and and apple tablets to ensure that we have that mobile robustness as well. >>Donna: Awesome. So our kids are using tablets nowadays. Right? >>Lindsey: I I I was curious about that. and if the braille display, root, refreshable grail display allowed for the robustness on a tablet that you would need when in absence of a touch screen There's a there's a really great quote that I think about every time I sort of. And with Alyssa she demonstrates using braille, instead of having her screenwriter turned on. And it's that if something is sufficiently technologically advanced. It's indistinguishable for magic and I think That's how a lot of people see braille and refreshable route output. >>Donna: And so it's a very cool thing that we've we've gotten that far with technology, and i'm proud to say that Pearson is working hard to say called up. Oh, thanks, I thank goodness for that we we need some >>Lindsey: we company more companies like pearson who are working to stay caught up and and give our kids that that even playing fields so we definitely appreciate that as we come to our last 9 min. >>Donna: Let's check out those of you who are new to tea time, or if you have come to see time before then you know that everything is posted. Post post session on my website, and that is a Google site. It is not associated with with the Tsbi website, and that is at Site Google. And I always forget that I cannot copy it there. And so, if you need that link, it will be there in the chat document saved >>Donna: In that resource. We also have shortcuts and lesson plans for Brown out such chameleon. No, we're working on Mantis 40 for those of you that are getting the mantis also working on jaws. we have assessment resources, and then all of our tea times with their handouts are listed on that website. So it is happy holidays. I am so excited to announce that we are continuing tea time. This was a dream of mine to start. Once I came to Tsbbi in August. This is now my fifth month there and we have had tea time every week since October, so I'm so excited to say that that we are continuing to time in January with all new topics we're going for some Oh, thank you marissa that you are enjoying my lesson. Plans. I work so hard on them so i'm glad someone is using them. Thank you so much. We have a ph coming to visit in January, and talking about all the new things coming around with a ph. We are going to have another session on braille displays and the star testing and how to navigate the online. The auto platform for star testing, so that will be in, I believe. February. So we will have sessions starting up right after the break. If you have any suggestions of sessions that you would like to have, then please fill out this form, and I do check them very often. To make sure that we have the topics that are meeting your needs. So please join us for our New year. tea time now. Our code. I think some of you that come weekly are are catching on to my codes. Here. Our closing code for this week is 1, 2, 1, 5, 2, 2, so 1215, 22. Happy holidays, everyone self-care. Take care of yourself. Get a good break, have fun with your family, and relax during your your break, and be ready to come back in the New Year. Take that breath at all of us. need and happy holidays and I appreciate every one of you, and I hope to see you all back in January, We are going to have the gift of time We're going to end 5 min early. I am going to adjust that time so even even though we're ending 5 min early, Those of you that attended, or the minimum amount of time will look at your evaluations and certificates. so have a good day gift of time, Mary Mary. Holidays to every everyone out there, and have a good one. Be safe. Thank you, Lindsey. Thanks All have a good one Nathan, Are we good?