Project Math Access DVD 03 - Graphing - Part 04 Transcript Start Audio Description: Part four; Graph-It; example one; parabola. TEACHER: Hi, my name is Angel Seleb, and I'm a vision teacher. And this is Brandon Kozak. We are going to demonstrate how to use the Graph-It program using a Braille Lite and a Braille Blazer embosser. So, Brandon... First we're going to do is to turn on all your equipment. BRANDON: Now, we need to turn the Braille Lite on first, right? TEACHER: Yes. BRANDON: Okay, so first we must turn on the Braille Lite. BRAILLE LITE: (opening commands) BRANDON: Now, we must turn on the Braille Blazer, while getting around all these wires. TEACHER: And the power switch is a rocker switch on the back of the Blazer. On the far right side, as you're facing the front. Audio Description: The Braille Blazer is on Brandon's right-hand side. BLAZER: (start-up sounds) Braille Blazer ready. BRANDON: Okay. TEACHER: Good job. Now that you have it all on, we're ready to start. and we're going to go into the Graph-It program. BRANDON: And we do that by pressing O chord for option. And the we press F... Now, in this particular case you may have to do... depending on whether it's the last file in your folder, or not, but in this case it is, so we press 4 5 6 chord, to go to the end of the folder. BLAZER: (speaks) BRANDON: And that is the file we go into for the Graph-It program. From there we press O chord to open. BLAZER: (speaks) BRANDON: That's a whole bunch of... TEACHER: Identifying information for the program. So, we want to start out and enter an equation, so... doing that we do an E chord. For entry 1. BRANDON: Yes. Now, all equations entered into Graph-It must be entered in y=mx+b format. TEACHER: Which is the Y intercept... BRANDON: slope intercept... TEACHER: ...slope intercept format. TEACHER: The first one we're going to do is to graph a parabola, Y = X squared. BRANDON: Yes, and now.... when you do this, there are to be no spaces between any terms. So, now, we type in Y... Now, for the "=" sign in Graph-It all equations must be entered in computer braille notation. Please make note of that. And the "=" sign in computer braille notation is a full cell. TEACHER: Dots 1, 2, 3,4 ,5, 6. No spaces involved. Okay, so you have y equals, and we're going to do X squared. So you put in your X... and then a U chord... and then dots 4, 5. And then a 2. BRANDON: Yes, all numbers must be entered in Nemeth Code. TEACHER: Okay, you have your equation in there. What do you need to do from there? BRANDON: And then you need to press.... TEACHER: E chord. BRANDON: Yes. TEACHER: Okay, so now it's in there. And now to emboss it... BRANDON: emboss the graph, we press a P chord. TEACHER: P chord. BRANDON: What, didn't I say that? TEACHER: It's alright, I'm just repeating. BRANDON: In case they didn't understand TEACHER: That's right. BLAZER: (begins making buzzing sounds) TEACHER: And now it's plotting the graph of the parabola BLAZER: (loud buzzing) TEACHER: This is not something you would probably do in the middle of math class. BRANDON: No, thank you, because the Braille Blazer would be way too noisy. BLAZER: (loud buzzing continues) BRANDON: It would definitely be a distraction. TEACHER: Absolutely. BLAZER: (loud buzzing continues) Audio Description: The graph is about one-third complete. The graph shows a parabola in quadrants I and II intersecting the origin. The graph is about three-quarters complete. TEACHER: It's a speedy process.3 BRANDON: Yes. TEACHER: Alright, to get the graph out, we need to advance the paper. Which is the rocker switch on the left side. Audio Description: Brandon locates the paper advance button. TEACHER: Go a little bit more. Stop there... tear it off. Audio Description: The teacher tears off the graph. TEACHER: Okay, I'll show you the graph here. Audio Description: The teacher hands the graph to Brandon. BRANDON: I want to hold it up so they can see it. TEACHER: Let's hold it up this way. BRANDON: Okay. TEACHER: This is the graph, okay? BRANDON: This is the graph we just made. TEACHER: Y equals X squared. It's a parabola. Okay. Show me where the X axis is... This program's a very handy tool for graphing equations. It allows you to have the same functions or similar functions as a graphing calculator, something a sighted person might use. BRANDON: This is the X axis... TEACHER: That is the Y axis actually. BRANDON: Oh. TEACHER: This is the X. TEACHER: The X axis goes along the short way of the paper... horizontal. And the Y is vertical... and the parabola starts in the upper left, quadrant ll. Moves down to the origin, on a diagonal, and then goes up to the right BRANDON: in quadrant I. TEACHER: You've just produced your first graph. Good job. BRANDON: Thank you.